A Shock To The System

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Jenny had to stop herself from shouting out loud. She had just placed the Sorting Hat on her nephew, Albus's head, and she had expected it to place him in Gryffindor.
"Slytherin!" The hat called again.
She had been shocked enough when Miss Martha Dursley had been placed in Hufflepuff. The child of Harry's fat cousin Dudley.
But this was something Jenny had never even considered happening.
Jenny removed the hat from Albus, who looked just as stunned as she did. He didn't seem to want to get off the stool, which wasn't surprising, as the room had suddenly filled with whispers.
The child of the famous Harry Potter, being placed in Slytherin, was something no one had expected.
Jenny gave Albus a nudge, and he slipped down off the stool, making his way towards the Slytherin table. He took a seat beside Draco Malfoy's son Scorpius, who had already been placed in Slytherin, to no one's surprise.

Jenny cleared her throat, and the room returned to silence, but everyone's eyes were firmly placed on Albus. Trying to act as if nothing was wrong, Jenny continued down the list of first years.
Rose Granger-Weasley had already been placed in Gryffindor, with most of her cousins.
But Lorcan Scamander was placed in Hufflepuff, while his twin brother; Lysander, was placed in Ravenclaw, like his mother Luna.
Once the Sorting was done, Jenny returned to her seat, and Professor McGonagall raised her hands, starting the Welcome back feast.
She tried to focus on what she was eating, but her eyes kept wandering over to Albus.
The other Slytherins were also staring at him, worried that it was some kind of trick, as there was no way, a Potter, would ever end up in Slytherin.

Jenny was the Head of Gryffindor house, but she wasn't against the other houses. Her Godson Teddy Lupin had been in Hufflepuff, which she had no problem with.
Slytherin's reputation had been improving over the years, but most people still saw it as an evil house. Jenny knew that not everyone in Slytherin was evil. The old Potions Master Slughorn, wasn't a bad person.
Nor was the current Head of Slytherin, an ambitious witch named Myra Vance, who Jenny got along well with.
There was a friendly amount of competion between the two for the Quidditch, and House cup. But they didn't hate each other.

While Jenny didn't treat the Slytherin students any differently, having her nephew in that house, was something she didn't feel comfortable with.
Both hers, and Harry's houses were covered in crimson, and Gryffindor was the only school house ever really talked about.
She had 2 nieces from Charlie's side of the family that were in Ravenclaw. But apart from that, every Potter and Weasley was in Gryffindor.
Harry naming the child Albus Severus, must have caused the child to be cursed by Snape, and placed in Slytherin.

Jenny was vaguely aware that someone was talking to her, so she shook her head trying to get rid of her thoughts about Albus, and tried to focus on what Myra was saying.
"...you must be pleased".
Jenny turned to Myra, with a confused look on her face.
"I don't understand" Jenny replied.
"Rose. She's one of your niece's right? Are you happy she's in your house?" Myra asked.
"Oh, Rose, er yeah. I'm pleased"
"You were probably expecting that though. What's Albus like? Will he help me win the house cup this year. Or is he a flyer like his father? Am I going to win the Quidditch cup again?"
"Um. I'm not sure. I don't know him that well"
"Oh well. He's a Potter, so I'm sure he will be a credit to my house either way. I wasn't expecting to get him, and by the look on your face, you weren't expecting it either"
"No, I wasn't".

"I wonder what your nephew Harry will say?" Quizzed Myra.
"I don't know. But I don't think he will take the news well" Jenny admitted.
"Shame. Do you want to tell him, or shall I?"
"I promised to tell him once the feast was over, so he wouldn't have to wait for an owl"
"Ouch. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Having to tell Harry Potter that his son is in Slytherin, is not going to be an easy conversation"
"No, I'm not looking forward to it"
"Oh well. You can't change what's happened. You can't be sorted twice. The Hat's word is final"
"Yeah, I know"
"Still, we've got a lot to look forward to this year. So cheer up".

"Eugh, don't remind me. Planning this thing, is going to be the death of me" complained Jenny.
"Don't say that. It's going to be fun" replied Myra.
"For you maybe. You haven't spent all summer planning the damn thing, and keeping it a secret from your family"
"I guess that's been hard"
"Yes. I'll be glad when I can tell everyone, so I don't have to keep the secret anymore. But until then, we really shouldn't be talking about it, in case someone overhears"
"The students are all the way over there, they can't hear us. And the staff already know"
"Well, I'm not taking the risk. I will not be the one to spill the beans".

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (book 5) 19 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now