Memories//Chapter 22

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Peter's POV

I look at Mr Stark. He looks sad and at a loss for words. More tears fall. "Betty... They lights are on." "But I can't see!" She gasps "Oh God. I'm blind." She screams and starts to cry. She sobs and shakes. "I'm blind. I'm blind. I'm blind." More tears roll down my face "Betty.." She doesn't seem hear me, she just shakes and keeps repeating herself. I lay my hand on her arm gently, but she yanks it away and screams "LEAVE ME ALONE DON'T TOUCH ME!" "Betty..." I whisper. "LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" She starts to scream, wail, shake, and thrash her body around. Mr Stark springs in action "Friday, send in a nurse with a sedative." I look at him "What?" "Peter she's having a panic attack! With her state this is extremely dangerous!" Then a robot nurse rolls in with a needle. Mr Stark takes it and slowly approaches Betty. "Elizabeth this is your last chance to calm down." She doesn't react, she just continues to scream and thrash her body around. Mr Stark takes a deep breath and sticks it in her arm. She keeps screaming. But then she stops shaking and her screams turn to sobs, then her sobs turn into sleep. Mr Stark sees my tears and walks up to me and hugs me. "Mr Stark is she going to be alright?" He hesitates "Yes... If-" He hesitates again. "What?" "If she doesn't use her powers."

Betty's POV

Polly dances by in her favorite dress. She's playing dress up with her friends. I know I can't play with them because there the big 5th graders. I lost hope of that dream months ago when Polly told me the rules, that the 4th graders (me) can't play with 5th graders cause their too old and mature. I didn't really get it because I was only 1 year younger. But I was perfectly happy with my 4th grade friends. Archie and I sit on the swing set eating homemade popsicles. We gossip about all the kids in our class "Betty guess what Kevin told me?" I wipe popsicle off my mouth "What?" "He saw Cheryl kiss Reggie." "On the lips?!?" "Yah!" "Everyone keeps having their 1st kiss, I wonder what mine will be like, and with who. I hope it's romantic!" Archie looked like a light bulb went off in his head. "Betty I have to go! But meet me in my tree house at 7!" I'm confused but before I can ask questions he's gone. Later at 7 I climb up the lader of the treehouse. There's all of our favorite snacks and drinks, gushers, gold fish, doritos, and a bottle of chocolate milk. There was also 2 glasses that were very fancy, I recognized them because my parents drank wine once in awhile. And there was an electronic Iron Man candle. I look around the tree house smiling. How romantic, I think. I see Archie and sit next to him. He smiles at me "do you like it?" "I love it." We smile at each other and he leans in and pecs me on the lips. He pulls back and we both go red. I smile and so does he.

My mind flashes to another memory, of my family in a both at Pop's. I'm 11 and Polly is 12. Polly and I sit across from my parents. My mom wipes whip cream from her milkshake on my dad's nose. He laughs and does the same to her after having to hold her hands down. They laugh and kiss. Polly fake gags, but I smile and sip my own milkshake while daydreaming about having a marriage like my parents.

Shorter memories flash by with Archie and Jughead in middle school. Then just faces Archie, Jughead, Cheryl, Polly, Mom, Dad, Jason, Veronica. Then the whole Jason Blossom scene, then different black hood memories. And then frozen in my mind, Midge Mason hanging dead in stage. I try and fight my mind away from the memory. It takes all my strength to do so. More faces flash by, Kevin, Toni, Fangs, Sweet Pea. Then the faces of people from New York flash by, Pepper, Bruce, Natasha, Tony, Ned, Mj, and then Peter. It freezes on Peter's face. But then a memory of Peter driving and tapping the steering wheel while singing. The sun shines down making him seem like he's glowing, he looks so handsome. With this memory I finally feel peaceful. And slowly I wake up. I sit in the bed panting quietly. I hear Peter and Mr Stark talking quietly. "What do you mean she can't use her powers!?" Peter whisper yells. I sit up suddenly "I can't use my powers anymore?!"

Sorry for taking so long to update. Schools been stressful. But I'll try harder.

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