31. What is wrong with you...

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Update.. yyayee

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Pete POV

"Beam enough of your childish behavior, whenever Forth is near me something triggers in you.... you end-up messing everything." I can't take it anymore of his stupid attitude.

"I can't see him with anyone else, my heart hurts..... that was the reason I went away..... far away from you all so that I don't have to see him." Beam just slides down and sits on the floor crying his heart out.

"You know, I wish you guys would have never been apart." I mean every word of it, had it been a few years back, but now he has to accept reality....or else is playing with too many peoples emotions.

"Your decision was the most sensible one, as you told us your side of the story but I guess you are not aware of the aftermath once you left him alone." I just move closer and sat beside him...I am sure Forth is taking rest and I need to make Beam understand the later part of his actions. He must know what we all went through due to his certain actions.

"I am here, you can tell me all about it.... but you know what I am more curious is how we're able to make such an important place in his heart.... How could he replace you with me still being in his heart." Beam word was harsh....it hurt me but it's ok I can ignore his nasty remarks.

"I am not a replacement nor am I some kind of option in his heart. Now that you are eager to know what exactly happened...let me tell you it was never so easy for me to be in his life." I am sure after telling him all about it, he will understand under what circumstances Forth and my wedding was fixed.

"Let me tell you how things went, the moment you stepped out of the place, you left a heartbroken Forth rather a miserable person.... all things shattered..... staring blankly at the door...with no hope." I have to tell it all for my Forth sake.


There was no happy aura the moment I entered where Forth decided to pop the question to Beam, rather there was this creepy silence... it was a dark feeling. I walked slowly anticipating some awkward moment in front of me or me witnessing some romance between the crazy couple. But I was shocked to see Forth on the floor sitting defeated, he was looking blankly at someplace....what just happened...that's all my mind could scream....I walked fast towards Forth.

"He left me... just like that." Those were the words said by Forth and the next thing I saw was...he walking blankly towards his room.

"You said 'Forth we can't continue like this, this is really not working. It's better that we go our separate ways.... Goodbye Forth'... he wrote it in his diary and kept on writing it I don't know how many pages" I saw to Phana and Kit as we all were sitting worried about him. Lam and his gang's blood was boiling they were really angry...but just for the sake for Forth, they kept calm.

Forth was nowhere to be found, he just vanished...went someplace to cool down that's what we all were thinking. It's been 2 days and we use to come to his room to check if he returned. On the 2ndevening we decided to do something, we were sure he is level headed and he will not do anything stupid...we waited for him in his room.... we suddenly heard someone opening the door and it was Forth.

He looked tired and he had eye bag's it looked as if he was riding his bike for days. He didn't say anything just went to take a shower.

"It's you who can make him talk, at least make him cry so that he will better," Pete told Lam, to which he received a smack from Lam.

"He is not a baby to make him cry, talking to him is more difficult for me...I have never done this with him....know very well that we all are not good at the word." Lam just couldn't control his urge to explain...but all eyes turned towards me.

"Pete, it's your turn to do something, we are scared of him and don't want to make things worst. Make him talk to you and remember he needs to eat and rest....just baby him for a few days." Lam literally pleaded me.

They all left and I was sitting waiting for him to come out, but somehow I felt Forth was taking too long to come out so I was about to go and knock on his bathroom door...he just came out.

"Forth, where were you, we were so worried for you..!" I literally pleaded him.

"I need to get back in life Pete, I have to clear my mind. So I went to my grandparent's house....to cool down." Forth said looking into my eyes... all I could see was sadness.

"Did it worked..!!" I just moved closer to him and dragged him towards his bed, made him to lie-down and I sat just beside him.

"It didn't.... it's difficult...every memory and the time we spent....it's was so real but now it feels so fake..!!" for the first time I saw tears, for the very first time I heard the pain in his voice.

"I can't let him go from my mind.... even from my heart ...its' so difficult to breathe without him.... it's chocking me..." that's lead to him getting curled up into a ball on the floor. He just clutched his chest and had a pained expression.... and I saw for the first time what Love can do to a person.... being heartbroken can really suck...I was lost in my own thoughts. Then I heard him saying "It's better that we go our separate ways.... Goodbye Forth.!! that's all I can remember, that the only thing that keeps on playing like a broken record....make it stop Pete please make it stop." Now he was sobbing like a kid.... I just hold him in my arms, I felt that was the only thing I can do right now....before he falls apart... it will be difficult to get him back.


"You don't know Beam, he cried like a baby for days together... emptying his heart-out from all those memories that pained so much. You know it well how it looks like when a person is heartbroken." I had tears in my eyes remembering Forth 5 years back...now he is a changed person.

"I didn't know it will break him so bad Pete, I wish I could have been strong... I could feel the pain and agony." Beam could feel the pain that Forth went through.

"We have to have his session with physiatrist to overcome from his misery... we had to take that drastic step or else we would have lost him for sure." I just rubbed my forehead as I was reliving that moment... I could feel the onset of a really bad headache.

" What do you mean by that...did something happen bad to him....??"

"Yes...something really... really bad happened." 

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