Chapter 15 : For Making My Heart Flutter

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Chapter 15 : For Making My Heart Flutter 

She Stares at him as he hovers over her cupping her left cheek in his palm he leans in as a sigh escapes her lips ..His lips curves up seeing the effect he has on her .She splays her hands on his chiseled chest ..She closes her eyes more as he leans in more as He places a soft kiss on her forehead ..."Nooo" She screeches opening her eyes pushing him ..She blinks her twice trying to find him in the room ..She is in her room in her mattress on the floor ..She covers her face with her palms cribbing "That good for nothing handsome jerk" She whines "He does not leave me in my dreams even" She faces palms herself as flashes of two hours comes before her .

"I Was Serious When I Told I am Gonna try & steal you from him!" He whispers to her as She opens her eyes shocked to find him giving him a sly grin .Her mouth forms "O" Shaped .."You" She points her index finger poking his chest "That is not goanna happen with me!" She whispers angrily .."Is it So?' He smirks still holding her in his arms .She whacks his head "Ouch" He leaves her as he rubs "Why?" He whines ..Madhu shrugs giving him a lopsided grin "For Making my heart flutter" The words slips from her tongue before she could swallow it down ..His cranky faces gets replaced with sly grin as he raises his one brow .."I did not hear properly" he puts his pinky finger in trying to clear his ear as She stutters .."I Said you jerk is getting on my nerves !".."ohh" His faces falls as She scolds herself mentally Stop poking my heart you stupid brain that jerk is on my mind not heart !! that good-for-nothing-handsome jerk !! Her mind yells .."Handsome?" Heart whispers .."Handsome when did I call that jerk handsome!" She gives an innocent smile to her heart !.."You did " argues the heart".."No no no !!" Madhu shouts closing her ears at her heart to herself..

"Mr.Rajesh Khanna, Best Psychologist," Rishab gives her a card ..She looks at him clueless as his words vaguely registers in her mind her nose flares in anger .."What is that for ?" She asks him moving closer angrily .."For Psycho's " He tells innocently biting his lower lip .."Do I Look like one?..."Let's check ?" He takes hold of her wrists and pulls her front on the mirror "See for yourself !!" ..Madhu being Madhu Looks at herself from head to toe and turns around to check by herself from which angle does she looks like a psycho ..Rishab starts laughing sitting on the bed seeing her antics ..Madhu frowns as She Looks at him "You ..that ..too ..toe " He tells in between his laughter ..His words comes flying in the air and drops on her head ..her hairs straightening in anger You bloody brain! you stupid did what he asked you to do ! Don't you have a brain !!Her brain scolds her brain .."Stop scolding yourself you idiot brain " Scolds my heart ".."Stop" Madhu shouts at herself as She closes her eyes throwing her hands down in the air .She opens her eyes hearing a chuckle "I can get an appointment tomorrow at 9 Be Ready !" He tells with chuckle as She scrutinizes her eyes at him "What for ?".."Phy..sco" He stresses as She gets hold of a vase to throw at him ..His expressions was worth a watch as his lips curve down his orbs widens in fear ..She smirks. "Good job" Her Brain tell her ..Her Heart whispers "ohh poor handsome jerk !".."What the hell is wrong?" Her Brain yells "What is wrong?" her heart asks back .."Are you falling for him that you feel sorry to hit him ?"Her brain asks her heart... "No way " Madhu shouts loudly Looking at him ..

He chuckles loudly "I am Declaring Officially That Madhubala Malik has Gone Mad Hearing That Rishab is Going to Steal her !!" ..She throws the vase at him as he ducks himself on time "You mad women !!" he shouts pissed..She gets hold of the Spatula .His eyes widens more & more if possible seeing her in a murdering pose with the spatula in her right hand Where the heck that woman find one ? He wonders You idiot your meena maa's room of course!! she has everything needed here !!.."Madhu I was just joking " He tells her hurriedly .."Joking? you monkey !!" She yells chasing him around the bed round & round Finally Rishab climbs on the bed as Madhu Looks at him With a Murderous glare ready to strangle him .."Of course Tiny Creature !! " He gives her a smugly smile raising his arms up in the air .."You jerk!! You have the nerve to answer me back" She tells angrily narrowing her brows as he gives her an ISN"T-IT-OBVIOUS Look ..She Silently gets on the bed as The jerk keeps on looking at her Lost in her Features "She Looks cute" A Slip of tongue from him as Her murderous look gets replaced by a clueless look still spatula in her one hand "Ahh?" ..His mind diverts him to Look forward vaguely dropping the bomb of his slip on his head ..He gives her sheepish smile "I said Spatula Looks Cute!" ..She starts giggling her giggles turns into laughs "Cute and Spatula ?" She holds her stomach and laughs out as He smacks the back of his head "I Hereby officially confirm that my disease has Spread to Rishab...Nahhh ..Kamina !!" She declares pressing her lips together .."I totally lost it being with her !!" he mutters to himself bringing his palms to his face ..

"Madhu Rishab !!" Meena shouts shocked seeing their positions Madhu with a spatula in her hand laughing like a maniac while Rishab frowning at her and both top of the bed standing ...Startled by the sudden voice they both end up stumbling ..Rishab falls on Madhu taking her under him as She gapes out loudly ...

She moves her two fingers away from her eyes as She feels him dangerously close to her ..The way he is looking at her it did not make her feel weird or disgusted it never made her feel anything like that when it was related to him She does not know why or She does not have any answers to it either .He tucks a hair strand behind her ear as her breath quickens ..

Ishq tu hi hai mera
Mushq tu hi hai mera
Tu hi to nasha mera
Tu hi maikhana mera
Tu hi paimana mera
Tu hi to junoon mera

"Madhu Rishab " Meena calls out worried breaking their moment as Rishab moves away from her and gets down the bed dusting his t-shirt ..Madhu moves and stands next to Rishab ..Meena raises her one eye suspiciously "What were you guys doing on top of the bed ? With Spatula in your hand Madhu ?" ..Madhu looks down at her hand.."I said she is a psycho and she ended up proving that !!" Rishab moves forward holding Meena's arm .."What? you Monkey !!" Madhu yells flaring her nose "I hate him !!" She declares stomping her foot throwing daggers at him and leaves the room .."I hate her !!' Rishab gives his followed by her and leaves the room .Menaa's Lips curves up in a Knowing smile as She shakes her head chuckling.

Rishab corners Madhu on her room wall as She looks at him with wide eyed ..She splays her hand on his chest intending to push him ..He holds both her hands and pins it to the wall over her head as She glares at him "What the hell is wrong with you ?" She asks pissed ..He leans forward still having her in place and whispers "You look cute in pj's with those Cinderella printed on it "..She feels butterflies flying around in front on her eyes Seriously Madhu Butterflies that to front of your eyes ? her brain mocks at her !! Her heart asks doubtfully "Isn't it suppose to be in the stomach?".."Stop it !! You two !" Madhu yells at her brain and her heart .Rishab leaves loosens the hold on her hands as it slips down slowly and he steps back "Are you sure you aren't not meeting Rajesh Khanna ?" He asks her seriously "Who is Rajesh ?" She asks unsure ..Rishab takes two steps back from her as He tells her loudly "Psychologist !!" .."Kamina!!" She clenches her fist seeing him running out with a laugh ..She stomps her foot irritated with a deep frown plastered on her face ..Rishab pokes his head in again "Dream about me !!" and runs for his life as Madhu throws a pillow at him "Why the hell is he messing my genius mind & lovely heart " She whines pushing her face in to the pillow."I hate him!!" Madhu pulls the blanket over her trying to assure himself "Is it So? her heart whispers .."Not again !! " Madhu yells pulling her hair and places her head on the pillow trying to catch some sleep.

"Now he is kissing me in my dreams !!" She covers her face with her palms whining "I Just Need some Sleep Away from him !!" She mutters to herself "I Hate You Kamina!!" She assures herself placing her hand on her heart stroking it !!..She closes her eyes but She cribs "Kamina again !!" ..She throws away her quilt getting up rubbing her eyes .."I am gonna sleep with maa " She gets up to leave adjusting her t-shirt ..Her eyes falls on the mirror as she looks at herself "You look cute in pj's with those Cinderella printed on it" a blush creeps up her cheeks as her lips curve up "Not again!! " She whispers holding her cheeks and Leaves the room blush never leaving her face as She wraps her arms around Her maa and goes into slumber with of course that's Jerk never leave her even in her dreams.


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