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*Boy Meets Evil plays*

I knew it, My old self was too weak, this is what I deserve!
I'm a new version of myself, a stronger version.
It's power rushed through my veins, It enabled me to do, so much more! Be so much more!

*Entrance Music Plays*

Y/N wore black everything, polo, pants, and shoes.
Y/N walks slowly from the backstage, like a person slowly giving in to someone's mind control, while having a blindfold on.
He danced to the lyrics, perfectly, while also acting out the meaning of the song.
When it was at the lyric "I know love is just another name for the devil, Don't look at her.

He acted like his hand was getting possesed to removed his blindfold.
When it was at the last lyric before the 2nd verse he kneeled down and breathed, then his blindfold gets off of him via a invisible wire being pulled by someone.

(Just change some of the lyrics like the one with dating, cause Y/N hasn't dated yet.)

When the song reached the 2nd verse, he holds the camera filming him and pulls it close to his face looking like someone so desperate for help, then he gets pulled outside the backstage by a rope, fast through the entrance and crashed through the wooden walls covering the entrance to where the idols are seating.
When he bursted out he rolled on the ground like someone getting hit by a car, then he got up quickly and danced.

Then his backup dancers dressed in all black threw chains that wrapped around him.
He then acted trying to escape but avoiding eye contact from everyone, he covered his ears, trying to act like not wanting to hear their voices. (At the "land mines" lyric part.)

When it was nearing the chorus where the lyrics were "I can't let go of the devil's hand." he crouched down and clutched his right arm.
When the beat dropped he did a B-Twist to create some distance between him and the camera, and did the choreo.

After he finished Boy Meets Evil, in his final posing position, the stage below him went down, then afterwards he ran to the middle stage underground and readied himself at the lift, he took out his flute and practiced a little.
He then grunted in pain, the painkiller fluid he took in was losing effect.

Y/N : (Please, last long enough!)

He wore a long coat, and a black fedora hat.

The start of Pied Piper

Give in.
You will be pleasured, You will be ruined.
You won't leave, You can't.

Then Y/N plays the flute to the entrance instrumental as the lift brought him up to the stage.
Then he sang the whole song after the flute part he did.

Mini TimeSkip

After he sang Pied Piper he went backstage for his last performance, The Undelivered Truth.
When he got backstage he felt his knees giving up.
After a few minutes of rest his knees gave up, he can't move them anymore.

He got his wheelchair brung to him, then he waited for the directors to prepare his final performance.
He drank his water and waited.


The flying stage was set, and the piano also.
Y/N got into position at the center stage where the piano and the flying stage was set.
He waited, he breathed calmly to calm himself.

Y/N : (This is it, I'm going to throw out all my emotions in this piece.)

The start of The Undelivered Truth.

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