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BTS and Exo were all lined up and ready to play.
The MC first introduces the TV show and then the event happening.

MC : Before we play, the directors wanted the idols to pick someone from both group to sing and rap a part from his chosen song!

Chanyeol from Exo came up to sing John Legend's "All of me" and rap his own song "Hand".

MC : Give it up for Chanyeol-ssi!

Everyone clapped by Chanyeol's amazing performance.
But BTS still haven't decided on who to represent them.
Then they decided to rock paper scissors it.

Rock Paper Scissors!


Surprisingly Y/N, the ace member of BTS in playing games like rock paper scissors, lost to his hyungs.

Namjoon : Gotta represent Y/N.

Y/N stepped up next to the MC.

Y/N : Do you know Gallant?

MC : The one who sang at the MAMAs 2016? Yes.

Y/N : I will sing Weight In Gold by Gallant and rap the fast part of Rap God by Eminem.

MC : Alright then! Please welcome Y/N-ssi.

BTS screamed and clapped for their maknae.
Y/N cleared his throat and began to sing.

Y/N : ♩I'm putting my weight♩.

His fellow idols especially BTS waited for the twist.

Y/N : ♩!!!!!!!!!!♩(I don't know how to write my twist sound, I hope you guys know the song it really is a
good song, I was supposed to put Opera 2 by Vitas but I think Weight in Gold is more fitting.)

They were all shocked at Y/N's vocal range, especially Jungkook, his mouth was wide open.
Jungkook felt his position as main vocalist is being challenged.
Taehyung also had the same reaction as he loves the song.

Y/N finished singing, now time to rap.
They all clapped with shocked faces including Chanyeol whose jaw was dropped.
He waited for the music to start rapping.

Y/N : 🎙Uh, summa lumma.......🎙.

They all were "shooked" up once again.
Now the rappers from all the groups now were amazed by Y/N's rapping skills, even in english.
Suga, Namjoon, and Hobi's mouths were wide open, they didn't know Y/N's incredible rapping skills that might even surpass them, even his english can beat Namjoon, but he did come from another country though, and english is his 2nd language.

Y/N finished his rap and he bowed for the camera.

MC : W-Wow! Give it up for Y/N-ssi!!

They all clapped their hands in amazement.

MC : Y/N-ssi where did you learn to rap like that!?!?!

Y/N : I rapped back in my country.

Y/N walked back to his groupmates and they all were still in shock.

Jungkook : W-Woah.

Suga : I-I can't b-believe it.

Namjoon : You are the new golden maknae for real!

Y/N : It's flattering stop.😅😅

MC : Anyways thank you Chanyeol-ssi and Y/N-ssi for your wonderful performances, now we will start the showdown!!!

Namjoon went and postioned himself on the center.
The lineups were:

PF - Y/N

Bench - Jin,Hobi

Exo's lineup were:


Bench - D.O,Baekhyun

Y/N positioned against Kai.

Y/N : Kai sunbaenim.

Kai : Yes?

Y/N : Where are the others?

Kai : Lay is promoting in China, Chen is sick, he couldn't join the trip.

Y/N : Aw, sucks, hope he feels better.

Kai : Thanks for your concern.

Y/N smiled and then waited for the whistle.


The 2 centers jumped.........Chanyeol got the ball.
BTS ran back to defense.

Xiumin dribbled between the legs fast trying to confuse Jungkook to get past him.
Xiumin passed the ball to Kai.
Kai dribbled slowly, Y/N slowly crept his hands close to the ball and smacked it from him.
Y/N ran for the ball, he got it and started to dribble fast to the opposite hoop.

He ran fast, Kai couldn't keep up.
He took 2 steps and laid it up.
They restarted, Suho passed the ball to Xiumin and then to Sehun, shooting a 3 pointer, it goes in.

Jungkook dribbled the ball lightly, he passed to Y/N.
Y/N drived through Kai, he laid up but Chanyeol was there to block.
He passed midair to Suga who shoots a 3 pointer.
It goes in.


BTS wins with a 12 point lead.
They all exchanged handshakes, and left the court.
They were all sweating, their managers gave them drinks and towels.

Jin : Did you see my layup? So cool!

J-Hope : But my drive though!

The manager excused BTS to borrow Y/N.

Manager : Time for you to film and record your song.

Y/N : Yes!

(In this story I made The Truth Untold Y/N's solo song.)

Y/N choreographed some parts in the MV.
At the end he kneels down, hands on the floor,darkness around him, he sees a picture of him and a girl, who was blurred, he picks it up and holds it hard in his hands as he slowly fades away.

Director : And Cut! Nice work Y/N-ssi!

Y/N : Thank you!, I hope you help me in my new upcoming solo!

Director : Of course!

His other members do not know about his solo songs, they think he is just being excused to be scolded at.
He returned to the set and sat beside Jin to his left and..... Dahyun sunbaenim by his right.

(By the way the solo song Y/N's is going to own, is TRYING to be made by yours truly, I will just take a tone from other songs and put my lyrics, IF, no promises, I can make my own song.)

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