First Day Of The Internship/Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Peter's POV

I could tell something was wrong with Betty. It was strange ever since she met Midge she was acting funny, like she remembered something that scared her for life. At a red light I turned and looked at Betty, she was just staring forward at the car ahead of us, she still looked upset. As we approached Stark Tower her attitude imedienly changed she ran out of the car and stared in awe at the building, "Wow" she whispered. I smiled I had a very similar reaction to seeing it the first time "Are you ready to go inside?" She looked at me and nodded happily. We walked inside and went to Mr Stark's office. I knocked on the door and he let us in. "Hello Blondie, are you ready to get started?" "I'm very ready to start, and my name is Betty not Blondie." He raised his eyebrow and looked at her, "I know your name Ms Cooper, I just gave you Blondie as a nickname, no need to get offended." I looked at them both awkwardly, "Uh are we going to start?" "Of course Betty has anything else happened besides your powers? Like memory loss, forgetfulness, etc?" "Well actually I've been having very detailed nightmares and dreams about my past and I've been remembering things that happened very clearly almost like a wave hitting me." She looked relieved as she admitted this to Mr Stark. "I'm thinking that the most scientific reasoning I can give you is that you simply can use more of your brain then the average human. And that triggers your powers, dreams, and shockingly good memory." As Mr Stark gave his explanation Betty watched him looking interested and like she was holding on to his every word.  She looked beautiful. Mr Stark didn't want to overwhelm Betty so he was saving practicing and experimenting with her powers until tomorrow. He sent Betty out to the hall so he could talk to me in private. "Peter we need to talk about Betty." I started to get nervous, was he going to tell me she had to leave or that I couldn't like her? I replied nervously "What about her?" "Well I did some research on Riverdale and found some interesting stuff about things that have happened there. I think this is something you should look into later tonight, I would look through it with you now but Betty is waiting. But just know the things your going to find out about Riverdale will change the way you look at Betty, she's been through a lot Peter." I had never seen Mr Stark like this and I wanted to ask him about it but Pepper came in with her arm around Betty. "Why on earth is Betty in the hallway waiting alone? She must be bored out her mine." Pepper looked at her husband confused. "Well Peter and I are done talking, you guys can go." I looked at Mr Stark one last time and then we left.

Betty's POV

Peter and I drove to the store to get snacks for what we were calling the "Loser Party." We were going to have it in Mj's garage because she had a ping pong table,flat screen tv and karaoke machine in there. In the store Peter was acting like a kid running with the cart then riding on it, I laughed at him the whole time especially when he got in trouble. We threw in a whole bunch of chips, tons of soda, chocolate bars, pop corn, cups, plates, and everything else we needed. The party was supposed to start at 7 but we got done at the store around 6. "Do you want to go to a coffee shop before the party?" I smiled at the thought of hanging out with just Peter. "Of course, I think we'll need a lot of energy for tonight." Peter smiled and drove us to a small coffee shop. We walked in and ordered our drinks and sat down to wait for them. "So Betty, tell me more about Riverdale." "Oh it's like any other small town with really nice people, and fun diners." And serial killers who torture their daughter, father's who kill there sons, I added mentally. Peter and I drank our coffees and talked about random stuff, soon it was time to go to the party and so we left and drove to Mj's.

Eh I don't know if I really like this part... but whatever.

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