A Plan Of Action// Chapter 33

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Peter's POV

I don't know what to say. My mouth hangs open. I takes a moment to finally speak "Mr Stark... What are we going to do." "That's the problem. I have no idea what to do." I collapse in his desk chair. "Mr Stark, I can NOT lose her!" I put my head in my hands, and tears start to fall. Tony rubs my back. I'm not going to let her die Peter, she's my responsibility; I'm the one who brought her here." "She's my girlfriend though! Aren't I supposed to be able to keep her safe!?" "Peter, I know what you're going through. I've been through it with Pepper every day for years. There's been times where I've almost lost her. But our love is bigger than the bad guys. So I keep her safe everyway possible, but there's no way to ever keep someone completely safe, and we have to live with that times." I take a deep breath "You're right." "I have an idea, but it's a long shot." "I'll do anything to protect her." "Do you know anything about Captain Marvel?" "A little, why?" "Well when she came to earth, she introduced a species called the scrull to Nick Fury." "What are scrull?" "They're shapeshifters, they can take on any human form and have most of their knowledge as well." "Ok..." "I have a favour to call in with Fury." "Wait, wait, wait. You want a scrull to take Betty's place?" "Yes, we can send the scrull in so that way we can launch an attack without Betty getting hurt." "And what about the scrull? How do we know they won't get hurt?" "We'll have the scrull buy us time. Once we're in position, they can transform back. And we'll attack before Hal can try anything." "That's risky, we don't want to put an innocent scrull into danger." "That's true. We can always use a diversion." "I don't know Mr Stark it's dangerous." "What else can we do? He's a psychopath if we don't satisfy him, a baby dies, and so do many others." "You're right." "I always am." "Ha ha very funny." "What it's true." "Who are we bringing in as backup?" "The rest of the Avengers, Shield and possibly more scrull." "All that for one guy?" "This guy has a teseract replica and hydra agents on his side. Those do not mix well." "Ok, I'm in." "I'll get ahold of everyone and put it all in motion. All you have to do is tell Betty and be at the park in time." "Are we going to bring her with?" He sighs "There's no way we can convince her to stay away. So she never leaves her suit." "Ok I'll tel-" "Peter, she never leaves the suit ok? If he knows she's there, we're screwed." I gulp, "Ok..." I stand up. "Ok, I'll tell her." He hugs me, "Peter, I'm not going to let either of you get hurt. If worse comes to worse I need you to leave, ok?" "Of course Mr Stark, I promise." He smiles, at me as I walk out the door. We have a plan now. But is it enough?


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