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The last part...

He walked to the big door.

Damnit they saw me!

Y/N is currently taking fire from guards who were alerted.

Y/N : (I don't wanna die now! I gotta get back,for my fans! And to confess to her!)

He grunted in pain, he got grazed on the cheek by a bullet.
He peeked carefully to see where the guards were positioned.

Once he saw one peeking out he immediately fired a shot.
His shot hit the guard on the shoulder, who immediately fell down.
He shot them all several seconds later, then he ran for it before more came.

While running he saw what looks like the name of where he was held in.

Y/N : (insert random warehouse name), I'll need to remember this.

Then afterwards a couple kilometers he ran he came across a room labeled, the headmaster.

Y/N : The headmaster is probably the one who ordered to capture me!

In his anger he kicked the door open and raised his gun.
A woman and a man looked at his direction with shock on their faces.
Once Y/N realized who they were, he got more angrier.

Y/N : Mom and Dad. You just can't stop ruining my life do you?

Mom : We just want you back sweetie! Please, drop the gun!

Y/N : I know you 2 won't stop till I get captured forever!

Y/N took out his phone and dialed 911.

Y/N : Sir, come to (insert random warehouse name), I was kidnapped, but I got out, I got the kidnappers on hold here.

Dad : What did you do!

Y/N : I made sure you guys won't come after me ever again!

Dad : You stupid little brat!

Y/N's dad rushed and swung at him.
Y/N easily dodged that, he held his arm and threw him on the table.
Then he raised his right arm and dropped it on his dad, the table broke and his dad went right through it.

Mom : Oh my gosh!

His dad was left unconscious on the floor with shards of the wood scattered all over him.

Mom : You monster!

Y/N : *chuckle* I don't care about you 2 anymore.


Police : It's alright, you'll be safe now for sure.

Y/N : Thank you sir! Please excuse me, I have to go somewhere.

Y/N ran from the crime scene and headed to somewhere.
He arrived at a flower shop and bought some roses.

He then went to the park he loves to go to and dialed someone.

Y/N : Hey, can you go and meet me at the park before New Years?

??? : Sure, but why?

Y/N : I wanted to tell you something.

He hanged up and sat on the bench and waited there.

Breaking News:

(Insert random name for Y/N's Dad) and (Insert random name for Y/N's Mom)
Has been captured recently for kidnapping Kpop Idol Ryu.

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