24. Things are no different.....

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Double updates are fun....i hope you enjoy reading it. :)



Forth was staying in his dorm, he was too drained with all the fight both physical and emotional, so the moment his head hit the pillow he was in deep sleep. He just needed someone to take care of him; Pete was doing his best to accompany Lam to take care of Forth. Suddenly there was a knock on the door; they just took their position in case the matter gets beyond control, as Forth needs less attention in this matter.

Lam just moved slowly, he opened the door carefully and was surprised to see Beam with food for all of them and first aid box to attend to Forth's bruises. The moment he moved in, he saw Pete but he didn't react he just placed all the stuff on the table and asked them all to have their food. 

Everyone was surprised for this sudden change in Beam's behavior, they just didn't make it evident. Then after a few hours, the medical gang joined them, they all sat together trying to understand the sudden change of events.

Beam and Pete, on the other hand, were standing in the balcony; they really need to talk... so the best thing to do was talk and not to ignore the big elephant in the room. Beam took the initiative, "Pete can I ask you something.... if you don't mind"

"Yaa....hmmm.... you can."

"I have this feeling that you consider Forth.... more than a 'Friend'. You did not know that he was in a relationship.... so it was obvious to feel that way."

Pete was taken back with this sudden question, he just didn't answer right away. He took few deep breaths then found some courage and said, "I know I think of him more than a 'Friend', but trust me the moment I came to know he has you in his life. I backed out....it's not right on my part....in very less time I got this best feeling of having someone to protect me....I know it sounds childish but this is the best thing that has happened to me." Pete just wanted to let out all the emotions and all the feeling as he sensed the tension between this couple. 

"You know at times I wished that I had known him before, I wish my mom would have introduced me to him before 'U'...!!" Beam just looked at Pete with a bit of an annoyance, was not expecting this statement, still, he felt the need to keep his cool and not to ruin the moment.

"You are lucky to have him, he is worthy of all the love and care....he keeps his dear ones before himself....he jumps into situations without giving a second thought. He is such a compassionate person.... everything.... is just awesome about him."

Beam could not interject when he is listing to all these confessions from Pete. He is thinking to assess the depth of Pete's feeling at the same time he is proud of the fact that Forth is his boyfriend... 'he is mine' that's what he was thinking. 

A smile crept on Beams face, "Thanks for saying all these good things about him. Now you better return back, you need to rest. I will tell the rest of the guys to go and have some sleep, I will take it from here." Beam just went a gave a side hug to Pete. 

They all moved out reluctantly but decided to crash at Lam place, as it was just 2 rooms away from Forth's, just to keep an eye on the surroundings. Similarly few guys were guarding around the dorm ground floor. Once everyone left, Beam just crawled in the bed and spooning Forth. 

This is his way of expressing and sending across those vibes that he completely trusts him with Pete no matter what he sees. He trusts their relationship, though it all started so vaguely.... it progressed fast as they started to do things without thinking much. One thing leads to another and they just went on exploring different aspects of each other as a person, both feel content and happy as they have reached the ultimate goal of their relationship. 

They are bound to have all sorts of vicissitudes but Beam never though, Forth will never change, even if he has the most amazing looking person around him. He has all his eyes for Beam, so that was the level of trust they achieved so his way of confirming his feeling was to express by his body language. It was time for Beam to express that he has his back and at the same time, he feels so good at so many different levels of comfort....even though he was literally pressing his body to be close with each other.

Present Scenario.

Forth has a fever and he feels completely drained, all he needs is a warm body of his husband and he will wait for him. He tries his best not to drift into a sleep, so he preferred sitting on the sofa and started reading some documents.

There was a knock on the door, Forth was still in his awesome looking simple Tshirt and Pj's and he looked more amazing with his glasses on. The knock on the door was persistent, he opened it....surprised to see the person who he was least expected.

"Hi, I am Dr. Beam...the floor manager told me that  someone in this room needs some medical attention." Beam said it without looking into the person who was standing in front of him. He was surprised to see Forth standing there with a confused look on his face, the only thought that crossed his mind was, 'what is he doing here.'

Beam was surprised to see this side of Forth, though it has been years he has not even been so close to him, have not hugged him or kissed him the way he used to do it. All that can wait, as his mind was drifting towards doing things which are so wrong..... for one moment he felt ' just let it be' and the next moment he pushed Forth inside and closed the door harshly.

It's so rightly said, 'there's a difference between somebody who wants you and somebody who would do anything to keep you.'

So all he wants is ...... 'HIS FORTH'

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