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I woke up much earlier than what I expected to be. My hair was all over the place as I arise from my couch. Yes, I was sleeping on the couch, cause there were no beds provided for each room that the artists stay in.

Plus they were waiting rooms so it wasn't really meant for overnight stay. I think I was the only artist that didn't go home to their respective places.

Well, I didn't feel like walking the distance back to my place last night, not after all that atleast, I desperately wanted to have some rest, I didn't want to get all sentimental walking along the road late at night all alone, well to be honest I wouldn't mind that but... I guess I decided against myself to not walk home last minute.

Well I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, my breath was horrid, I also noticed the scent of my shirt, did I have a nightmare last night? If not, then how did I possibly sweat that much?

I didn't forget to wash my face thouroughly with some soap and apply some skin care Jungkook hyung taught me, I'll call him hyung only in secret for now. He hated the fact that I my skin was in very good condition even without using skin care products.

Then I groggily walked out of the bathroom shutting the lights off with me as I threw my current shirt off away on the table close to me.

I sat down on the couch as I somehow totally ransacked my organized belongings for another shirt to wear and for my glasses, peering with my face close to it with my squinted pair of eyes. I have really bad eyesight, I'm forever jealous of people with good eyesight. I might just go for a LASIK for my eyes.

It took long enough for me to finally get a single shirt and a pair of glasses from my bag. I opened up the case, I gently inspected my spectacles before wearing it along with my shirt. "Finally! What a relief! I see things clearly!" I exclaimed in pleasure.

Then I took my attention on my bag, I sighed annoyed as I fix my things back to how they were before my stupid ass ruined it. Oh, I also decided to change into sweatpants to feel more comfier.

I was about to watch some videos for the time being before the heat of the room gave me the urge to get the fuck out of there, it was getting hotter and hotter inside. But now that I think of it, at 5:00 a.m in the morning, what the heck is there to do here?

I'd be surprised if anyone was here right now, even the staff. I think I just might have the whole stadium to myself! I didn't think this through well, I thought it be better to get my hair done early in the day, but not this early, she isn't even here yet... Now what?

I peeked outside from my room to check if my suspicions were true. For the most part, it looked like it was, I don't really see anyone yet, but then a thought hit me, "What if you weren't alone...?"

It damn sure sent chills down my spine, I don't scream out loud when I get scared by something, I scream in my mind, and my heart as well, try listening to my heartbeat when I feel kind of frightened and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

I shut the door as I rethink my plans of going outside. "You gonna let some damn random speculation that you thought of cancel your plan? Man up the fuck up Y/N and get your ass out of there!" Myself told myself. I walked to my bag and took what I could possibly always need to have with me, cause I'm not walking back here for sure seeing that hallway.

"Wallet, Phone, Earphones, Lapto- Lap what? Oh crikes I'm so afraid of that damn hallway that I'm seriously thinking of bringing my damn bag along so that I really wont have the need to go back."

" *sigh* ...... *groan* Man up goddamnit!"

After some stressed tounge clicking here and there I finally manned up as I came to a final conclusion of not bringing my bag along with me. I took only my wallet, phone, earphones, and my mask along with me, cause I might go outside, like outside-outside, like for real outside you get me right?

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