Mad World/Chapter 1

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Betty's POV

I discovered my powers last month. I was laying down doing homework, and my phone rang. I didn't feel like leaving my bed, so as a joke to myself, I tried to move it with my mind. But as I was pretending to do so it happened. My phone moved towards my hand. I was so shocked I lost concentration and it fell.

I experimented my powers all night. I didn't tell my mom or Polly, I can't trust them ever since they joined the farm/cult.

I didn't tell my best friends Archie or Veronica. I didn't tell my cousin Cheryl or my ex Jughead. There was only one person I could trust with something like this, and so I emailed Iron Man himself, Mr. Tony Stark. I got a quick response saying he wanted to meet me and see my powers.

So flash forward 1 month. I'm boarding a plane to Queens, New York. My mom thinks I have an internship with Tony Stark. Which I mean is kinda the truth. Tony payed for me to get into a fancy school for Science (which I love) and told my mother that I will be taken care of by him and his wife, while I participate in an internship. Which is code for staying at someone's house and experimenting with my powers.

Before I board Mr Starks private jet, I hug my mom and my sister, and kiss my niece and nephew goodbye. Once I've finished my goodbyes I board the plane and find a seat. I start to think of everything that's happened in Riverdale and I'm glad I'm leaving. Sure I'll miss my good friends, but my mom and Polly are so different now. My dad is in prison, but I still felt very unsafe. But now I'm on cloud 9. I know Mr Stark will be able to help me with my powers and make it easier to use them. I couldn't help but think of my ex boyfriend Jughead. I dumped him because he was cheating on me with some serpent. I didn't really get upset because, we had lost are spark months ago and I was waiting for the right moment to end it.

I woke up to a flight attendant tapping my shoulder and smiling sweetly alerting me that we had landed. I exited the plane in a hurry but I imedienlty regretted it. The sun burned my eyes, causing me to nearly trip. As I gained my eye sight I saw people watching me. I blushed and looked down as I walked towards them hoping, they didn't see me nearly trip and fall. As I looked up I saw the man himself, Tony Stark, with his gorgeous wife, and his assistant Happy. When I finally stopped in front of them, I could tell they were trying, to not laugh. Great way to start, I need to work on my clumsiness. As I went to say something, I saw someone I hadn't saw before. A boy about my age, grinning like an idiot standing behind Mr Stark. He had curly brown hair, and looked simply beautiful. I stared at him in awe, but snapped out of it when Mr Stark coughed.

"Hello Betty, I'm Tony Stark, nice to finally meet you". He held out his hand and I shook it. "Nice to meet you too" I smiled. I shook hands with his wife and assistant. Then the beautiful boy stepped forward with his hand extended, I shook it, he spoke up first, "Hi" he said, "Hello I'm Betty" "I'm Peter, Peter Parker."


Ahhhhh that's the first chapter down hopefully many more to go (;
I know this is very short but that's because Instagram holds only 10 slides, and I write the story for both in my memos, so most chapters will be fairly short for now ): Also I have no idea why there is so much space in between paragraphs! Or maybe that's just my account?

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