32. Face your Demons...

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Another update...

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Forth POV

I am sure it's not a Business meeting, but it sort of sounded like a command to me. I need to let someone know about it...but not Pete...he will be a worry worm. So the best bet was letting Phana and Lam know about it....both are close to me.

As I got ready...I heard a knock on my door...I hope it's not Pete...it will be impossible to explain him.

As I unlocked the door, I saw the two most important people in front of me... my mom and dad... I was so relieved...to see them both.

"Ohh, my baby how are you..." Mom just hugged he and checked on my fever...and Dad, as usual, patted my head...and kissed it.

"I am fine mom, I guess the timing is right...I have to talk about something important to you."

"What's the matter dear, is everything alright." My Dad asking with concern in his voice.

"No Dad it's not, I received this." I handed that letter to my Dad because he knows everything...and he knows what danger lies ahead for me.

"I forbid you to go there...and that's final. Who else knows about this letter apart from us..?" Dad sounded damn serious.

"I have to go, dad, don't worry about me...trust me I can handle this... I have told Phana and Lam about it...I am sure they will keep things in check from remote. Please take care of Pete and Beam." I told my Dad assuring him that I will be fine.

"Why Beam, did something happened again.... did that kid tried to hurt you again...he is just like his family...I am glad that we have no business connection with them." Dad said that with serious face, it was evident he does not appreciate the presence of Beam around me... after what all happened.

"You can't say like that....it was just what people do when they see things going out of their control. They try to make that situation in their favor and end-up hurting others, for them getting control over their son's life was important." I try to cool down my dad...he is too worried for me since that incidence.

"Forth we never tried to take control of your life, we supported you no matter what and we trust you more than anything. You almost lost your life due to their stupidity, I really don't appreciate what they did with our family." Their was a sudden change in tone, my dad got bit emotional.

"Dad, you really are the best person and I love you both...glad to be part of you and you support me no matter what. You need to support me extra in this case, please trust me nothing will happen....will take all sorts of precautions." I just went and hugged my Dad.

"I am coming with you and since you are confident about the meeting.... will not stop you, but I can't wait here with your mom like nothing is going to happen, I better be near you. So it's final I am tagging along, I will show up when I feel it's not safe for you."

"Ok dad, I won't stop you... but you have to be at a safe distance, pretend as if you are someone else and you don't know me....hehe hhe it sound so funny."

"Mom you will be ok waiting for Pete, you just chill in here." I asked my mom to wait in here till Pete returns.

"Please don't tell him anything yet...you know he get's worried for no reason."

"I am not sure how long I will be able to dodge his question but will try my best to stay calm and compose." Mom said that all with a warm smile.

"I am sure you will divert his mind from all this, why don't you both go for shopping, before that ask him to have a small nap. He stayed awake for me throughout the night and he was for sure tiered with the travel. Please take care for me naa...once we return we all can go out for shopping."

With that said, we went to meet Mr Baramee on the said address, I just told my dad to stay cool and wait for me in car...surprisingly he agreed to it.

As I walked into the building I got a sudden uneasy feeling as if this is going to get bad...or should I say worst... hope not to loose my composure.

I saw Mr Baramee sitting at the corner table with a serious look on his face, he somehow sensed my presence and gestured me to sit in front of him without looking at me.

"Forth Jamornkul, how are you doing...I am sure Beam might have taken good care of you." the moment he said that, I felt as if some has put a cold water on me, it was seriously a scary moment for me. I guess this situation will not be easy to handle, so the next things that I did was gave a call to my dad without Mr Baramee knowing it ...I hope he just hear this conversation.

"I am luck to have him around at the right time, I am sure it has not gone well with you." I have decided to be brutally honest with him.

"For more than 5 years I tried my best to keep you apart... it worked well.... If you look it from commoner's point of view what I did was remotely inhuman and being was cruel to all. And honestly speaking I am sorry for what I did....for few years I felt as if all I did was wrong." He took a pause and looked at me with those venom filled eyes and said " Now I don't, I should have really not let you survive.... You are tough and you kept on fighting to live...I guess your Parents prayers were strong to keep you alive. But I am sure I did enough of damage to your self-confidence." He had that evil smirk on his face.

"Yaa I am quite luck person, I have all my loved one praying for me, but I never tried to come into your way. I guess we are destine to cross path at such a odd time, I have not put any extra effort to allure your son."

"I know, there is something special about you that no one can resist your charm...my son is too weak to your presence....you still have the same bearing on him....no matter how hard I try."

I just look into his eyes, I know he is not happy with what all is happening around us all.

"So if you are the real reason, he is not focusing on his marriage life and it's been 5 fucking years that we are deprived of the real reason to keep you apart..... then let me get rid of the reason that causing it all..... to root you out like a unwanted weed from our life" Before is could react there was this sudden pain in my arm...I could see blood splattered around me....but I stood my ground....the next thing that I saw was....a gun to my temple.

I suddenly had a flash of all the beautiful memories that I had with all my family and friend...I was all ready... just smiled in the face of Death.

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