21.- Best Buddies.

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Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing good. Just a small update. Please feel free to comments.




No one dared to open their mouth as Chaow with his gang members felt this sudden urge to run away as far as possible. There was always bad blood between various groups, but the fiercest one was with Economics and Engineering. This had been happening since ages, but there was no end to it, these economics guys were not at all disciplined they felt bulling someone was the only way to prove their might and they never taught what was right or wrong. The moment they noticed theses many red jackets; they were all ready to face the consequence.

Pete took this opportunity to get close to Forth's ear range to whisper something in his ear. But that was noticed by everyone, they were not sure why he was doing this, they were not sure who this cute face guy was, they were just there to be with Forth that's all...no questions asked.

Pete just whispered and asked, "Are these your friends??"

"Yaa, this is called 'Brotherhood', no questions asked, no matter what reason we all are together in any situation."

"Wow, you are so lucky to have these many friends, I wish I could have such friends." With that there was this sudden disappointment in Pete's voice.

"You are forgetting something, I just declared you as my best buddy. So now my friends are your friends as well." With that Forth just gave that sweet smile to Pete.

This was noticed by Beam who was standing along with the rest of the Engineering gang; he had this sudden jealousy that he never felt...though he knows they both have not declared about them to others but still....he has full control of him. Seeing Forth getting comfortable with this new guy was really worrying him, until Forth noticed the frown of Beam face and gave him that smile. That was indeed an eye sore for him, but he still kept his cool.

Chaow and his gang have to retrieve back after seeing the entire gang, before leaving him just glance, one last time at Pete as if 'will see you again' kind of look. But Forth was too fast to block and asked him to back-off and said "If you dare to even look at him, you will have it from me. Just get moving..." and he kept the same stern look on his face as if he is protecting Pete from all these bad boys.

Where as Pete was more smitten by his protective side of Forth, he was just smiling sheepishly. Lam just moves close to where they both were standing and said angrily to Forth "Care to explain, who is this cute."

The first person to react was Ken, he really didn't like Lam calls someone cute. It was so not Lam...who will not care to give one look at him, but right in front of him he is calling someone else 'cute'.

"Hey, Hi I am Lam, if you are wondering who we all are...we are his best buddies. What's your name cute???"

Forth just push Lam for acting too cute in front of Pete, he said "Cut the crap Lam, thanks for coming, but you forgot someone back there..!!" and then he pointed towards Ken.

Ken had that cold look and he was about to burst with jealousy....to which Lam shake it off ...kind of ignored him and said "Nothing new, he get's jealous of you as well....he is an idiot."

Pete just had that cute chuckle which caught everyone's attention, including Beam, " I am sorry Forth, I am causing trouble for your friends."

"They all are stupid, just ignore them...just except few sensible people..." Forth gave that cheeky look to Beam, which had no reaction from Beam.

"Pete this is Lam and Ken they are kind of together, but they both deny it....so just stay away from Lam when Ken is around. I don't want them to even touch you if you are the reason for any fight between them." Forth just glared at his friends to make it clear for all of them and then he introduced the rest of the gang.

Beam just waited for his turn to get introduced, he just wants to wipe out that smile from Pete's face once he knows what he and Forth are, just then Forth called him.

"Pete let me introduce to someone special, this is Beam, my special person, the way in which I am your special person."

"So your mom is friends with Forth's mom, that's awesome." Pete said with enthusiasm.

"Sorry ('to burst your bubble' Beam said that in mind) you got it wrong our mom's aren't friends, but me & Forth we both are more than friends.....we are dating."

The smile from Pete face didn't fade as he was masking his emotions instantly, pretending to be happy to know about this new information.

"Now I know the reason for your smile, it's good to know that you have your special someone. I will just leave, I just don't want you all get bothered by me."

"Hey where are you going, you can't go alone. Just get into your car and we will all follow you till you reach home." Forth just interjected.

"No that's not required, please don't worry about me. I will text you just so that you won't worry." Pete still smiling, to which Lam said "You have to be really close to Forth family, I have never seen you before, me & Forth are childhood friends but never saw you around."

"I promised to keep him safe and look after him, he was being troubled by these bunch of idiots for quite sometime. Now that they have to face me if they even think of troubling him." Forth said that with a serious face thinking about the possibilities.

"You are not alone in this, Forth's friend is our friend...so from now on we will look after you. Don't you worry, we have your back." Lam just side hugged Pete which made Ken further more annoyed though he didn't express that in front of everyone but he kept on glaring at Forth. Beam was fast to react to this situation, "Ken just cut this jealousy of yours, don't act like a kid who got his favorite candy snatched." This somehow lightened the mood among all of them.

They all just went their ways after making sure Pete reached safely, they all decided that this will be their routine no matter what comes their way.

Forth then told Beam about their visit back home and how he saw Pete and his mom there. He is happy to protect this cute friend of his. Beam was at ease after hearing the entire story and felt sorry for Pete. But still jealous of him, he told Forth not to be so clingy and give space to Pete, as now everyone knows who is with him.

Pete reached his dorm and slumped himself on his soft bed, tears falling from the edge as he was broken hearted even before expressing his feeling. He thought a lot and decided to be a really good friend with Forth and to cherish every moment with him. He knows it well when you have a crush on someone else that is already taken, you try to spend the time as wisely as you could.

On the other hand, Chaow was not happy with this sudden turn of events and decided to deal with this matter in his own way. He will just wait for the right opportunity to be alone with him so that he can do what he intended to do.... just by thinking about it, he had a sudden smirk on his face.

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