A Decision// Chapter 38

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Peter's POV

It's Betty. It was her scream. And she continues to scream. I run towards her "BETTY?!?!" Mr Stark flies over and land beside me. "BETTY?!" She continues to scream. No no no, please God don't let her be hurt. I try to find her through the dust. "BETTY?!" Once the dust settles we see what happened. Betty is holding her father, her screams have turned to sobs. Hal has blood coming from his chest, and his eyes closed. "I'M SORRY DAD!" She sobs "I NEVER MEANT FOR THIS TO HAPPEN!" I turn to Tony "You should get her mom, and the twins. I'll go talk to her." He nods and pats me on the back, before he walks away. I slowly walk towards them "Betty?" She looks up at me with blood shot eyes "H-he ha- had a gun." She says through sobs. "I know Betty, I tried to warn you but it was to late." "I- I'm a monster." She looks at her dad again, with tears flowing down her face. "Baby your not a monster." I crouch down beside her. "He was evil Betty, jail couldn't hold him even if we tried. He killed innocent people." "I know, but he's still my dad. I thought this would be easy, this was my plan coming here. But now that it's done, for some strange reason I still feel love for him." "I understand Betty, it because he's your dad, and you can't help but love him no matter what." "Betty, there's someone who wants to see you." Mr Stark says as he walks up. He's holding her mom in his arms. Betty looks at her dad one last time and gently lays him on the ground. She runs to Mr Stark. "Mommy?" She starts crying again. "Hey babygirl" her mom's voice is hoarse. "Mom I've missed you so much" she gently cups her face in her hands. "I've missed you too." "I'm sorry mom, I should have found you earlier." He mom winces as she slowly sets her hand on Betty's. "Baby, there's nothing to apologize about, you saved me, and the twins. And I am so proud of you for it. You've become such a strong young woman." "Thank you mama. Wait the twins, where are they?" I point to where, Natasha and Wanda are holding them. She gives her mom, a kiss on the forehead and runs to the twins. Natasha smiles as she hands Betty one of them. "Awe, Juniper I've missed you so much." She rocks the baby and smiles. She gives Juniper back to Natasha and gives the same love to Dagwood. Mr Stark walks up to us, "Shield has taken the Teseract, and the remainder of the Hydra soldiers into custody, and damage control are on their way. We're free to go back to Avengers tower."Outside police tape is hung up, and choppers are circling up above. And there's shield vans to take us all to where we need to go.

Once we get to Avengers tower, we send Betty's mom to the infirmary and take the twins to Polly. After that, me and Betty wander the halls. I put my arm around her as we walk "You were amazing out there today." She smiles at me "So were you." Suddenly she stops smiling "What's wrong?" "Well now that, we've saved my family, and my dad's... taken care of. I have to make a decision." I stop walking for a second "Yeah... You do." We keep walking in silence. "I don-" Pepper walks up before I finish my sentence. "Am I interrupting?" She asks "I can wait until later." "No your fine, what do you need Pep?" She let's me call her that sometimes, because we've grown way closer this last year. "I actaully need Betty, Tony wants to see you." I look at Betty to see if she has any clue what it could be, she look as confused as I am. "Okay, I'll see you later Pete." She quickly kisses me on the cheek and follows Pepper.

Betty's POV

I walk into Mr Stark's office and sit at the chair in front of him. My suit is standing near by. "Hi, Mr Stark..." He looks mad "I can not believe you broke out of your suit. Do you know how much danger you put yourself in!?" "I know and I'm sorry Mr Stark." "Sorry. Isn't enough sometimes." I look at my shoes, because I can't meet his eyes. "But... I have to admit it takes real skill to break an Ai's protocol." I look up confused, he continues, "And it takes real guts to face a villain head on like that." I start to smile "What are you saying?" He smiles too "I'm saying that I want you to be an Avenger." "Ah really?!" He laughs "Yes." "Mr Stark, I think... I've come to a decision on if I want to stay or not." "What did you choose?" "I need to talk to my mom first before I tell anyone, but after could I meet with you and Peter to talk about it?" "Of course Betty, take your time. But please just know, you can always stay here in the tower if that's what you want." "Thank you Mr Stark." I get up but as I reach for the handle he stops me "Call me Tony." I smile "Thanks Tony."

The walk to my mom's room in the infirmary feels like an eternity. My head and my heart finally agree and I know what I'm going to do. I just need my mom's blessing. When I reach her room, I knock 1st to make sure she's covered. "Come in." "Hey mama." She still looks like she's in a lot of pain, but now that she's clean and in clothes she is in better spirits. "Hey baby girl." I sit in the chair beside her bed "How are you doing." "I'm broken in a few places but..." She looks at me for a long moment "How are you? You look like you have something big on your mind." "I do, I made a decision." "Ok, well let's talk about it then." We talk for about my choice for awhile and pretty soon we're on the same page. Once we're done talking I give her a hug and leave her room. Once I'm in the hall way I call Tony "Hey Betty." "Hey Tony, my mom and I are on the same page. I have a final decision. When can I meet with you and Peter?" "We can meet now if you want. Peter and I are just eating victory sundaes in the dining room." "Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes." I try to plan what I'm going to say on the walk to the dining room, but nothing sounds good enough. I stop outside the door. You can do this Betty. I take a deep breath and go inside. It's time they hear what I've decided.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm trying to drag out this chapter. Because I don't want this story to end😭

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