14. Right or Wrong....

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Hi everyone, i hope you all like this fan fiction, i am enjoying writing this story....I hope you all will like reading it the same way.

Thanks for reading...enjoy :)


Beam Pov

Forth Courting Pete, this can't happen...is this marriage arranged, just like mine. He looks so content with Pete as if Forth & Beam never happen; I am completely wiped out from his life. How can he make a statement in front of all of them, is it so easy...why I feel hurt. It has been years when I broke his heart, just left him to keep my promise given to my parents. I shattered him and today when I see him, he is not the Forth that he use to be. Pete just bought him back to life, but why I feel as if Pete has what actually belongs to me, he was mine and if I want I will have my Forth back....it is no more if and buts....I just want him. I looked into the mirror in front of me, I want you back Forth.

Just then I saw someone approaching the washroom...surprise.... it was him...I felt this sudden rush to get answers to my questions. I just pulled Forth to the near by cubical.... pushed him so hard...he was unaware of my actions...he literally hit his head hard....I feel it might have hurt him...but right now I need my answers. So here I am holding the back of his head in my right hand, and my left hand is holding his shirt, I just ask "why are you doing this Forth? Courting!!! Are you kidding me."

Then in that moment I had a flashback of all the old memories.... that I cherish with him and with the rest of my friends. It felt as if I did a mistake, I didn't fight for us, left him broken and today when he is healed.... like a coward, like a real asshole, I want him back. I give a shit what others think, I just want him back.... just can't stand to share him with anyone else.

We both looked deep into each other eyes, I could see the hurt, I felt the pain in those eyes, I felt he was not ok me being that close to him. He felt uncertain, so many emotions in his eyes.... so I did what I wanted to do when he was trying his best to walk away from me. I just grabbed him, turned him around and mashed those lips.

The feeling of tasting his lips after so many years was so good, but what was upsetting was he didn't respond to my kiss. He was looking into my eyes, literally staring into my eyes. He made a last attempt to move away from me, I just let him go....he was holding back of his head....he just touched it and pressed hard...Then I noticed the visible blood on the tile.

When I was moving towards him, he just stopped me...he said "No, don't even move close to me, Beam what ever you are planning to do.... Its wrong...Achara is a good person don't play with her...this is not right....no you can't just play with everyone's emotions...once it was fine...but not again...no...no"

To which I said, "Right or Wrong I don't care baby.... Please, let's be together. I will leave her and you leave Pete....I still love you." I just try to reach him, but suddenly I notice the blood on my hand and his hand as well...I just tried holding his hand. He just swatted it, telling me not to touch him....I said, "Please baby let me have a look, if it's too deep we need to rush you to the clinic. Please listen to me naa....I will not say anything to anyone....I am sorry naaa Forth....please let me see it."

Forth said, "No stay away from me, I don't want you to be meddling with my life. You chose your happy life, so did I....lets not complicate life...you are responsible for Achara's life and I take full responsibility of Pete.....he is the one I chose to be with."

Forth just walked away from me, and here I am staring at my hand which has Forth's blood...just to have him with me in some way...I just wiped my hand with cotton cloth and kept it in my pocket. At least I will not wash away that blood, it will be a constant reminder to me not to hurt him physically.... though his works hurt like hell...but I hurt him the most...this is nothing in that comparison. I already feel bad for him, I suddenly lose my cool when I see him so close to Pete. I need to find ways to be close to Forth so that I can win his heart back, just the way he did it with me during university days. I will win you back baby, that's a promise.

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