16. Relive the Past....

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Hi everyone, i thought its best time to start with the flashback, so here it is how Forth and Beam just clicked. 

I hope you all like it, please feel free to comment. Thanks for reading. :)


At the Coffee Shop

Achara was waiting with a coffee mug in her hands, once Pete reached the decided place; he just apologized to her for being late. He was smiling, but deep-down he was already missing his husband.

Achara said, "I know Beam is not behaving well with Forth, I know he just can't stand to see him with you. I am sorry that we all are getting ourselves in this mess. I need to know Forth and your side of the story. I can't ask Forth, he will never tell me... I am an outsider and talking about his personal life will not be comfortable for him."

Pete said " You are not an outsider, it's difficult to talk about the past....for anyone......in our defense we all can say.... It took a hell lot of time to overcome that hurt. The Forth you see right now was not what he use to be." with a deep sigh, he said that, talking about the past was really painful for all of them.

"So, from which part you would like to know about Forth, like how Beam and Forth become boyfriends or How I got into this entire equation."

"I would like to know how Beam and Forth happened... it will be interesting to know.... how they got together and all that surrounds them."

"Let me tell you what I know about them, I am sure there might be much more detailed version of it.... maybe Pha and Kit will be able to tell it in a better way."

"We can, if she wants to" that was the deep voice of Pha standing near their table with Kit and Yo.

Achara was a bit surprised to see them, Pete felt relieved to see his friends to the rescue.

"So what all do you want to know, we can tell you everything about them. We have known Forth, Pete and Beam for many years now." Kit said it with a dimple smile on his face.

Just like Pete he is missing Ming. Pete and Kit look at each other and smiled, then they simply hugged each other just to comfort.

"It's very interesting to re-live the past." Pha said with a big sigh.

Flashback begins...

1styear in University....

Just like everyone else Beam was a free spirit, he never thought he would join Medical field just like Phana. He had different plans; he wanted to go easy on him. He lived his life on his own terms, didn't care what others think about him, but here he was thinking about doing something which his best friends want to do. The only reason he joined medical was, if he has a soon to be doctor tag, he will get to be with a lot of girls. He had an image and he was true to it, he was indeed a Casanova. Beam loved certain aspects when it comes to beauty, like awesome curves, great boobs and puffy lips, though he kissed them only once to initiate the intimacy. But he prefers them to be down there making him feel good, he had got many compliments for his extraordinary skills. This has lead him into a lot of troubles, but their use to be his friend Pha to his rescue even Kit had tolerated with his nonsense.

But one such incidence has changed his life, he was just walking away in an empty parking towards his car... After he was done with his business, he had a really good time. From nowhere a guy started yelling his name and started to chase him. Just in panic mode he started to run in one particular direction. The parking was deserted and in that stressful situation he couldn't locate his car, in that chase...he just tripped and fell down. That guy just grabbed him by his shirt collar and gave one solid blow on his face. Before that guy could get a second hit on him, that guy was being hit instead.... by one strong and muscled hand, Beam could see that the guy flying and falling at some distance.

Well, what happend to that guy, how did he hit the floor ..... just to see who did that to him, Beam just turned and saw one handsome tan looking guy with great physic was standing there and looking at him.

Beam was awestruck with the manliness, he found it interesting and wished he could handle the matter in the same style.

"You dared to bully a kid, that doesn't suit you dude." Forth said in a mocking way to that guy, whereas he intend to hint it towards Beam.

"Who the F do you called a kid, I can punch you right here, right now for talking shit about me." Beam said that annoyingly.

With that he just got up and tried to push Forth, but before that he had an unfinished business. He just swings his hand and gave a hard blow on that guys face. That guy just stayed lying on the floor in pain.....then Beam just turned and pushed Forth harder, but that didn't help Forth just moved a few steps backward....he didn't even fall down on the floor due to that action.

"A small thank you will do, I just saved your ass out here." Forth said that with a teasing smile.

"I couldn't recall.... did I ever call you out for any kind of help... dude." Beam said that with his own sassy way and walked away showing his middle figure to Forth.

That's how they met for the first time, from that moment Beam struck the cord to the Forth heart at that moment he felt he got one he was looking for. But in case of Beam, he was unaware that he just met his future boyfriend, the reason was simple and he was not into guys.... so it didn't matter to him.

The second meeting was similar, it was proving as if Beam was like a trouble magnet, especially with his one time encounters, no matter what time of the day he was in, he will not let that time get wasted....he will have his ways with that girl. Once that girl gets caught, they will confess that they had the best of the sex of their life, to their friends or to their boyfriends. Then just to take their revenge they will try to strike on Beam and most of the times it use to fail....but lately Pha got busy with campus moon thing and Kit used to accompany him.

On one such occasion when Bean took a leave to go to the washroom, he was pinned to the wall by few angry looking guys. These were the most dreaded guys from economics, and Beam happen to have banged one of their girlfriends. It looked like Beam just accidently pelted stone on a beehive. So here he was pinned to the wall, clueless what will happen.....but he prayed that Pha or Kit might notice his long absence...and they will come to rescue him.

Again from nowhere coincidently Forth entered and saw Beam in that pinned condition, trying desperately to kick that person.

"You again, dude, you seriously are weak...why the hell every time I have to come and help you.??" Forth said that with a smirk.

"A little help...please....for this time....I am really asking for it. ...ahhh ...or else these guys will just screw me up badly...I am worried about my face dude...just help me out..!!" Beam literally begged for help.

"Fine" that's all Forth said, and in no time there was this big fight got erupted in that washroom.... The aftermath was simple....Beam was huffing and so was Forth, but it was an adrenaline rush for both of them...that they just kicked ass of those so called dreaded gang of economics. Those all guy was on the floor and couldn't move a single limb.

"Hey thanks dude for helping, btw, I am Beam...!!" Beam just regained his strength; he just fixed his messy hair and his clothes. He just extended his right hand for a handshake, but in response Forth just looked at it and walked away.

"Hey dude.... why so much of an attitude..!!" Beam shouted with an annoyed tone.... he didn't expect that guy who actually saved him twice will turn out to be this annoying.

With that annoyed mood, he went and sat with Kit so that they all can go together for dinner with Pha.

Just to his surprise, Pha came along with the same guy with whom he just tried to shake hands.

"Are you kidding me, your friend with Pha....!!" This was the only reaction Beam could give in that moment.

This was among a few of their first encounter with each other where Forth tried to throw his attitude which was not ok with Beam....and that's how it all begin for Forth and Beam.

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