Chapter 31: All Your Life

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It felt good to be home, back in my own bed. My sister was moving back in with Colby because Dylan was going to stay in Kansas for a month and she didnt want to stay at the house all by herself.

Therefore, we had to clean up the middle bedroom and make it a livable space. Justin and I had been home for a week and it was the weekend.

My mom called everybody and told them about the party, which was gonna be in 2 weeks from now. I invited my closest friends, the ones who have been with me and stuck by me and never left. That was my friends from Youth, plus Youth minister, Lexi, and Kassie.

Justin said he had a surprise guest coming, i had no clue who it was and i gave up asking him because everyone i thought it was he said he wasnt telling and i will just have to see in 2 weeks.

So we spent our Saturday morning cleaning out the guest bedroom. My mom. my dad, Justin and me all in a small bedroom, yeah okay.

My dad went to get more boxes and trash bags from the storage building he built in the back yard, and my mom went to go get breakfast so me and Justin got stuck in the bedroom.

You see this was my old room so a lot of my stuff that i didnt want is in here plus there is embarrassing pictures and projects and crap that i would rather not not talk about.

"Hey whats this?" Justin asked holding a journal. On the front cover it read 'Sophie's songbook DO NOT TOUCH!!!'

"Nothing, just some songs i wrote when i was like 10." I told him and he opened it.

He skimmed through all the songs until he landed on the one i wrote like 3 years ago about him, it was called All Your Life.

After he was through reading it he turned to me and smiled. "Who is this about?"


"Well its really good. I think it should be your first single. All we have to do is find the right beats and melody and you have a song!"

"Well theres one problem.." I said after awhile.

"Whats that?"

"I dont have a guitar or know how to play one. The only instrument i know how to play is the flute and i havent played since 8th grade."

"Well thats a start. Do you have a guitar shop anywhere near here?"

"Um yeah... Why?"

"Well, if your going to be a singer your going to need a guitar. We can go after we finish cleaning. It looks good so far. We also need to take those things to that donation place your mom was talking about earlier."

"Okay." I laughed.

The room now looked like a bedroom and nothing like a storage room. We picked up a few more things and carried some boxes out to my car.

I told my dad where we were going and we got in my car and we left. Justin put on some shades and put his hood from his hoodie up. I turned the radio on and nothing good was on, so I turned it off.

"What couldnt find anything good?"

"Nope." I took TFIOS out of my purse and started reading.

"Wow your just gonna leave me in silence?" I looked over at him and nodded, then went back to reading.

"Read to me. I love when you read aloud." He smiled at me and i couldnt help but smile back.

"Okay dork." I started reading and i read all the way to Goodwill.

We got the boxes out of the car and gave them to the manager inside. She told us thanks as we walked out. We headed to the guitar center to find my very first acoustic guitar.

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