33. You don't know the pain...

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Another update, I hope you all like reading it...feel free to comment... thanks

Take care and have a good time. :)

All the photographs credit goes to wonderful people who post them on twitter and Instagram.


Pete POV

I have to make Beam understand, he doesn't know half of the things...he just walked out, but we all had to endure the pain of seeing Forth heartbroken.

Now I get this sudden uneasy feeling, it was the same when I got to know about the major accident that Forth got into. Beam somehow saw me zoned out and asked me, "Pete what's the matter, are you ok..!!"

I just looked at him and said: "I got the same feeling that I got when Forth was not ok....it was not easy to see mom and dad getting so worried....the most difficult time for us."

"You just mention it, but you have not told me what exactly happened. Please tell me what was that incidence that changed everything, how did you get into the equation....I know you all are family friends but... a marriage that is something I never thought of." Beam couldn't contain his curiosity.

"It was when Forth started his internship, he works in one of the factories where things were not working out beneficial for Business and to improve they have to work round the clock. So Forth preferred to be there to turn around to make it more profitable.... and he did. ...but he just ignored his health, he became some kind of workaholic person." I feel sad when I look back, he was really in bad shape...ignoring his health and his happiness.

"I use to go and visit him, just to cheer him up...but nothing worked...I still remember that day when he joined there...went there to meet him after almost a month and he just didn't smile much...he was way too focused as if that's the only thing for him. It was a really good distraction for him." I saw Beam's keen eyes trying to make sense of what I am telling him. As I continue to tell, he was more focused on knowing about me getting into the picture.

"So when I met him, he looked sleep deprived and he lost a considerable amount of weight. So I decided to visit him often so that I can distract his mind. And it worked.... whenever I use to go and meet him unannounced...I could see a smile on his face. We use to spend a good amount of time talking about work and a lot other things until I decided to join him along as his business strategist."

"I am sure you did the right thing, Pete, he has the tendency to forget that he is only human and he is really good at hiding his emotions..!!!

"But that didn't last long as we were nearing to streamline the entire factory and our targets...production backlogs were getting clearing with a lot of order inflow." I saw Beam giving me this confused look as if I am talking in some foreign language... I forgot he is a doctor not a workmen like us working in a factory.

"Sorry to talk all this but I was setting the tone for this conversation, you see why does a person submerse himself in piles of work.. because he wants to forget someone.. so what's the best way.... it just keeps on working till your body and mind say I give up..And that's what he was doing exhausting himself to such an extent that his mind and body both give up." A tear escaped my eye...I am sure Beam has noticed it.... but he didn't say anything.

"So it was after working for 6 continues months Forth was returning Home to spend some time with his mom and dad...but no one knew what was going to happen, that changed our life."

"What happened??"

"I was trailing behind driving my car...enjoying some romantic music, Forth car was a bit ahead of me....I told him he needs to drive along with me but as always being stubborn...just for few minutes I lost my attention as slowed down a bit."

I still remember that moment...it was so stupid of me to get distracted.

"The moment I slowed down, I heard a big crash... I just lifted my head....had that strange feeling as we were heading to some most accident-prone area...so I just started to speed a little bit...was stopped by the most disturbing image in front of me."

"As in, what happened..."

"I saw a huge truck had slammed one car from sideways, and the driver's side was completely destroyed...my heart was racing as I stopped the car and started to run towards the direction where a lot of cars had stopped to help the injured."


"I just reached there, I was not ready to see the scene...I walked toward the crowd... moved them aside." Unknowingly tears started to fall from my eyes remembering what happened to my baby.

"He was just lying lifeless, I felt as if my world came crashing down.... people were fast to remove him as fast from the destroyed car... as his car door has caused him major injury at his mid-portion. He had broken ribs and major cut near his abdomen.... his left leg was stuck and almost fractured at multiple locations. If he would have been conscious he would have been in really bad pain."

"You know what Beam people said...It felt as if he gave up on life...he lost the will to live...because it felt as if he is ready to let go himself....he had shallow breath." Beam was shocked to know what forth had gone through.

"When did it happen... how come no one mentioned about it....was it in media..!!"

"It was not in media as Dad didn't want to grab attention.... It was on xx of Aug xxxx....I can never forget this day Beam...never in my life....it was that moment when we were going to lose everything." I looked at Beam and he was shocked.

"What's the matter....why are you shocked after hearing the date..!!"

"It's the same day that I got married to Achara...why does it feel that my family has something to do with it....??"

"Because it has everything to do with the great Baramee Family..!!" I couldn't stop myself from telling him the truth....and again I see the same shocked expression on his face. 

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