27. Our first time...

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Hi everyone, I am so sorry for the late update...again my apologies... I hope you all are doing good. I read all the awesome comments and decide to write some happy times for Forth & Beam. I hope it turned out interesting, it is my second attempt to write some kind of mature chapter. I can't beat the awesome writers in her... just a novice in that matter. :D

Thanks to tweeter and the person posted it....really thank you for this lovely pic... ;)

It's is 18+ chapter... mature content ahead.... you are been warned....  :)



Beam POV

I am happy that I made things clear with Pete and now I am sure nothing can change my mind, the love that I have for Forth can never change. The things is... the day our lips met, that was like my mind went blank, those sudden butterflies in my stomach and for god knows what I was nervous for.... It felt so good. Since then it was a crazy ride, knowingly or say unknowingly we became important for each other. I shared my happy time and all my worries.... and at the same time we use to have our make out time, I always got this compliment of that I am a wild kisser... a lot of crazy lip biting.... like a wild cat. Forth have tremendous patience with me....it's new for me to feel in this way for a guy, especially when it's him. I still remember how I had our first time, it was a weekend and as usual, we went to our usual place for drinks. Forth was as usual calm and enjoying drinks with us all, he was dead tired though so I asked him to sit n chill at the sofa, we were teasing the gang, for not having the much-needed release of stress. I kept on glancing to my side, admiring Forth's side view; he has this chiseled face to die for. I am the most wanted guy, but right now there were all those girls who were drooling with is half closed eyes look which was so HOT... my man has the look.... so girls just back off; I just grabbed his face and gave the most passionate kiss to him.

We partied till the bar closed and we were literally thrown out of that place for staying for long hrs, I and Forth continued with our drinking party where we both were totally wasted, we somehow reached my Dorm with staggering steps.

I still could think of having a few more beers, but after a few more bottles, I need to let out the bottled emotions that I was keeping them with me for so long. Forth was clearly not in a hurry, he was taking it all slow and I was not so good with my patience.

So I literally bust out, "I can't do this anymore."

There was this frown on Forth's face, as for me, I have to let out those emotions that I was feeling right now. "I have been waiting for you to take the next step in our relation, but all you do is take all the tantrums that I throw at you."

"You know what I haven't gotten anything in months." I could only laugh at my stupid drunk confessions. I know very well it's part alcohol spurring me on and the jealousy, I have when I see some trying to be close to this stupid ignorant person.

"Maybe we can change that tonight" forth said that calmly without blinking, though he was highly inebriated he still talked to the point.

"You can't be serious" that's all I could think of.

Forth got up from the place where we were sitting, as I was very annoyed and wanted to end my dilemma of being close to him.... being intimate with my boyfriend.

Forth took a few steps closer and I looked into his eyes, I saw the desire that I had for him, the same want to touch each other. He just touched my lips and said: "Are you ready for it.."

"I am ready for what Forth.."

"Seriously...you acting all cute and innocent to me...!!"

I just nodded, he a suddenly had that confused look as if, 'why the hell is you shy and nodding your head.'

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