22- Just say it.

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Double update, hope you enjoy, Please feel free to comment, i hope you all like it....



Pete drove his car towards the university, he had lot of emotions for the past few days, one side happy to gain so many friends and on another side sad to lose an opportunity to be with the perfect person. As a teen he always dreamed of having 'the Perfect man' so he always had that list in his mind and most of the time imagined it to have someone at least making that perfect score...or close to it. However, what to say Forth has turned out to be 10 in 10 as per the list so that made it sadder to lose him. As per him Forth has all the attributes, he just jumped into to helping him without even asking questions, it is clear he wants him to be fearless. Forth is so passionate about everything, Pete did some search by asking his mom or by checking on his social media accounts, he looked so genuine that his life does not only revolve around his boyfriend; he is equally there for his buddies. So far, he has not been rude to him, he is just too sweet with him talking and doing things for him and to top it all he is not some kind of spineless conformist, he just let him do what he feels like doing. He is just perfect, just by thinking all this Pete is happy to be close to Forth, he wished he could have met him earlier....way too before Beam happened in his life. With all those thoughts, he spent his days in university with full dedication, he use to go to Engineering food court just to have some time with all of them.

Just like that he is no more bullied, everything just stopped no more harassing or hackling, no more taking away of pocket money. It all stopped, as everyone was now aware Pete was friends with this deadly Engineering gang. One day when he was heading home, as Forth was busy with engineering workshop, he just asked Pete to keep him posted about his ware bouts so that he can reach him later on. As he was walking not aware what will happen next, he was walking casually messaging to Forth. The moment he reached his car door, there was someone standing there near to his car. As he was opening the car door halfway through he was dragged at the farthest corner of the playground, by the look of that person he could guess it was Chaow he tried to free his hand but the grip was too tight and it was hurting him. His car door was open and his cellphone was laying there with a half written message. Pete was roughly pushed to the ground by Chaow, "What the hell is your problem..??" this time Pete said it with his full fury. Chaow said, "You don't realize don't you.??"

"What..??" Pete said while getting up to walk fast to leave that shady place.

He pushed him again, pinned him down on the ground, and said "I have never seen someone so amazingly beautiful.... with such amazing eyes and those cherry plump lips." Chaow inched closer to Pete touching his lips delicately, but he stopped, he looked deep into his eyes and said "My way of telling you about my feeling is different. Please try to understand me, I may not be doing this like a gentleman, but trust me I find you amazingly attractive....you are so irresistible.. so so beautiful .." with that he was inching closer to Pete.

Pete just pushed him with all his strength, while getting up, he said "You are some kind of weird person, your way of expressing is violent....you think that I will accept your confession..." still angry with all this Pete said " No ways, just keep dreaming." Suddenly Chaow gripped his right hand tried to turn him around but he could not, as someone much stronger than him, held his hand. Chaow was forced to let go of Pete's hand and when he saw who was holding his hand, his face turned pale, his cowardice got better of him.

Forth was standing there, he swiftly pushed Pete to be standing right behind him, and he stood in front of him protectively. All he could think was to beat the crap out of this person who dared to hurt Pete, he had seen how his car door was ajar and his phone was laying on the road.....it was shocking for him and he was bit worried for Pete. Now when he saw how Chaow behaved he don't want him even near to him, so it has been simple equation for him just to act, so the first blow went from Forth, it was so powerful that Chaow flew back and landed on his bum. It was difficult to punch him again, as Pete was back hugging Forth, so that he may not lose his temper. Pete just silently shed few tears fearing that Forth might get punished due to him. The first thing that Forth did was to hug Pete and comforted him. Chaow was vexed with the scene, so he just saw this as an opportunity to attack, but Forth was smart enough to move swiftly and gave a solid blow on his nose which made him fall with a bleeding nose.

"This is the last time I see you near him or else the evidence I have with me to prove that you are 'homophobic' and that will have a huge black dot on your records." With those threatening words he took Pete along with him.

Beam was waiting near Pete's car; he was along with Forth as they were heading for some late dinner date. Beam saw how Forth was dragging Pete towards his car, he saw the stone cold expression on his boyfriend face.

"We will drop him to his place" without any explanation, he told Beam, when he looked at Pete he had a red nose and teary eyes.

"You ok Pete, did he scold you." Beam asked with a concern on his face, Pete just did not say much he just shook his head.

"I will drive him home, I will ask Lam to drop my bike at my dorm. Beam I am staying at his place tonight is it ok with you." Forth ask Beam as a response he nodded, as he was ok with it.

"Do you want me to come along, if it's ok with Pete" to which he did not say anything.

"You will have your exam tomorrow, don't worry, trust me on this. I will call lam to join me." Forth said it to Beam, "Is it ok with you Pete, I just don't trust that guy, and he may try to do something." Pete just did not say anything, as he was too scared to even answer.

On the other hand Chaow seniors felt it like an insult as one of them got beaten up by that rebel engineering student single handedly. They have to act fast before it is too late, so they formulated their plan, they will attack him when he is least expecting it.

Pete was feeling bad to give trouble to Forth and he felt guilty as he came to know, just due to him they both cancelled on their dinner date. Forth saw how Pete was feeling low and blamed himself for all this trouble; he squatted down in front, took his hand in his huge hands, and started comforting him.

Pete felt so overwhelmed that he hugged Forth tightly, after soothing him for a few minutes he heard the persistent knock on door, they were bit relived when they saw Lam and Ken standing at the door with food packets to cheer Pete.

With those teary eyes and smile on his face, his mood changed and he was comfortable for the unannounced guests.

Beam was busy with his studies when he received a text message with an image of all four of them having a goofy look on their face. Beam had a smile on his face after seeing all of them doing their best to cheer up Pete, he was happy to see that one particular face and it was none other than Forth.

This was just the beginning of good time or was it so...

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