20. First impression.

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Just small attempt to compensate for lost time  :P



'That gummy smile the only things that hit you straight in your heart and replicates the same smile on your face' that's all what Pete was thinking. Forth just smiled at his mom, not taking a notice of people sitting along with her. He was not at all aware why his mom called him to spend the weekend at their family home, but he was happy to see his mom smiling. Then he just took a quick notice of some beautiful lady with a cute looking boy, who had a shy smile on his face. As always without any hesitation Forth said, "Hey mom, you didn't tell me what is the special occasion to call me home for the weekend."

His mom said, "I want you to meet someone, be a good boy and help mom to resolve his problem." Forth just looked straight into Pete's eyes and without hesitation, he gave him that mesmerizing smile. Pete's heart fluttered it's true a person's eyes are a window, I can see through them. They are sharp and as of now, it has some sort of determination to fulfill the promise he gave to his mom, just by looking into their Pete got this tingling feeling and an evident light tint on his cheeks. The first time when they saw each other, Pete felt like a connection through his eyes.

With that Pete's mom just made an attempt to distract him, she knew at that moment her son has fallen for her best friend son. "Hi Forth, I hope you remember me, I am Aunty May and this is Pete, my son. You both study in the same university, I am sure you might have noticed him or might have seen him around." To which Forth said, " I never saw you around, when did you join, I am sure with that innocent cute face you might be a victim of a lot of bullying." Everyone was shocked for many reasons, one being Forth openly called Pete as cute and secondly how fast did he conclude that he was being bullied.

"Forth did you already knew he was being harassed, are you among those people who bother or hurt people." Forth's mom voice was sounding annoyed and at the same time, it was stern.

"No, I have never seen him, mom, please trust me. I have seen how people target cute people like Pete (he was pointing towards him) and I know how to deal with those idiots. Trust me mom you have always taught me to be a good person and help those who can't fight for themselves and never belittle people. I am your son, I can never imagine to disappoint you." with that he hugs her, with a proud smile she looks at Pete and said, "From now on you have someone whom you can trust, Forth will take care of you don't worry naa dear."

"You have to be with him, accompany him and don't let anyone hurt him. Pete and May are dear to me, now you have to have his back."

Forth just nodded and promised both the mom's that he will look after him Pete. There was a constant smile on Pete's face when they returned from their lovely afternoon, just as he was lost in his thoughts he received a text message.

Text from Forth :

It is said that true bonding is not necessary to be measured by the time spent with each other. After meeting you, it feels good to have someone cute like you...never hesitate to call me whenever someone is trying to hurt you, one word and I will be there for you. Our mom has shown, how long lasting bond can create a magical friendship and they have entrusted their trust on us to continue it. And trust me, I will never disappoint them, just remember one thing 'You are not alone, I will be there for you'.

Text to Forth :

I 'TRUST' you, whatever you have said.... it reflects in your eyes....they speak more than words, I am lucky that our mom's are friends or else I would have never know that such an amazing person exists. See you around...Forth.

With that smile, Pete scribbled a few sweet moments in his diary and spent the rest of his time with his weekend. He was looking forward to going back to university, though his mom has got him the best apartment, which has all the necessities. Pete to look forward to being along with his mom, but now it's a changed scenario and he wants to spend more and more time with him.

At University

It was different fro, Pete, every inch of him oozed confidence...he met someone who can be his protector, but his happiness was short lived when he saw the group of students approaching him with intent to hurt him. They knew as if he is loaded with cash and they can have fun with his money and they can bring down that enthusiasm by hurting him. As they approached him, one of them named Chaow from economics tried to reach for Pete's collar. There was a strong tan hand holding his wrist so badly and yanked it in such a harsh way that he has to take a few backs and landed on his bottom. Looking at their Leader down the rest of the four boys looked towards the guy standing in front of them with a red jacket. They just hesitated for a few minutes to attack, but it was an easy fight for Forth...he just harshly pushed them all. With that scary look on his face, no one can dare to mess with this one particular Engineering Student. Forth was bad news for this kind of bullies, he just pulled this economics student by his collar and said, " If you dare to mess with him again, you messing with me. I will not spare a single one of yours if I find a single scratch on his beautiful face and as well as body. Don't dare to even look at him." With that, he pushed Chaow to land on his bottom....with the pain he hissed and said, "Why do you care?"

"Now that you have opened your filthy mouth, let me make it clear... he is my best buddy and you have dared to mess with him. I am ignoring all your attempts of past, let us make a fresh start....if you mess with him.....you are messing with him."

"You are no one's best buddy," Chaow said it with anger and hissing in pain due to the push from Forth.

"Who said that..!!" there was a sudden equally deep voice that surrounded that certain place, where they all were standing. As it was evening time very few students stayed back on campus and the parking area was kind of deserted. But to their surprise, there were lots of red jackets and a certain someone with a university uniform looking with raised eyebrows towards Pete.

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