29. It's difficult...

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Hi everyone, sorry for not updating this story for long...I hope you all have not deleted this story from your reading lits. I am not going to give any excuse for not updating...to be honest, I was a bit lazy and at time's kept on thinking maybe....should publish 4 chapters together... and say I am back...taadaaa... but this all sound stupid....!!

So herewith the update....hope you all love reading my work just the same way I loved to read others' work...feel free to comment... have a good time ahead...enjoy.. :)


Pete POV

It hit so hard on both of them now that I know his side of the story, he was scared to let his parents know that he was in a relationship with Forth... who am I to judge....I only know one thing he hurt Forth so bad. I was witness to it and the aftermath... was not at all easy on our Family.

"You know, you could have confided in Pha or Kit... they would have helped you out." I know it's so easy to say but trust me at times you need someone to assure you.. guide you to realize what's right and what's wrong.

I couldn't help but look at the sleeping figure beside me; I just caressed his hair also checked on his temperature.

"He is worth fighting for, at least you could have talked with me." I couldn't control my emotions.

"You have no idea what he has been through.... you don't know Beam. I am not blaming you. It's just that it was too much for all of us to see him that heartbroken."

Beam just looked at Forth and then looked at me kind of pleading to give him a chance to be close to my Forth, I know I am selfish but it's for good.... No one will get hurt due to this.

"Please Pete, only once let me talk to him without me acting-out like some lunatic... I need to tell him... I need to tell him all... just once...!!!"

"You had so many opportunities Beam to let us know what's bothering you but not once you told any of us. You acted as if all's well with you and him. As if you are not planning to 'Reject' him." I was trying my best to keep it cool but I was failing miserably. God, it's so bad you know, I just want to scream my lungs out for his reason... justifying his actions. "When exactly you felt that 'I must do it, I must hurt Forth so bad', when did u decide to act on it....why did u even act on it."

"Remember there was this one instance when Forth just got dashed by a moving truck, and he fell off from his bike.... while he was returning late from uni after his lab works. I called each one of you to help me take him to the hospital...as he was so stubborn to move."

"Ya, I remember that...I just threaten him to call his parents... he was so stubborn back then...and he just agreed to go... trust me I was about to call aunty to tell them to seize his bike from him." Pete was smiling on his stupidity...

"That was not an accident.... It was a deliberate attempt by my parents.... I still remember that call from my mom saying those nasty things to me." Beam had tears in his eyes, I can't believe this...this was so new to me I just can't comprehend this confession.

"It all started from the day I stopped being around my parents, the Sunday brunch with my Parents and my talks with my mom were good enough of an indicator of her behavior towards my friends and their way of life." Beam took a few deep breaths, reliving that moment was not easy, so I waited patiently. Meanwhile, I could feel Forth moving bit restlessly, so I started to lightly pat his head so that he can feel good...not grumpy. I asked Beam so that he shouldn't feel too overwhelmed, "Beam I know you feel bad but don't worry, nothing can change it.... we can only wish that people change their way of looking at people like us."

"I know, that's why I stopped calling them often.... I was getting annoyed with the constant calling from mom. One day they just caught me off-guard, as I was returning to my dorm. I saw my mom standing near my dorm room along with my dad. They really looked angry, so they just asked me to open my room door." He continued with his part of the story, "The first thing that they showed me were the photographs of me with Forth." I was too shocked to know this.... so I end-up asking him, "So did they spy on you, without you know... god this is so unfair....they really spying on you...are you kidding me."

Beam POV

"I know it was so unfair of them, but I had no choice.... My entire life was out in open in front of me. All the moments that I spent with Forth were right in front of me all the stills were thrown on my face... those were our personal moments...chill time after stressful classes....every moment was important for me." I can't...hold it back...tears threatened to fall...and they did. It's so difficult to talk about it, for years together I never once let them know what I was facing. The last notch that my parents tried was very unexpected. They made an attempt to hurt him just to scare me and trust me it worked. When they confronted me for the first time, we really had a big fight and things were not easy after that.....it just scared me to the extent of breaking up with my Forth....!!

As I remember...

They just stood in the middle of my dorm room... with all the photographs scattered around us.

"You have really disappointed us, we did everything for you." Mom said with tears in her eyes.

"Beam, you were never like this.... We know you were playing hard...studied hard....we were ok with it..... why did you stop being with girls. As a parent, we want you to know, as the next successor of Baramee family....being with another guy.... (with serious disappointment in his voice) ..you will not have any future... for all these years we worked hard for nothing." My dad was very calm while saying this but I didn't expect this coming from him...it was a serious blow on my face.

"We want you to do as we say or else you will never see that boy again. I don't care who he is, I don't care what he does and I don't care which family he belongs to...all I know is I don't want you to be seen with this guy." With a serious and cold voice, my dad said it all.

"Beam, look at you...what have you become.... Do u see yourself how you behave when you are with him....this is so not you." mom said that with a disapproving tone.

"I look so happy with him can't you see that...I never felt so loved.... It's so unconditional..." I had to say it....made a small attempt to see the beautiful side of my relationship with my Forth.

"No one will accept you, on all fronts you are at the losing end....if I see it...he is the one who controls your life...you are a Man...so just do as we say....you will be happy with the person we have planning you to get married." This time Mom said it after wiping her tears.

"I will not do as you say...I am not a puppet....you do not control my life." After saying that I regretted it... I saw the anger in both of their eyes.

"That rowdy boy is a bad influence....you never disrespected us....it will not be easy if you don't listen to us." Dad was furious and his tone was sending chills in my spine.

They just stormed out of my place....before leaving they only said.....just tell that 'boyfriend of yours, happy time are over'

My parent's warning was enough of an indicator to caution me, but the unthinkable happened.... They had it all planned....and that accident was enough of proof.

Just as we took Forth to the hospital to get him treated of those nasty cuts on his face and arm....I got a call from my dad.

"Beam, do as we say....this is just the beginning of your biggest nightmare." That was the moment when I started to panic.

"Pete trust me it was not easy for me." beam said it in a dejected voice.

Then I heard him say, "I wish you could have trusted me more.... Trusted in our Love." There he was wide-awake with sadness written all over his face.

So heard it all....

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