15. We all are together in this....

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Hi everyone, I am back with a new chapter just to give an idea how everyone is close to each other. I hope you all like this, from next few chapters things will get clearer, what went wrong with  ForthBeam relationship.

Enjoy and please fell free to comment. 


Next day morning, the Jamornkul house was buzzing with friends hanging out at kitchen and dining area. Everyone was welcomed by the loving family of Forth, all of them helped with arranging plates and preparing breakfast. Where Kit and Wayo were helping with Ken who was a regular at Forth's residence, the rest of them were talking with his dad, but they all didn't notice Pete anywhere.

In Bedroom,

Pete was silently watching sleeping Forth, he was just trying to imagine what went wrong with Forth and Beam. At times you just let go stupid fights between exes and friends, but beam was becoming more aggressive, he was just not behaving well with Forth and that was not ok with Pete. The best part is Forth and Ming will be travelling for Business purpose for one entire week at that time, he will observe Beams behavior. Ming will accompany for four days and remaining three days Forth has to handle another meeting. No one will know about this plan apart from family. At this time Pete will try to understand the real deal from Achara.

When Pete was busy thinking about it, while blankly moving his figures through Forth's hair, he just accidently brushed his figures through the wound area, in that moment Forth just flinched in his sleep. Pete tried to wake him up since he knows everyone is waiting for them. Pete said "Hey babe, just wake up naa..." to which Forth just replied with a light nod and "Hmmm" in his sleep.

"Does it still hurt, do you want us to go to the clinic, just let me know na." Pete asked in a very low tone.

Forth slowly opened his eyes, "It does not hurt much, there might be some small bump...that is paining." It's then he noticed a small bandage and said "Who did this, Pete did you do this.??"

"No, it was Pha..." Pete said that with a smile and asked Forth to get up so that they can go and meet their friends. All of them wanted to know what happen and what made this situation get worse. Pete bought Forth along with him to the dining area, the first person to break the silence was Pha.

"Dude, will you tell us what exactly happened.... how did u get that cut at the back of your head." Phana was bit serious with this conversation.

"Nothing much, I guess the timing was wrong, I am sure Beam didn't intend to be like this. I feel something gets triggered in him, which makes him to behave in this way. I am ok btw, if you all are worried by it." Forth said that with a smile on his face.

"Stop it Forth, you seriously take the side of Beam, I am sure he pushed you and you are not ready to tell us." Kit said that in a frustrated tone.

"Hey Kit, you are taking all this way too seriously. I feel you all must work on improving your relationship with him. He wants you all to be his friends just like the old days. Lets just forget what happened in the past. Don't be so hard on yourself, you were his really good friend....yours too Pha. You all were sworn brothers, it's true when they say, 'A brother is an ally and a nemesis you have for life.' Just don't let go this chance to re-connected." Forth was really worried for his friends and the failing attempt of Beam to be friends again.

"HE LEFT US" kit really lost it this time...he was walking off in a huff. Ming made an apologetic face to Pete and Forth. Forth just got up and went to the place where he was sitting and sulking.

"Hey Kitty, you gave me this right to call you by this name, when we all were friends and drinking buddies. I know you are really angry on Beam don't take the past hurtful words cause ripples in your current relationship." Forth just placed his hand lightly on his shoulder. Then he noticed the small teardrops, he then turned and called Ming.

"I still remember those hurtful words, he said.... we all are fucking dick suckers, and he is done living that life. He insulted me and Pha right in front of his parents when we were trying to talk to him. I can never forget that Forth, that still hurts." Ming just hugged Kit. Forth just slumped into the couch and those painful moments just started rushing through his memory ...in no time he felt as if someone is trying to choke him. Forth breathing was irregular but he managed to hide it, he started to calm his nerves...he just wants to be ok for that one and only one person.

"Forth he said he was ashamed of us, he wished he could turn back time and erase those memories. He said he wasted a good amount of time from his life. Who in their right senses will say all this, when you know they are the only people you trust the most." Kit and Pha were now recalling those hurtful moments.

"We were his friends Forth, but you were his life....that's what he use to say. What he did with you was far more worse than those hurtful words." Pha said with a sad look on his face.

"Beam said he still loves me, and he wants me back in his life...he...he want me to leave Pete..!! I know he still hates him, he can't hurt him but he can do it to me. I am ok with it, but I can't leave Pete...he is everything to me....just can't think of it.!!" When Forth finally said the real reason, all of them felt bad.... suddenly one pair of hands just wrapped him up from behind and gave sweet kisses on his neck...it was Pete, who will not let Forth suffer alone.

Pete POV

All of them finally know the real reason of Beam is getting annoyed on Forth, but they have to make sure they don't make it evident that they don't appreciate it. Forth don't want to spoil the friendship.... I still can't believe Beam wants Forth back in his life...for what good reason...just out of jealousy.... I am not sure.... was it always like that.

I feel bad for my hubby, he is the one who has to suffer, physically and emotionally... he has changed a lot after that incident.... Yes, we as a Family been through a lot. I am glad that his parents chose me to be the one to take care of him for life long....no matter how hard it becomes, I will never let anyone hurt him again, not on my watch.

Now I need to prepare Forth luggage for the tour, he is going by tomorrow-early morning flight, so I will spend the rest of the time with him. It feels so good to have a house full of Friends, the people who care for you and to top it up a loving set of parents/in-laws, who love you as your own child....I am so blessed. I am still thinking about Achara's text, she wants to know what happened with Beam and Forth, how did it turn out so bad to the extent that he left his friends.

I am sure we will discuss this all in absence of Forth and I will be able to know how Beam treats Achara, if he claims to have Forth back, I hope he is not mistreating her.... she does not deserve this kind of treatment. But how could Beam get lucky....first it was the privileged life, then getting the hottest girls for fun, them having the Hottest man as a boyfriend, amazing set of friends and then he leaves everything behind and settles with the sweetest person.

Then I saw Forth discusses with Ming the agenda of the meetings and having a good time with the rest of them, right now none of them is thinking about Beam apart from me.

I just need to continue to complete the task in hand and make thing easy for Forth to take along. I need to tell Achara that we can meet for a coffee, so that we can talk freely without anyone disturbing us.

So I texted her, Pete: "Let's catch up 2mrw, we can have the most awaited discussion."

Achara: "I seriously want to talk with you, Beam is going for a conference next week, we can spend some extra time to discuss.....if its ok with you....!!"

Pete: "Sure, lets meet and have a good time. It will feel good to re-live the past."

After that, I got myself busy with house work with all our friends and spent the weekend with a happy atmosphere. I will make sure, all this stays the way it was, I will make my attempt to improve the lost bonds, if the effort is genuine nothing can stop anyone to reconnect. I really don't want anyone of them to have bitterness towards the other, they all need closure and the only person that can do this is Beam himself.

I hope I can change the old mistakes, so that I can reduce all of their heartburns.... a life with no grudges.

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