Who turned off the lights?//Chapter 21

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Peter's POV

"It's bad kid" Mr Stark says. I can't seem to get the tears out. They're simply stuck, they're there but they won't fall. "How'd it happen?" I question "I'm guessing she did something that strained her powers, and something in her brain kind of just snapped." Mr Stark replies. "What do you mean by strain?" "Well maybe lifting something heavier then she's used too for a long time?" Then it hits me, the car breaking down. Us sleeping in it. Her flying so she wasn't late for her training with Natasha. It's all my fault. The tears start to fall, I basically throw myself at Tony and begin to sob. He struggles to regain his balance after the sudden impact. He puts his arms around me, and hugs me tight. "It's alright kid." I let out a large sob against his chest "It's all my fault!" "What do you mean kid?" "I picked up Betty from her dinner last night, and the car broke down on the way home-" I sob and hiccup, Mr Stark rubs my back and I continue, "And we slept in the backseat together, and we woke up late-" I let out another sob "And she was so worried that she'd be late for training, so she used her powers to fly herself to Avengers tower." I squeeze him even tighter "I should have swung her there! I shouldn't have let her fly herself! I should have known!" I cry into his chest. "Kid it's not your fault, it's no ones fault, no one knew this would happen." "No it is someone's fault. It's mine." Peter looks at Natasha in confusion. It was the 1st time she had spoke since he had been there. Bruce walks up to her "What do you mean Nat?" Tears glisten in her eyes "She wouldn't have done it, if she wasn't so eager to impress me on her 1st day! This is all my fault!" Bruce hugs her "No honey it's not your fault." She doesn't say anything she just walks out of the room. Bruce follows her. I look at Mr Stark slightly confused about how attached Natasha was after only spending time with Betty for one day. He seems to understand my confused look and starts to explain, "Natasha can't have kids. But she wants one so bad. Her and Bruce talked about adopting, but they could never do it because they could never pass a background check. So when Bruce told Nat about Betty and everything she's been through, Natasha related to her and almost immediately felt for her like a mother would for her own child. And this was before they even met! So when she met Betty, she fell in love with her like she was her own child." "Wow. She must be so heart broken, thinking that it's her fault!" Mr Stark nods sadly. I start to ask a question "How long unti-" I'm cut off by Betty groaning "My head." I rush to her side "Betty?! Your awake?" "Peter? Is that you?" "Yeah Betty it's me." She opens her eyes "Peter?" "Yes?" "Why is it dark in here." My mouth drops open as I glance at the window where sun is streaming in. "What did you say?" "I said why is it dark in here?" I gasp shocked.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile! School's been really stressful lately because it was the end of the semester. But now that I've just started 2nd semester I feel less stressed,so I'll update more consistently now!
This is pretty short, and I wish it was longer but my phone battery is pretty low. But I do enjoy leaving y'all with a cliff hanger (;
Also a little tea for you guys: A boy I like, likes me back!!!! I'm honestly still so amazed that he likes me but, I'm also super happy!!! (:

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