The Top School

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Jenny woke up early the next morning, after a long night spent tossing and turning.
After saying goodbye to Charlie she made her way up to the castle for breakfast.
The Great Hall was fuller than it normally was first thing on a Saturday morning, as most students liked to have a lie in. But that day, many of them had woken up early to hear the results from the challenge the day before.
Jenny picked pieces off her toast, but made no attempt to place them into her mouth, as she was too anxious to eat.
When the representatitive from the Ministry eventually arrived, Jenny rose to her feet as she accepted his letter with the results on.
The hall grew silent as the man left the room and Jenny tore open the letter.

After reading it through once in her head, Jenny addressed the room.
"And the winner of last nights Defense Against the Dark Arts theory exam, was Thomas Bulstrode. This means that the point for that challenge goes to Hogwarts, putting Hogwarts in first place, with 5 points" she revealed.
Several people in the room cheered and clapped their hands loudly.
Those on the Slytherin table began patting Thomas on the back, praising him for his victory, making him go red with embaressment.
"Although Hogwarts is currently in 1st place, there is still 1 more event left on Monday evening, so things might change. We have not won yet" reminded Jenny, as she calmed the room back down.

"You could show a bit more excitement" whispered Myra, who's face was beaming with happiness.
"I don't want to get my hopes up, as there's still a chance that we won't win" replied Jenny.
"We have the most points right now, so the worst we can do is draw"
"Yes, but if we then lose the duel with the school that we're drawing with, we will come second"
"Merlin's beard Jen, you're such a downer. Can't you be optimistic, just once?"
"No, I can't. And I find it rather strange that a Slytherin is telling a Gryffindor to be more positive and jolly. Talk about role reversal"
"Jenny, this isn't about houses, this is about our school pride. Hogwarts is one of the oldest schools in the world, so we have a reputation to uphold. The rivalries between the schools are just as strong, if not more, than the ones between our 4 houses. So winning is extemely important. It would also be a big moral boost for everyone".

"You're right. After years of expecting the worst in everything and everyone, I do find it hard to just let go, and be happy, particularly about something that hasn't happened yet" admitted Jenny.
"That's O.K. After years of working alongside you, I know what you're like" replied Myra.
"Honestly, sometimes I wish I was a bit more upbeat, and able to look on the brightside. But it's too late to change my personality now... Don't get me wrong, I do want Hogwarts to win. But until they do, I cannot enjoy our lead in the tournament"
"Whereas our students are acting as if we're already won"
"Yes, I definately don't see things from their perspective. They're much too cheerful"
"I know. Teaching them on Monday is going to be a nightmare. I don't think any of them will be able to focus"
"I was thinking about asking Minerva to cancel lessons"
"Yes. It would give me the time I need to set up the hall, and prepare for the final challenge".

"Do you think she'll say yes?" Asked Myra.
"I don't know. I'm hoping that she'll let me off lessons, at least for the afternoon so that I have the time I need to get everything ready" admitted Jenny.
"I can see her letting you take the day off, since you are in charge of arranging the whole thing. But I'm not sure the rest of us will be able to get out of teaching, so I won't get my hopes up just yet"
"I'll do my best to get all the teachers out of lessons, since none of the students are going to be in the mood to learn"
"Exactly. I mean, can you see my first years listening intently while I talk about the properties of potion ingridients. No. Their minds are going to be on whether or not we win the tournament"
"Their focus will be worse than usual, because this is the only event they can actually watch"
"Yeah. I hope they don't try and disrupt the challenge to ensure that Hogwarts wins"
"Don't worry, I will make sure that no one can interfer with the duels".

"How are you going to do that?" Questioned Myra.
"Well only the school champions, and teachers will be allowed their wands in the hall. And since I know that won't be enough to stop some students, when I create the dueling circle, I will make it so that no one on the outside can use magic on someone on the inside" revealed Jenny.
"Isn't that a bit a dangerous? What if things get out of hand between the dueling students?"
"Don't worry, I will still be able to cast magic inside, since I'm the one drawing the circle. So I can get involved if things start going wrong".

"The other schools are likely to accuse you of cheating, because you're the only one who can intervene" warned Myra.
"That's why I'm not going to tell them that I can still use magic during the duels" revealed Jenny.
"Now that, is sneaky" grinned Myra.
"I know. But someone always gets accused of cheating during this challenge, which leads to fights, that never end well. Which is why I'm doing everything I can to stop that from happening this time. There will be no deaths on my watch".

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (book 5) 19 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now