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Y/N : (What should I do? I really want to enjoy myself today.)

Y/N decided to continue on, he went ahead and played some arcade machines.
He noticed EXO going to the Tekken Machine, so he smirked evily and decided to secretly go to the one across them to battle them one on one each.

Chanyeol : Arrgh! This player is strong!

Suho : Aish! I can't beat him!

Y/N giggled a little, he beated 3 players then went to play other arcades, and he also heard the karaoke room of this arcade is very new, and very different from the usual.

He played one game of the Dragon Punch, well, he actually got the highest score, 982.
It was at that machine his seniors had already noticed him.

He didn't notice so he walked over besides the Dragon Punch, to the Basketball Game.
He loaded one coin and pressed the Start Button.

He didn't waste time shooting, he immediately got a ball and shot it in, again and again.
Again, he got the highest score, Y/N smiled again.

Y/N : (This "enjoy yourself day" is really working out for me."

After that he played some racing machines.
Then finally he got in one of the karaoke rooms.

It was very different, unlike the usual ones where you can see the people inside from the outside, and vice versa.
It is completely covered, and it has a lock.

Also aircons, and the couch thing you sit down on, you can lay down in this one's, it's bigger and very soft.
He inserted a coin in and browsed for a song he would like to sing.

Then the door opened, revealing a familiar face.


Jisoo : Hey, Y/N.

Jisoo came in and locked the door behind them.
She sat down besides Y/N and leaned on the wall.

Y/N : Hi, how did you know I was here?

Jisoo : We saw you with Exo sunbaenims playing here, I saw you coming here so, I knew.

Y/N didn't know how to react, no, he didn't react, he was too stunned by her beauty.
She wore the outfit she used for MMA 2018.

Her lips were so kissable and with her lipstick, going well with her red shirt, and her nice shoulders go well with her whole outfit.

He removed his jacket and gave it to Jisoo instinctively.

Y/N : It's cold in here.

Jisoo : *smiles* Thanks, Y/N.

Y/N smiled back and continued to browse for a song, the he found one he would like to sing.
He pressed the numbers for the song he chose on the buttons.

*now playing, Perfect by Ed Sheeran*

He sat down and began to sing after the instrumental.
Jisoo stared at Y/N, amazed at his voice and his visuals.
Jisoo stood up to take the other mic and started to sing with Y/N.

After the song ended Jisoo wrapped her arms around Y/N's right arm and snuck her head in his neck.
He was flustered, so he just ended up letting Jisoo do what she wanted.

Jisoo gulped and looked at him, then she kissed him on the cheeks.
After that Y/N stared blankly at her, she smiled playfully and hugged him.

Y/N : W-What was that?

Jisoo didn't reply and just hugged him.
Y/N still dumbfounded, kept on staring at her.

*vibrate* *vibrate*

He took his phone from his pocket.

Y/N : Hmm? Bang-PD?

Jisoo looked up at him cutely, curious at what is happening.
Y/N excused himself and picked up.

Y/N : Hello, what you call for Bang-PD?

Jisoo smirked and decided to play with Y/N.
She slowly crept her hand ontop of his crotch.

She moved her hand around the crotch area of Y/N.
He held her hand and pushed it away and told her to stop.

But Jisoo continued to put her hands on him.
She kneeled down infront of him and unzipped his zipper.

His thing sprung out semi hard.
She took it in her hands and sucked on it like a popsicle stick.

Y/N let out a deep breath to try and calm his racing heart.
He needs to hold his soft grunts in because he is on a phone call with Bang Si Hyuk.

She slowly went faster and faster, Y/N couldn't hold it in anymore.
Good thing Bang-PD had hung up right at the moment he couldn't take it anymore.

He let out a loud grunt as he released his milky batter in her mouth.
She swallowed it all and rezipped Y/N pants.

Jisoo : Well, that was tasty.

Y/N just smiled and looked at his watch.
3 minutes left till the movie starts.

Y/N : Thanks, I guess for the blowjob, I have a movie to catch so, bye 🙂.

Jisoo : See you later, Y/N.


Y/N is munching on some sour cream popcorn and sipping his milk tea at the cinema.

Y/N : (Hmm, Should I take it? Or not?)

He thinks about it for a long time, finally deciding on a decision.

Y/N : (I, I think I'll accept it.)

Bang PD : Think about it, Y/N, you have good talents, I am ashamed of myself for helping Namjoon decide if you should be kicked off BTS, but know, I am apologizing, and giving you another opportunity to be.

In a group

To be continued.......

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