The Plan Is In Place// Chapter 30

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Betty's POV

I wake up and glance at the clock. 4:30 am. I yawn a little confused on how I got back in my room. Then I smile, Peter must have carried me to bed. He really is the sweetest. I think about our movie night and I smile even bigger. It was such a good night, the best date I've had so far. Well it was an unofficial date. But it was amazing. I try to go back to sleep but I can't get my mind to calm down. All I can think about is Peter. I'm really head over heels for him, aren't I? I never thought that New York would have been such a huge change. I knew it would hold such crazy things, the whole reason I came was to improve my powers. But now.. The whole reason I want to be here is the people. Peter, Mj, Ned, Tony, May, Natasha, Bruce. When am I even supposed to go home? At this point Riverdale is just a bad memory. Sure I'd miss the people there. But New York makes me happy. It gives me peace I can't feel at home anymore. Except now my peace is being threatened by my dad once again. And who knows what happened to my mom, Polly, and the twins? Did he kill them? Are they being tortured. When I find him.. He's dead. I'm going to kill him for all the pain he's brought me, and everyone else.

I finally fall asleep for about an hour and when I wake up again I really can't sleep. I check my phone and there's text from May, "Had to work late, just going to stay the night in my office." I text back a thumbs up. I sigh and sit up. I go to the kitchen to grab a snack. It's so crazy how comfortable I've gotten in May and Peter's home. May told me from the beginning that I am welcome, and to feel at home. At first I was shy and didn't like too grab snacks. But a few months later this apartment feels like home. I pour myself a glass of milk and grab some Oreos. I snack on a few of them and then clean up my mess. I head towards my room but then I stop in front of Peter's door. His light is on. He must not be able to sleep either. I can't decide if I want to knock or not.

Peter's POV

I finish typing out the text to Mj and Veronica, when there's a knock on the door. I jump and almost scream a little. "Who is it?" I ask. "It's Betty, can I come in?" "Uhh hold on." I hurry and hit send on the message "Tomorrow morning? And we meet at the coffee shop so I can ask her?" I power off my phone. "Come in." She walks in and claims my desk chair. "Couldn't sleep either?" She asks. "No, too much going on in here" I point to my head. "Yeah same. I'm tired but my mind is a tornado." "Well if you want.. You can sleep in here." I mean I do have a bunk bed." "Yeah I can take the to-" "Or.." I choke out. I can't even finish my sentence because I blush and become super nervous. "Or?" She asks. "We.. Can share the bottom? I mean.. Unless that's weird." It's her turn to blush "Yeah. That sounds nice." I let her climb in first while I turn off the light, and climb in after her. She puts her head on my chest, and I put my arm around her. "Goodnight Betty." "Goodnight Parker."

I wake up from a peaceful sleep. Betty seems to still be asleep. I glance at the clock, it's 9:30! I told Veronica and Mj I'd meet them at 10!! I gently nudge Betty. "What is it?" "Umm I'm just super hungry! Can we go to breakfast!?" "Ok? Why are you in such a rush?" "Uh they stop serving breakfast at 10?" "Okkkk then. I'll hurry and get dressed." 10 minutes later we're out the door. It only takes 5 minutes before we reach the cafe. We sit at our normal table with time to spare. I take a deep breath. We order and the song Halo starts to play. I smile nervously, the plan is in place. 

Sorry for the long wait! But here it is!

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