3. I will be there for U....

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Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing good. I know most of you may not like this odd pairing, but i intend to make it fun. Though, the start may not look sad but the end will be good that I can assure you all. Thanks for reading this fanfic :D



Still the same dream, though deep down I know it was the most heart wrenching moment in his life, I saw him getting shattered in front of my eyes. I did everything possible to bring him back to the kind of the person he was with Beam...Happy but it felt as if he took a piece of Forth the moment he left him.

No matter how much I try to comfort him, whenever Forth has these kinds of stressful moments to deal with...he will get this nightmare...more of a reliving that moment. I could feel the tension in his body, for these many years I have known him and how he feels. Yes, this one thing I am not able to make him overcome, Beam will always be the most important part of his life, no doubt about it...I am really ok with it...but not the breakup part. I wish I could erase off that particular instance.... those memories that till date haunt him...they have left a pain in both of our hearts. I feel bad at time, am I not enough of a source for love... that he still gets these dreams about Beam... I seriously try my to make up for those lost times. The days he spent crying over him...yes he went in serious issues he was on the verge of self-harm...the most extreme step that he would have taken.

Though he got up all panicked, I have to keep my mind calm...give him this positive vibe.... calming his nerves down and to say sweet words that will make him relax.

I have seen him at the peak of his glory, being a dashing Head hazer to being the best student of his faculty...but all went down when he went into depression.

Those were testing times in his parent's life... then I decided to be part of his life...no matter how badly he was broken...bringing him back. Making him smile which reaches those beautiful eyes of his...that intoxicating smile....I wanted him to be normal more like the old forth. But I know I will never replace Beam in his life, but he need to be a new person, but these business deals were nothing to get stressed about, but he started loosing his confidence level...so that's why he feel so stressed lately. But Forth's dad is all-cool about it, his parents are more concern about his health. There was a time when he literally stopped ignoring his health.

All said and done, he is now far better with respect to the first few years after the break-up. Yes, he took years together to recover and now he accepted one fact I will never let him feel alone, I am always there no matter what. So here I am all married, staying with his parents taking care of his needs...keeping him satisfied.

I am so lost in thinking, that I forgot to flip the pancake...it started to burn bringing me back from my train of thoughts. But suddenly a pair of hands surrounds my waist; he just nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck. Then I could hear his bed husky voice..

"Are you planning to give me burned breakfast, are you so angry with me"

"You were stressed out for no reason, I don't like it when you get so worked up"

"This is an important business deal, please don't scold me. I really need you..." his voice sounded so low.

I just turned cupped Forth's face and kissed on his lips...I just took him in my embrace, he needs a tight hug. We were being watched; I know his parents are looking at this scene worriedly. I just whispered in his ears, "Can I come along with you to the office, so that I will not get worried about you."

Forth just looks at me and nods like a cute little kid, I know he does not need me, but just to keep his spirits high its better to go with him....but wait a minute...I looked back at Forth...I just agreed to go along with him, shit I was denying to join him in office...this bugger just tricked me.

Forth was grinning, but I can't just keep on denying it...I better join him.

Forth dad was so happy to know my decision, this trick worked....so far I was just helping my mom with her business. But I guess its time for me to join my husband....I just stuffed the burned pancake when Forth was leaning to kiss me.

I just freed myself from his embrace so that I can feed him well....this idiot will eat anything if I feed him. I just took that burned stuff from his hand and took him to have his breakfast with everyone.

We had our share of tough times, now we are moving towards a better future together hand in hand.... Forth is everything to me.

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