11. So much have changed....

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Hi everyone, i hope you all are doing good....Please don't hate me...i just made Beam a bit of an aggressive type in this fan fiction. I hope you all like it, enjoy  :)


At Jamornkul Office

Forth and Pete welcomed Achara and her Team, they tried their best to make her as comfortable as possible. Things went quite smoothly, after returning back from meeting Forth took a brief of the situation, his team was giving certain updates till he reached his cabin. As usual Forth was in a good mood, casually sitting on his desk and looking seriously into the data sheets with his spectacles on.....if you ask the team who works along with him....do they find Forth scary....they would instantly reply... 'Nope'. A lot has changed since his college days, after settling down with Pete...a lot has changed...which didn't go unnoticed by that one person who followed Forth till he just ignored people calling him to ask that who he was.

Beam was lost in looking at the only person sitting in front of him, the Forth he use to know earlier has changed multiple folds. Right from the look, the way he walks and talks...everything has changed. Beam just couldn't contain his excitement to see the only person that mattered a lot.... deep down he knows what he has done...he literally sacrificed his Love....just for the sake of few dear ones. Now all he could think of was to know is this really him....so in very soft voice beam just said, "Forth.." that's all he could say.

Forth just lifted his head, just to understand who was calling him, hid muscles tightened, all those memories just flashed in front of him....every good and bad memory...it was as if time has stopped....both didn't move a muscle. Forth, just looked straight into Beam's eyes...where as Beam was trying his best not to get all his emotions spilled out.....for these many years he literally killed his love....knowing the fact deep down the kind of life he was living. Beam knows he was living a lie....he just started to move forward without realizing that if a single word from Forth....even his name from his lips, he will be a crying mess.

Beam still remembers how he controlled himself when he just broke Forth's heart.....he didn't want Forth to know the fight, he was fighting...that to all alone...hurting what was his only way-out.

Beam just gave a very genuine smile, just stood in front of Forth....he just want to remember this image of Forth in front of him, he want to touch those lips, he want to crease those lovely cheeks...wants to run his figures along his jawline...wants to kiss those lips...to suck on them till they feel numb....he just wants to wrap his hands...want to inhale the manly scent of him...mixed with musk and smoke....he just wants to bury his face in the crook of his neck and get lost in it. But Beam just noticed one thing, it was the dark purplish mark, slowly, his expression changed....the look he gave as to ask so many questions....Beam wanted to ask....who claimed him....who was the one dared to do this to him. So Beam just lifted his hand and reached the spot where the hickey was....he just touches the spot. The next thing that he did was unimaginable.... he just scratched the mark.... it started to bleed a little....Forth just looked with wide eyes towards him....all emotions mixed....surprise...a bit shocked and a lot of pain.

On the other side Achara was shocked as she entered in Forth's cabin with Pete, both of them are shocked....not able to move a muscle.

Beam just grabbed Forth's jacket and asked "Who is the one who dared to clame you....just tell me."

With the same emotion Forth just removed those hands and said it all in the most cold voice, "We have an unfinished business, you can't just walk in here and ask me question... you were the one who walked out on our relationship."

Pete just snapped out of his trance, so was Achara....she looked worried as she could see Beams body language has changed.

Where as Forth was sitting calmly, he just removed his glasses and took tissue from the box to press it on his neck where it was hurting. Suddenly Pete was beside Forth, looking all worried....he never thought Beam would act so violently....he just flipped.

It was out of character, what he did was wrong, at so many levels. Achara just stayed to pull Beam from there, but Beam just looked more angry...when he noticed the wedding band on Forths ring finger and the same band on Pete's finger. He was just glaring at Forth....to which Forth gave an equal and more powerful glare.

Forth just got up and pushed Pete to be behind him, protectively, he stood in front of him. Beam just got a flashback of the incidence from his university days.....it was like Déjà vu...same pose...same look....he just remembered how Pete came in their life...and how everything started falling apart for Beam and Forth.

Achara just took Beam out of the cabin, she literally took Beam out of there, Beam just dragged himself to their car....she just lost it...."You can't just attack people...with no reason. What got into you, what was it so difficult for you to see both of them together."

Beam was just calming his nerves, he didn't know, his emotions which he bottled up for so many year will literally explode in this way. He just reached home, shut himself in the bathroom went under the shower, stood under the running water....he just hurt him physically this time....emotionally he literally killed him but today seeing him with someone else he hurt him physically. He couldn't stomach the fact that he was taken....Beam thought he would be ok seeing Forth...single or committed...it doesn't matter...but he didn't think that he will do something like this. Beam was crying under the shower with his clothes still on, he was emptying his emotions, he just wants to remove that hurt image from his memory....he want to keep rerunning the image of Forth being calm and composed.

Where as in Forth cabin, Pete got all teary, seeing Forth hurt due to him was the last thing he expected. Pete was feeling guilty, he just kept on crying...first he didn't expect Beam will follow Forth in his office, secondly, he will attack him just by noticing that purplish mark. Forth was already hurt due to his stupid move, but now it was hurting more. Pete couldn't control his emotion he just hugged Forth and wept like a child. Forth was just consoling Pete, where as Pete just kept creasing the area where Forth was hurt....he was feeling bad.

"Don't think too much, see I am all fine smiling"

"No he just attacked you just because he thought you are taken and someone marked you. He lost it when he saw me." Pete said after wiping his tears...he had turned red, his eyes were a bit swollen by constant rubbing to wipe tears and his nose has turned red as he kept on wiping it. Forth found this so adorable, he was just smiling. When they reached home, looking at both of them, Forth's mom...... though she came to know everything but still she didn't say much, she was worried. She just took some bandages and told Pete to take care of the wound. Forth was still calm, but when they were cuddling at night...he couldn't sleep....the angry and possessive face of Beam kept on reappearing.

Forth just thought, so much has changed....Beam has changed, but one thing remained same....his possessiveness.

On the other hand Achara was sleeping peacefully in Beams arm. He was wide awake, thinking about Forth...so much has changed, but one thing remained same...Forth will never hurt him no matter what.

So Beam just decided he would get back what he lost years ago.

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