Chapter 27

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Hitoshi and I loaded onto the large bus along with the other students of Class A. Today was the day I've been looking forward to for weeks, the first day of our lodging trip. Everyone was buzzing with excitement as we took our seats. Hitoshi and I settled for the middle of the bus, that way, we'd be able to be under the air conditioner. He stood aside and let me slide into the window seat and immediately slid in next to me.

"It's where we went for our internship right?"


He put his arm around me and let me lean onto his warm shoulder.

"We have a long ride."

I smirk up at him and watch as he slightly tilts his head to look at me. He dips his head down and places a small kiss on my nose.

"Yes it will be, but we get to cuddle."

I hummed in content as I leaned my face in the crook of his neck.

"I wonder what type of stuff we'll be doing, I want to get to the extent of my dimensional skills, without the getting sick part of course."

"Hm, yeah I just need to do some physical training and training with the scarf."

The bus started to slowly shake as it took off down the road. All around us were excited rambling and every now and then an angry shout from Katsuki. I haven't spent a ton of time with him lately, maybe we'll hang out a bit at the camp.



"Do you dislike that I hang out with Katsuki?"

I heard him sigh deeply and I felt my stomach drop to the pit of my stomach. He slowly rubbed my back and leaned onto my head.

"I used to dislike how close you two were when I felt like I couldn't make progress with you, but the more I spend time with you and the class, I realize that there was no need to ever worry. Nothing can get in between that rage monster and his goals of being number one."

I giggle and wrap my arms tightly around his torso. I hear his steady heartbeat as I lean my head on his chest. I timidly reach out to hold onto his hand and smile quietly to myself.

"I love you."

His heartbeat immediately picked up causing me to giggle. He chuckled, the deep noise vibrating in his chest.

"I love you too."


"Charlie, sweetness, wake up!"

I groaned and rubbed my eyes as Hitoshi shook his shoulder aggressively to wake me up.

"We're here?"

"No, I don't think so, Shota said it's just for a small break."


I stand up and stretch my arms out.

"Erm, Aizawa."

I quirk a brow at Hitoshi as we get off of the bus. We're exactly where we parked a few weeks ago. I sighed loudly as I felt the warm rays of sunshine hit my face.

"Ah! This feels so nice! Especially after being on such a cold bus! Right?"

Hitoshi merely ran his hands through his hair with closed eyes, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, it feels great."

So. Cute.

"Lock on target with sparkly eyes!"

"While our cute cute stingers sting!"

"Wild Wild!"


From the Other Dimension - A Hitoshi Shinsou FanficWhere stories live. Discover now