Instagram Posts/ Chapter 9

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Peter's POV

I was shocked me and Betty almost kissed. I watched the girls leave the garage and I just couldn't believe what had happened. I slowly stood up and left the garage. I went into the dining room and sat between Ned and Mj's mom. Betty, Mj's dad, and Mj sat on the other side. I focused on piling my plates with pancakes ignoring the obvious awkwardness in the room. Mj's mom was the first to break the silence, "How did you guys sleep?" Ned answered 1st, "I slept great that recliner is so comfortable! I feel bad for Peter though he slept on the floor." Mj's mom looked upset with herself "Oh Peter I'm so sorry I should have pulled out the air mattress!" I smiled at her "It's completely fine Mrs Jones, I slept just fine." We continued to eat in silence. Mj spoke up, "Betty, Peter, Ned, do you want to go get coffee with me?" Ned frowned, "My mom wants me home in a half hour, sorry guys." "It's alright. Betty, Peter, do you want to go." Betty smiled "Of course I really need coffee right now." Betty and Mj looked at me "I'll go, I'm always in the mood for coffee." We finished up our breakfast and drove Ned home. And the we headed to the local coffee shop.

Betty's POV

As Mj drove us to the coffee shop, we all jammed out to music and sang at the top of our lungs, "IT'S A PARTY IN THE USA!" As we got out of the car  I took a picture of the 3 of us, and smiled at the results, Mj looked at the picture, "Man we look good! Oh Peter I guess you look ok too." I laughed and Peter rolled his eyes as we walked into the coffee shop. I inhaled the wonderful smell and claimed a table while Peter ordered the drinks and Mj went to the bathroom. I took the opportunity to post the picture I took on Instagram.


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Baby.Coop: I love hanging out with these wonderful people!💖 Just missing


Tagged: @Loner.Mj and @Peter.Parker


VeronicaLodge: Don't forget me B!!! Also is that a potential love interest I see😏😉

Baby.Coop: @VeronicaLodge I could never forget you! And shut up Veronica I've only been here a month!

VeronicaLodge: @Baby.Coop It was the same for me and Archie but look at us now.

Bulldog.Archie: Miss you Bettykins!😉😂

VeronicaLodge: @Bulldog.Archie How dare you steal my nickname for her Archikins!?

Baby.Coop: @Bulldog.Archie Miss you too Archikins!😂

VeronicaLodge: @Baby.Coop 😒😒

I laughed and turned off my phone. God I missed them. I looked up to see that Peter and Mj were sitting at the table and it looked like they'd been there for awhile. "How long were you guys sitting there?" "5 Minutes" Peter laughed. "You could have got my attention!" "You were grinning like an idiot and we didn't want to disrupt your happiness." Mj laughed. "What were you smiling about anyways." Peter asked. "Look at the comments on the post I tagged you in." They both pulled out there phones and looked at the post and comments. Mj replied to Veronica.

Loner.Mj: @VeronicaLodge Yes he is a total love interest! You should see the way these 2 flirt.

Guy.In.Chair: @VeronicaLodge They flirt so much it's sickening.

VeronicaLodge: @Loner.Mj @Guy.In.Chair Take pictures and send me the deets over dm.

Peter.Parker: @LonerMj @Guy.In.Chair You guys suck.😒 You liars.

Guy.In.Chair: @Peter.Parker We only speak the truth.

Loner.Mj: @Peter.Parker You know you love me- Gossip Girl.

BabyCoop: @Loner.Mj 😂😂

BabyCoop: @VeronicaLodge Don't believe them! They are liars!

Beanie.Boy: @BabyCoop You look good I miss you.

Bulldog.Archie: 😬😶😮

VeronicaLodge: @Beanie.Boy How dare you! You sick cheater! I swear when I see you. You will wish you will never ever see a set of heels and pearls again!

I set down my phone and looked at the 2 concerned friends in front of me. "Aren't you guys going to drink your coffee it's getting cold." They awkwardly picked up their drinks and sipped them. Of course Jughead ruins a good time. I mentally rolled my eyes, what a jerk.


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