28. First signs of storm...

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I hope you all read my attempt to write an offtrack chapter, I hope you all liked reading it. Please feel free to comment, here is the second update for this fanfic.

Thanks for your patience.... stay healthy stay blessed. :)



Beam POV

My phone was constantly ringing; I was not sure who was calling me at this hour of the day. This was the much-needed weekend, so I decide to lazy around the house and cuddle with my baby. Lately, we both are busy with all our final year projects and I was going to start my internship.

I know time flies, I still remember how we started off and today where we stand, we are on this solid ground where no one can come in between us. I have made a peace with the fact that Forth and Pete are really close and nothing can come in-between them. I have stopped being the snob that I use to be with Pete..... they both have a different level of connection nothing can break that and to be honest I am ok with it.

I know the fact that at the end of the day, Forth returns to me, his heart, his touch, his smile and his body that I love....every single thing is mine and no one can have him.

I just looked at the screen of my phone, it was my mom missed call....I am surprised to see it but deep down had a really bad feeling. I know it's rude to ignore your parents call, but I was in no mood to hear what she wanted to say. She has changed and so did my dad.... It all started in my 3rdyear where Forth was busy with his projects and for a change we all wanted to visit our parents in our summer break. We crazy doctor gang decided to go together and meet our parents, it's just that both of my friends decided to be honest with their parents about their personal life and their preferences.

It was easy going for Phana as his dad was open minded and easily accepted the relationship, it took some time for his mom but the moment they met wayo they found him cute. In case of Kit initial resistance was from his brothers but all got sorted when Ming assured he will be loyal and dedicated to him and will take good care of him.

As far as I am concerned, I was contemplating how, to begin with, this topic... it's different in my family. My mom is typical old school types, she has a strong opinion and outright ignorant about the changing world. She will never accept the change and will not let anyone cross the line to make an attempt to change her view on the community. She gave a strong view on preferences, she feels as human being we must behave normal and not get involved in such sinister acts.

It was one such Sunday lunch when she saw, Phana and his family with Wayo, from a distance it looked as if friends having lunch. My mom had a few talks with Pha's mom and they decided to spend some time together. At that moment wayo was introduced as Pha's boyfriend. Though she didn't show it on her face, there was this sudden change, which I noticed, she took few steps back as if she will get it in her system in a bad way.... But the happy environment didn't go well with her belief.

She returned after a few mins and said: " We need to go from here, I don't like the way things look over there."

"What's wrong with that..!!" I asked her this without knowing what I was getting myself into.

"Do you think that is NORMAL" she had that weird frown on her beautiful face as if she felt disgusted by looking at them.

"What's Normal mom.."

"Normal is like how we are not what I just saw and realized what they are heading to"

"What's that...you talking about."

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