The Meeting// Chapter 15

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Betty's POV

I look at my reflection in the mirror. I had my blonde hair brushed out and straightened. My makeup done, half dark, half natural. And for my outfit a simple off the shoulder black dress. To calm my nerves I do a breathing exercise that Bruce taught me. "Betty! Are you ready to go?" Peter yelled "Yes let's go!" I grab my purse and exit my room. I walk to the living room where the brunette haired boy looks at me in shock "Wow Betty, you look amazing." I blush "Thanks Parker." We walk out of the apartment and get into his car. "I'm so nervous Peter! I hope they like each other!" "Betts it'll be fine." I clench my eyes shut as memories of Jughead once again fill my mind in flashes,almost like movie clips, I groan after it ends. My head starts to throb. "Betty, are you alright?" "Mhm I just had a memory flash that's all." Memory flash: That's what Mr Stark decided to call the side effect of my powers. "Are you sure your fine Betty?" "Of course Peter don't worry. Let's just drive I don't want to be late." We drive to the restaurant in a painful silence. When we pull up I thank Peter and head inside.

I find Veronica and sit with her. "Mj should be here soon" I say. "Ok, I'm excited to meet her." After a minute of catching up, Mj arrives and sits with us. "Sorry I'm late." "It's alright" I say. "So you must be Mj?" It's happening. They're meeting. "Yes, and you must be Veronica?" "Mhm, it's nice to finally meet you." "Likewise." Mj looks slightly on edge "Mj don't worry, I'm nothing like my terrible parents. Trust me." Mj nods her head "I know it's just weird meeting a Lodge." "Well how about this? Tonight I am not Veronica Lodge. I'm just Veronica." Mj smiles slightly "Ok." I let out a relived sigh. Yay they don't hate each other!

After we eat our food we sit at the table and gossip. "So Bettykins, care to tell us if you have a crush, on a certain brunette boy?" Veronica questions, and I blush "I have no idea what your talking about." Mj joins in "Betty it's pretty obvious you like Peter." I sip my strawberry lemonade, blushing even harder "I still don't know what your talking about." Veronica smirks "Fine if you don't like him, I'll go after him. He's very attractive." Mj picks up on her evil tactics "I wouldn't mind going out with him either. He is cute." I glare at both of them "Don't. You. Dare." They both laugh "Bettykins your so much fun to mess with! I wouldn't go after your man! I just want you to admit you like him." "Same Betty. And for the record I would never date Peter he's like my brother." Mj says. I fake laugh "Hardy har so funny you guys." I pause "But you got me. I do like Peter." They squeal and say in unison "I knew it!" We finish our night with a selfie and go out separate ways.

When Peter picks me up I take the opportunity to post the selfie I took.

(AUTHORS NOTE: Wattpad is being difficult and won't let me add the picture so if you want to see Betty's selfie it's the chapter cover.)

(Picture caption) Baby.Coop: I was a little nervous to introduce them but it turned out great. I love both of my bffs!💖
Tagged: @VeronicaLodge @Loner.Mj

I put my phone in my pocket. "So how was it?" Peter asks "Great actually." I sigh "It was nice to have some girl talk." "Hey! I can do girl talk!" "No you can't Peter! Especially when it's about boys!" He coughed "You were talking about boys?" "Yep. Against my will may I add." He laughed. He was about to ask another question, when his car made a weird noice. He pulled over in a deserted parking lot. "Peter, what's wrong?" He let's out a breath "We're out of gas."
Lot's of Petty coming up in the next chapter (:

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