Leave richie alone 54

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What once was - her's

Eddie; hey... Derrick?

Derrick; yeah. Who is this

Eddie; I'm Eddie! We've met once before

Derrick; right, you're the guy that made Richie break up with me

Eddie; well... technically, that was you. But I'm the guy he got together with after you guys broke up

Derrick; nah nah. That's not what happened

Eddie; whatever, it doesn't matter

Derrick; what do you want

Eddie; um well... you need to leave Richie alone

Derrick; and why would I do that?

Eddie; well you're hurting him. Maybe not physically, but mentally and emotionally.

Derrick; what do you mean? All we do is have sex.

Eddie; right, right, right. But has he ever ya know not wanted to have sex and you did?

Derrick; yeah, like all the time.

Eddie; and do you ever... ya know force him

Derrick; yeah, I guess, sometimes

Eddie; really?

Derrick; yeah. And sometimes he puts up a fight and I have to drug him. It's not a big deal.

Derrick; why? Did he do that with you?

Eddie; no, never.

Derrick; oh then why are you asking?

Eddie; so I have proof when I go to the cops

Derrick; what?

Eddie; you're how old, Derrick? 22? And Richie is 17. So you've been raping and drugging a 17 year old boy with mental health issues and you don't see a problem with that?

Derrick; I'll say you lied

Eddie; dude. Do you not understand what's going on right now?

Derrick; I'm not gonna get into trouble. Richie already tried to tell them and when they did nothing he just came right back

Eddie; and why did he come back?

Derrick; because I told him to

Eddie; is he afraid of you?

Derrick; maybe. Idk.

Eddie; well, I'm not.

Derrick; ok. Good luck anyway with your dumb idea

Eddie; aw thanks.!!

-Eddie to Stan-

Eddie; omg he literally confessed everything

Eddie; every single thing

Stan; how did you do that?

Eddie; idk.

Stan; when are you gonna go to the cops?

Eddie; right now.

Stan; does Richie know you're doing this?

Eddie; no.

Eddie; I don't think he does

Stan; should you maybe tell him?

Eddie; why? He won't want to do it

Stan; you know he just wants to be with you

Stan; he doesn't care if Derrick is out there

Eddie; I do. He hurt richie. I don't want him alive

Stan; they aren't gonna kill him, Eddie.

Eddie; I just want richie to be happy

Eddie; and not feel tied to Derrick

Eddie; and to never be hurt again

Stan; rich stopped taking his meds

Eddie; I assumed

Stan; I'm sorry I couldn't do more for him

Eddie; you tried your best. I guess.

Stan; there is only so much I could do...

Eddie; I just wish my mom didn't take me away. Everything would be so much different

Stan; yeah you and Richie would be the schools "it" couple

Eddie; that's you and mike, sweetie

Stan; do you want me to go to the cops with you?


Stan; heha okay

Eddie; meet me @ the library

Stan; okay see you soon

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