The Home Away From Home

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After saying goodbye to Dulani, Jenny and the others made their way back inside the Hogwarts castle.
Once she had collected the things she wanted from her office, Jenny took a slow walk around the school for the last time, ending in the Room of Requirement.
"Why are we here?" Asked Charlie, as he looked around at all the broken furniture, and discarded magical items.
"There's something I need to retrive from this room. I placed it here 18 years ago, and that was the right thing to do at the time. But now it is time for me to face up to my past, and bury it properly, since it doesn't belong here" admitted Jenny.
"You're talking about the Death Eaters snowglobe aren't you?" Questioned Harry, frowning.
"Yes, I am, and I'd like you to get it for me"
"I can't remember where I hid it"
"Well then use a Summoning Charm. Because if you don't, then I will".

Harry relented since he didn't want Jenny using magic and risking her health. So he summoned the snowglobe that Jenny had bought for her boyfriend over 20 years earlier, and moments later it came soaring through the air towards them.
When it landed in Harry's hand, he immediately handed it over to Jenny, not wanting to touch something belonging to a Death Eater, for too long.
"Why do you want that thing back?" He demanded.
"I'm not keeping it close to me, or anything like that. I'm just going to bury it beside his body in my garden. That way no one at Hogwarts will find it accidently" admitted Jenny.
"I'm suprised you didn't dig up his body after what happened. After everything that man did to you, why do you still care about him?"
"The man I loved all those years ago, was not the same man who attacked me. That was one part of his soul, the worst part, that Voldemort had ripped from his body, to get back at me. That thing that tried to assult me was not the real Jack Gibbon"
"Maybe not. But didn't he still betray you, while he was human, by handing you over to Voldemort of his own free will?"
"He did. Which is why I left him, and found someone much better".

Jenny placed one hand into Charlie's, and intwined their fingers together.
"You don't still have feelings for him, do you?" Asked Charlie.
"No. I haven't loved him in a very long time. And to be honest, I haven't thought about him in ages. It's been so long, that I can barely remember the times that me and Jack spent together. You are the man I chose, and the one that I love" reassured Jenny.
"That's good to know. And I think that it's a good idea that you want to take it out of this place. Something like that definately doesn't belong here"
"Thank you. If I wanted to leave some part of me behind, I definately wouldn't want it to be this snowglobe- a reminder of one of the worst times in my life".
Jenny dropped the snowglobe back into her pocket, removing Jack Gibbon from her thoughts.

"We should get going. It's getting late" sighed Harry, as he looked at his watch.
"Yes, it is" yawned Jenny.
"And are you sure that you don't want to stay in your house in Hogsmeade, for the foreseeable future?"
"I'm sure"
"Because I could bring over everything you needed from the manor, it wouldn't be a problem. And if you stayed up here, you wouldn't have to spend a day on a train. It would also be easier for the kids who are still at Hogwarts to visit you".
"He's right Jen. We spent most of our life in that place. That cottage is our home, wouldn't you like to spend your last days there?" Added Charlie.

"Neither of you are going to succeed in convincing me to stay in Hogsmeade. You're right Charlie, that place is our home. Mine and yours. And it's only small. Dozens of people are going to be coming to see me over the next few days, and I don't want them intruding in our house. It was a lovely place to raise Sky, but the manor is our home as well, since we spent several months in it every year, during the holidays.
The cottage in Hogsmeade is a lovely home away from home. And very conveniant for when I was working at Hogwarts. But the Potter Manor is my home. I grew up there, I stayed there when I woke up from my coma, and it's where we lived before I got this job. It is the place where I was born, and it's the place where I want to die... It will also be easier for Harry to stay with us, since the Potter Manor has many spare rooms, that he can stay in" reminded Jenny.

"She has a point" admitted Charlie.
Jenny kissed Charlie's cheek softly, "I know I do".
"Fine, I guess we'll be getting on the Hogwarts Express first thing tomorrow, back to London as planned, and then we'll get a taxi back to the Potter mansion" sighed Harry.
"Yes, we will. And I want to walk back to our cottage tonight, instead of riding in a carriage" admitted Jenny.
"That's not a good idea. It's a long walk down to Hogsmeade from here"
"I know. But this is my last chance to do this walk, and I want to do it"
"You're sick, you can't do everything you want, remember"
"I know that I'm dying Harry. But not you, or anyone else, can tell me how to live out my last days, thank you very much. You're not allowed to argue with me either, remember. So, let's get going. We have a long walk ahead of us".

When the trio stepped outside the Room of Requirement, they found nearly all of the teachers standing there waiting for them.
"What's all this?" Asked Jenny.
"We wanted to say goodbye properly, without any students around" answered Minerva.
Myra Vance ran forward and wrapped Jenny in a tight hug.
"I'm going to miss you" she revealed as she let Jenny go.
"I'm going to miss you, and our rivalry, as well" smiled Jenny.
"Can I come and visit you at your home?"
"I would rather that you remembered me like this; strong and healthy. But if you want to come, then I'm not going to stop you".

Neville Longbottom was the next to approach Jenny.
"I promise that I'll look after the Gryffindor's in your absense" he assured her.
"It's good to know that they're in safe hands" replied Jenny.
"I made him the new Head of Gryffindor house, in your absense. I wanted them to have someone they knew and trusted, instead of handing them over to the new member of staff I'll be hiring soon to be your replacement" explained Minerva.
"Harry as promised to take over my classes once I'm gone, until you find someone good enough to take my place" revealed Jenny.
"That's good to know".

"I wanted someone to take my place straight away, not it September, so that my students education doesn't suffer. And my first thought was Harry, he always loved it here, so I knew he'd jump at the chance to come back, even if it's only for a short while" admitted Jenny.
"You're an incredible person Miss Potter, putting the students before yourself, like you've always done" praised Minerva
"That's the way it should always be, Minerva. They are the future afterall. And we don't want the future to be sh*t" grinned Jenny.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (book 5) 19 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now