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Y/N! Y/N! Hey!

Kai : Hey!

Y/N snapped out of his thoughts and stared at Kai.
Y/N didn't want to ruin his fun, he wanted to leave.

Y/N : I'll be going now.

He stood up and walked away but Kai held his arm.

Kai : No you aren't, we three, are going to talk, and solve ourselves.

Y/N : You don't tell me what to do.

He threw Kai's grip away and fast walked through the crowd.
He looked back at Kai and Jennie following him.

Kai : Yah! Y/N L/N!

Y/N didn't stop and continued to walk through, when he got out of the dance floor he rushed to the men's bathroom and slammed the door behind him.
He took a moment to catch his breath as he locked the door.

He leaned on the sink and stared at himself in the mirror, he took off his eyeglasses and replaced them with his contacts, and fixed his hair with a round hairbrush. (The style Huening Kai has, but Y/N's style is a bit longer that it covers his eyes, and by the way SO PUMPED FOR TXT!)
He weared his cap and his black face mask, he fixed himself and peeked out the bathroom.

Y/N : (Seems like it's all clear.)

But that's what he thought when he got pushed against the wall by Kai, with Jennie standing behind him.
He didn't try to resist, but he really wanted to punch Kai right in the face.

Y/N : You let me go right now.

He pushed Kai away and switched positions with him, he threw him at the wall.
A loud thump emitted from Kai's body colliding with the cold wall tiles, he slid down the wall and groaned in pain.

Jennie : Y/N we just want to talk to you!

What Y/N didn't know is that something had happened between the two's relationship.

Jennie rushed over to Kai's side, Y/N didn't want to bear seeing her with him so he ran away.
He rushed out of the bar and ran to his studio.
He slumped onto the couch and sighed.

Y/N : (I should go and check up at the hospital.)

He took a soft pillow and a blanket and slept at his couch.

Why can't I move on?

Am I only hurting myself just to love her?

Am I, crazy?

*alarm clock ringing....*


*alarm clock stops ringing*

Y/N : *groan* 5:10.

Y/N sat up and got on his wheelchair then did his daily morning routine.
He went to his window and opened the curtains, the sun wasn't up yet.
He planned his day out while drinking a cup of hot chocolate he made.

•Visit the hospital
Get some songs up
•Get ready for the upcoming SMAs and AMAs.

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