Why// Chapter 27

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Peter's POV
I watch Tony take one last deep breath and I squeeze Betty's hand before he starts talking. "Betty something bad happened back in Riverdale." "Well something bad is always happening in Riverdale" she jokes. But when she sees Tony's face her smile drops. "Mr Stark what is it? Is it my mom? Or Polly? Or Cheryl?!" Her paic rises and so does her heart moniter, the beeping increases. "Betty it's your father." "Did someone kill him in jail?" She says somewhat hopeful. Mr Stark takes a small step forward "Betty your father escaped from prison a month ago. And your mother, sister, and her babies.... Are missing." Betty sits up in rush. Cords fly off her body. "No no no! It's not possible! Please tell me you lying! Please!" We're silent. She looks at me tears in her wild eyes "Peter please tell me he's lying! Please!" "Bet-" She doesn't seem to hear me, "A month! Do you know how much the black hood can do in a month!? Why didn't you tell me!" "We want-" She still doesn't hear me. It's as if the rage has overtaken her. "And my mom, Polly and Juniper and Dagwood are missing!" She still doesn't stop she's still screaming "I need out of here that sick bastard deserves to die!" The line from Jughead's book on Riverdale comes back to me "Dark Betty as the call her, attacked and almost drowned football star Chuck Clayton in Ethel Muggs hot tub." Is this it? Is this "Dark Betty" being realesed. I try to calm her "Betty please just look at me and calm down." I say calmly "How can I do either of those things!? You kept this from me! You both did!" She screams at me and Mr Stark. Mr Stark seems to be in a trance of uncertainty. "I WANT OUT NOW!" She tries to get up. ButMr Stark  jumps into action. He grabs her thrashing body and tries to get her back on the hospital bed. He calls out to a robot doctor. "Bring the cuffs!" Betty thrashes more in pure rage. I back away from the bed as Mr Stark tries to constrain her. He gets one arm, but she's still fighting with the other. She punches him in the eye. He winces but somehow still manages to cuff her other hand. You'd think she'd give up, but no this is Elizabeth Cooper we're talking about. She kicks her legs and tries to get out. Mr Stark looks at me for help. So I get the right and he gets the left. Then we're left with a screaming Betty. "WHY?" She screams "WHY?" Over and over again, until she wears herself out and her screams turn to sobs "Wh-y?" And then the sobs turn to silent tears.

An hour passes. Mr Stark and I are silent. We don't know what to say. So we wait, we sit by the bedside. Betty stares up blankly. She has no tears, and no energy left. Soon I begin to lose hope. But then she talks barely above a whisper, "Tell me everything please." "Are you sure you want to hear it? Are you sure you can handle it?" Mr Stark asks. "I'm sure, I have to know." Mr Stark tells her everything. About Hal brainwashing hydra, how her family's location is unknown. How he killed her former principal. She takes it all in "And my cousin? Cheryl? Is she safe?" "As far as we know." She nods and takes a deep breath "What's the plan then? We obviously need to stop him." Well that's the thing Betty. "I have some other new for you." Her facial expression goes back to nervousness "Ok...." "Betty this sounds crazy and unlogical. But the party ambush sent from your father really helped you in more ways then one. It not only took away your blindness. It gave you most of your powers back." For the first time in hours I see Betty smile "That's gre-" He cuts her off "But, you can't lift anything that will strain it. Or it will cause something... Much worse then blindness." She gulps "Ok..."

Mr Stark says there's not a for sure plan in place but he has one idea for sure. "I'm calling in the Avengers." The Black Hood himself is dangerous, yes. But the Hydra soldiers he has mind controlled are even deadlier. Not to mention they have a replica of the tessaract." "So nothings set in stone for sure on a plan of attack?" Betty asks. "Correct he says." But then he smiles "However. I have a gift for you Betty."
Wow, not going to lie. That's the hardest I've worked on a chapter in a while.

The Internship[Betty Cooper And Peter Parker]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora