4. - Lost him for..... good....??

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Hi everyone, I know you all are upset about the pairing, but trust me at times being different is more fun. Please do share your point of view. Short chapter today...trying my best to make it better.

Please let me know...I hope you enjoy this story.



It's been years together when I walked out of that scene...the serious confession from Forth, I had no courage to look back....to look eye in eye with Forth. Till this date I have this guilt, why I did that...does he deserved that. That incidence had made me loose the people whom I cared so much, they just prefer to stay away from me rather than being with me. I lost Phana and Kit....they swore to be with me no matter what life choices I make...but they really didn't do it. Was our friendship, our brotherhood, not strong enough to last long...they chose him rather than taking my side.

I was not ready for a serious commitment, but trust me, I was tried to feel that being committed would be more fun....the even thought to make my Family realize that I was in a relationship with a man. I know how conservative my parents are, they would have seriously done something crazy if I ever told them. To be honest the moment my parents learned about Pha and Kit relationship with Yo and Ming...they started to nag me not to be friend with them...just that thought of seeing them and doing something sinful made then to feel disgusted. It was not an ok situation as per them....I know my parents sound like Homophobic but....they are not...they just don't find it right. I would not say I never tried to tell my parents the truth about Forth, but all was falling on deaf ears....I tried to create scenarios just to make them understand that it was ok to have this life choice. But truth to be told I was rather not convinced by myself.

He was clear, Forth was all set to tell my family about the relationship he personally wanted to meet them, but I stopped him....I was not ready for it.

Today I see myself a happy man, married the most awesome person....her name is Achara, as her name is she is really an angel who is very beautiful both inside out. My parents just got me married me with her....I told the truth of my life....I told her all about Forth. She feels bad for him, not for me...till date she tells me I am a cold -hearted bastard...but she still loves me.....actually I am a real mess...today I am done being guilty...I no more have the feeling I had for him.....it's just her only her that matters.

I left the city where I studies in uni, I wanted to do practice in nearby hospitals. But as my parents insisted I must do specialization...so all I did was more to the best practicing hospital not in the core city where competition is fierce. So best option is to practice in the province where a good exposure to real scenarios is very much the reason to continue. Today I am the best at what I do....I am the best OB/Gyn you may find with hands on experience.

But life has other plan, I guess life is going to turn upside down for me

My wife has decided to be in the same city as he is....yes, I am going back to main city...I guess I must make the most out of this opportunity to mend my broken relationship with my buddies.

I am sure of one thing...a big storm is heading towards me..

I better be ready to face it.

Did I do it right...that question still there in my mind.

Let's face the scrutiny of people....be a man beam barameee.

I want my Friends back....and off Corse forgiveness from that one particular Tan guy....

REDEMPTIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora