Chapter 11 : Her Trials Continues

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Chapter 11 : Her Trials Continues

"Trishna What I am Suppose to do ? Those Devils are not cooperating with me ? Madhu whines putting her face between her palms tired .."Don't Call My Superstar A Devil" Trishna puffs out in anger ..Madhu chuckles "The Only Angel in The Mansion is Your Superstar ".."I Know!!" Trishna tells her dreamily..Madhu taps Trishna to get her out of her dreamland .."Trishu Tell me A Way Out Please !! ".."Let Me Think !! I am Not a Machine"."After I pass my Fifties " Madhu retorts back sarcastically .."Where is My Dabbang Girl ?" Trishna asks ."Madhu Your Mission is Like possible & at the same time mission impossible ..But I know Jhansi Rani will tame then " She tells the last part Cheerfully bringing a smile on Madhu's Lips .

"Catch them Off guard !! ..First Step..Let's Do it!!" Madhu jumps up on her chair "Rock, paper Scissors " Madhu shouts standing in front of Mukund with her hands fist indicating a rock ..Mukund who was coming down shocked & surprised at the same time to see her with a playful smile on her face "Let's play Rock , Paper Scissors Mukund please " She shows her puppy eyes .."Okay Start".. "Scissors".."Paper".."I won Mukund" Madhu says proudly .."No let's start again Madhu"..."paper" " rock".."I won Mukund " She shouts ..."Okies What do you want ?" ..."Let's eat together?" ...Mukund walks away ...

"What The Hell!!" Sultan Shouts almost stumbling back trying to balance himself from falling to see Madhu standing in front of him with a mischievous smirk She had come running seeing him almost bumping into him but she balanced herself but Sultan ! Which Means Danger!! For Sultan " Sultannn" She stresses " What?" he barks at her ..She smacks his head "Stop Smacking "He whines rubbing his head "Then Don't Bark !! Let's play Flip a coin ?" .."Is it even a game?" Sultan mocks at her ..She glares at him "Okay !! "..."Head" Sultan declares as Madhu flips the coin "Tail...I won yyayyy ..Let's eat together !!" She tells cheerfully ..Sultan walks away just like that ..

She gets into the Lion's Den , I meant Kamina's Room , to See Him Dancing His Body synchronize into the rhythm ..His dark orbs framed by graceful brows never leaving his steps ..he had one day old stubble..Sweat dripping down from his templeHis Six abs muscles rippled across his body while he changes each step.Madhu was so engrossed that she had forgotten the purpose of her visit ..She did not feel the song playing in the background had stopped lost in his features ..He snaps his finger front of her making her come into her senses "I..." She stammers "Why the Hell are you here?" He snaps at her ..She whacks the back of his head telling angrily "Stop snapping!!.." .."Your Highness Can I know the Purpose of Your Visit to My Chamber ?" He tells sarcastically bowing down making her giggle out "You are too cute !!"...He frowns irritated .."Rock..Pap.." She starts but is cut off by Rishab "Get Lost" and walks away leaving Her alone in His Room ..."I Hate Them !!" She yells out Whining Loudly Stomping her foot ..

She sets up the table and waits for the Boys to arrive but None shows up making her dull and cranky .."Madhu are you sure you can? I guess you just drop the idea!" Bittu tells her taking his seat in the dining table.."Bittuji I have promised ..I will keep my word "She answers underrated..

"Meena Maa " She hugs her from behind While She is cleaning the Kitchen .."Beti aren't you asleep yet ?" .."No maa I Don't know How I am goanna make the together ".."Madhu Let me Share some Knowledge of them !!" This instantly brings a smile on her face .."Sultan was all alone from the age of 10 Madhu ..That Boy did not have anyone beside him Since his Father's Death , His mother was out all the time So Mr.Kundra Send him abroad when he was 10 growing up alone & eating alone maybe makes him uncomfortable to have a meal with Family "...Madhu gets sad hearing that She always knew behind that playboy mask he has some pain which she had noticed many times when he sits alone .

"Mukund He is a Superstar He is always on his diet plan So maybe He eats less "..."Then Rishab?" She asks hopefully She wants to know about him Why She has no reasons .."I know him less as He started living with us since a year !!"..Madhu is Shocked due to the new information "But Madhu that Boy has something around him he may seem rude & arrogant but his heart is full of love ..You know what he too calls me Maa , at times He use to call me to dine with him " She tells lovingly making Madhu grin widely .."But Since few days he seems disturbed we could not talk much " Meena tells her sadly .."No worries Maa I'll get them back " She tells Cheerfully kissing her cheeks .."That's my girl , They are quite pitiful Madhu they've got wealth but not love".."Maa Do you know their Favorites Dishes?"

"Step Two get them Drooling Over The Food" Madhu Chirpily talks to herself setting the table front of their Room Doors as Both Sultan's & Rishab's Rooms was to her room's left & right and Mukund's room was to her front it makes her work easier Her plan Is to Bring the Kundra's to the table by wafting the smell towards their rooms ..As expected It did not take long for them to get out of their respective rooms ..Stomachs growling , mouths drooling they stare at the food longingly making Madhu giggle mentally ..Madhu asks them innocently "Do you guys Want Some?".. Bittu is already on his work gobbling & moaning at the same time as they watch ..Sultan walks forward and ends up Whacking Bittuji as he takes A Piece of Sultan's Favorite Food Lasagne ..Mukund closes his eyes and turns around walking away as Sultan too leaves the place with great difficulty ...Rishab could not help but is left transfixed He walks over to the table and stares at his Delicious White Sauce Pasta ..Madhu brings a spoonful near his mouth ..unable to get over Rishab opens his mouth Soon as the Spoon touches his lips he comes to senses "Get Lost" He mutters weakly and leaves the place sadly .. "Madhu You should drop " Bittu Suggests again swallowing down His Favorite Pasta Making Madhu whack Bittuji's head and leaves the place not before talking a plate of his pasta ...

Rishab tries to get some sleep but is unable to He is Hungry He stirs around the bed but to no avail He gets up thinking to dance to divert his mind..A Knock on the door ..He opens the Door to See Madhu with a plate of Pasta .."Get Lost" he was about to close the door but on time Madhu puts her foot in and enters the room pushing him aside "Have it " She tells extending the plate but He Being the Angry Young Man "get Lost!!".."Have this!".."Get out !!.." .."Rishab are you so upset that I moved in ? That you do not like to have Food from my hand? " She asks him sadly .."It was your choice but just STAY out of My WAY "' He yells at her ...

"Is it a Threat ?" She chuckles and Continues "I have A mission to Fulfill So this threats will not work on me Remember until my mission succeeds I will not Leave you alone "..He holds her arms tightly digging his nails into her soft skin "Play Making family Somewhere Else" He snaps looking deep into her eyes angrily as the two stare at each other ...He leaves her making her stumble a bit ..

She whispers angrily "Have you ever once considered this place your home? Have you ever once considered accepting Sultan & Mukund as your family? All you care about are you own feelings, so you don't care if you end up hurting the other right? You won't get a family just by staying in this dark place by yourself , Move on From your past !! "..Making him stop dead on his track ..She places the plate on the side table ..Moving closer to him She shouts near his ears "Have this Pasta or Get Lost " ..She takes two stops forward turning around "Thank you For Retrieving the Flowers That Day " with that said She leaves the place .


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