Staying Safe

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The next morning Jenny sent Charity a note requesting her presence. So at lunch time Charity made her way to Jenny's office, without knowing the reason she had been summoned.
"Professor" Charity called out, as she knocked on the office door before opening it slowly.
"Charity, there you are. Come in" encouraged Jenny who was sat behind her desk.
Charity closed the door behind herself before approaching the desk and sitting down opposite Jenny.
"So, tell me how you're doing this year. Are you enjoying the subjects that you picked for your third year?" Asked Jenny.
"Yes Professor" answered Charity.
"That's good to hear".

"Professor, why did you ask to talk to me today?" Questioned Charity.
"It is my job to look after the well being of all my students, particularly those in Gryffindor, so that includes you" replied Jenny.
"I didn't think that I'd made much of an impression on you" admitted Charity.
"That's where you're wrong. You are one of the smartest students in your year, at least in my subject. So I've always had my eye on you"
"That still doesn't explain why you wanted to talk to me today Professor"
"No, I suppose it doesn't... Look, it has come to my attention that your life at home with your aunt, is far from happy-"
"I don't know what you mean-"
"Please, let me finish. Although I have no say in what goes on in your personal life, while you are here, it is my job to keep you safe and happy. So if sending you back home goes against that, then it is my job to intervene".

"Professor, I'm fine really, there's nothing-" started Charity.
"Most people's deepest fears are not a member of their own family, who they live with. In a world where there are so many terrifying creatures, your aunt should not be the thing you're most afraid of" interupted Jenny.
"I can't help what I'm scared of" replied Charity quietly.
"No, but if certain people are doing things that make you scared of them, then I cannot allow that behaviour to continue. Which is why I am going to intervene"
"Oh please don't talk to my aunt Professor. I don't want her to know about the Boggart incident"
"I am not scared of your aunt, and I want to make sure that you don't have to be scared of her ever again"
"I'll grow out of it, I know I will. Just stay out of this, please".

"Why do you want to push me away, when I can help you?" Asked Jenny.
"No one can help me. She is the only family member I have. Without her I would be all alone and on the streets. I live in her house, so I have to abide by her rules. And I'm fine with that... You can't change the way she is" admitted Charity.
"We'll see about that... Have you ever thought about staying here for Christmas, instead of going back home to her?" Questioned Jenny.
"My aunt would never allow me to stay here during the Christmas holidays. She might not like me very much, but she always insists that I return home to her during school breaks"
"Well how about I dropped her a little owl, saying that I want to tutor you myself over the holidays, so I need you to stay here at Hogwarts. Would you like that?"
"I would. But do you really think that would work?".

"Have a little faith in me Charity, I am a war hero after all. The name Potter brings a certain amount of respect from most people. Besides, if I tell your aunt that you're a high achiever and have a chance of getting Outstandings in your exams, she'll want you to stay at school" admitted Jenny.
"She'll expect high things from me from now on though, if we do this" replied Charity quietly.
"I thought that she already expected high things from you. Besides, I believe that you have a chance of getting those top grades. And if you really wanted me to, I could tutor you a bit during the holidays, but I feel like you would prefer to have fun at Christmas instead"
"I would. Would I be the only one staying here though?"
"I doubt it, there's usually a dozen or so students that stay every year. And Christmas at Hogwarts is usually a very magical affair, so I'm sure you will enjoy it"
"We still don't know if she will say yes though"
"Trust me, I am good at getting what I want. And if I want you to stay here for the Christmas and Easter holidays, then that is what will happen. I will send your aunt an owl telling her of my intentions, once this tournament is over"
"Thank you Professor".

"Of course, keeping you at Hogwarts for longer than normal, doesn't solve the problem, as it only limits the time you have to spend with your aunt, it doesn't get rid of it all together. You will still have to spend every summer there" reminded Jenny.
"I think I can cope with that" replied Charity bravely.
"But I don't want you to have to cope with anything. You shouldn't have to suffer in your own home"
"I'm used to my aunts behaviour, she's always been that way"
"Well that's no excuse for the way she treats you. A bright student like you should be praised at home, not beaten".

Charity subconsciously rubbed her wrists at the mention of her beatings, which Jenny noticed.
"I think I am going to teach you all the healing charms I know, to ensure that you aren't in as much pain when you're at home" announced Jenny.
"But Proffesor, I'm under age. I can't use magic at home, that's one of the reasons I can't stand up to my aunt" reminded Charity.
"Oh, I forgot about that stupid rule. Perhaps I can ask the Ministry to make an exception for you"
"I didn't even know they made exceptions"
"They don't normally, but they did for me. Allowing me to learn and use my magic at home... Maybe if I told them how much of a good student you were, they would let you use magic at home too. The rule is there to stop Muggles seeing things they shouldn't, and there aren't going to be any Muggles in your house, so that shouldn't be a problem".

"If you could use magic to stand up for yourself, then perhaps your aunt would give you a wide bearth as well" continued Jenny.
"You really think so?" Quizzed Charity.
"I guess we'll just have to see"
"Yes... Professor, why are you doing all this for me? I am just one student in a hundred, I don't matter"
"Everyone matters, Charity. And if you must know, one of my best friends used to get beaten by his mother"
"What happened to him?"
"She kicked him out when he was 16 and he moved in with me and my family. When his uncle died a year later, he was left a load of money, so he was able to buy his own place. So there is hope Charity, this won't define you for the rest of your life. You will be able to overcome your aunts cruelty. I promise"
"Thank you Professor. For everything"
"Don't thank me, I haven't done anything yet. But don't you worry, I am not going to let you return to your home, unless I am sure that you are safe there".

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (book 5) 19 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now