Chapter 19

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I felt warmth immediately surround me as Katsuki wrapped me in a towel. I felt his body hover behind mine as he tightly gripped my shoulders.

"For f**** sake! Use an umbrella next time!"

Hitoshi snapped his head to us, his lavender eyes immediately narrowed and a scowl was placed on his face. I'm well aware of his dislike for Katsuki and well Katsuki, I'm sure he doesn't like him either.

"Oi, bastard? What're you doing here!?"

Katsuki spoke up and moved me aside so he could stand threateningly in front of Hitoshi's desk.

"I'm in this class now, Bakugou, you have a problem?"

Hitoshi's signature smirk appeared on his face as he placed his hands on the table. He furrowed a brow and tilted his head, his damp purple hair swayed to the side. He's like...super...omg.

"F*** you think? I don't want a f****** creep in this class!"


His crimson eyes glared down at me as he leaned on one foot to the other.

"Tsk, whatever."

He turned and walked back to his seat and sat down, fuming quietly to himself.

"S-Sorry about that."

Hitoshi's eyes looked a little darker than usual as he glared holes in the back of Katsuki's head.

"Why is he so obedient?"

His smooth voice broke the tiny bit of silence that fell between us.

"I'm not sure, I guess he doesn't want to argue."

Hitoshi rolled his eyes and instead turned his attention to me, he grabbed my hand in his and pulled me close enough to stand next to his chair.

"I had fun, thank you for waking up early with me."

He smiled lazily at me and I felt my heart thud once again.

"Thank you for taking me, I really appreciate it!"

He smiled gently at me, his hair hung in his face again and it took all of me not to run my hands through it.

"Aizawa is coming!"

Kirishima shouted and we all scrambled to our seats, Hitoshi sat somewhat in front of me so I watched as he looked around lazily and slid smoothly in his seat. Aizawa walked into the room and rubbed his eyes. I looked at my teacher and Hitoshi multiple times, they both had the same bored and tired expression on their face.

"But let's put that aside. Today's hero informatics period is a little special for multiple reasons. First, as you all must have noticed, we have a new student transferred in the hero course by recommendation."

Everyone gasped and turned to Hitoshi. I heard mutters about who recommended him and how they didn't think that it was possible.

"Shinso Hitoshi, he's a strong yeah."

Aizawa-sensei sleepily rubbed his eyes and grabbed a stack of papers, immediately moving on from the pizzaz of a new student.

"Other than that, it's time to formulate your codenames. Your hero names."

Everyone stood up in their seats and cheered, I raised my fist in the air despite not having a single clue as to what my hero name should be.

"This is related to the draft nominations by pros I mentioned a few days ago. The nominations will truly start mattering only after you've gained some experience and your adaptable fighting ability is judged during your sophomore and senior years. In other words, the nominations you're getting this year are more akin to expressions of interest in your future potential."

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