10. Meeting Him....

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Hi everyone, just felt like doing double update.

I hope you all enjoy it, please feel free to comment. Thanks :)


For both Pete and Forth the day started quite well, Forth's mom was teasing both of them.... she just noticed that purplish mark on her son's skin and decided to embarrass them. "Hey dear, did you both had a good sleep...Hey Pete why you looking so pinkish....let me check...do you have temperature" with that she touches Pete's forehead.

"You both must take a good amount of sleep...me & your dad didn't have a good sleep. I guess it was due to the noise coming from outside, but yesterday it was too much." She said it by making serious face.

Pete was making a fish face, pouting throughout the discussion, Forth just preferred to smile and shake his head in disagreement...he was just looking from the corner of his eyes how Pete was getting flustered.

Then suddenly Forth's mom just poked her finger on her son's skin....she said "Hey honey, what's that on your neck..??"

"It's nothing mom"

"Is that a bug bite, but what kind of bug will have such a big mouth....its quite big....!!"

"Mom its nothing, don't worry." Suddenly she poked it hard, and Forth just flinched making a sound "oouucchh, that hurts maaa"

"I guess the big bit you have, it is really bad, why do I feel as if that thing big mouth is somewhere nearby. Or is it some kind of skin rash....dear just get it treated....let me have a proper look at it"

The more my mom was coming near me, the more Pete was getting embarrassed....he realized he just kind of branded Forth to keep everyone at bay.

"That is enough, you are really making them uncomfortable....you know it well dear. Have mercy on them." With that Dad came to Forth's rescue.

They had a really good laugh over the entire incidence, Pete just looked at everyone....in his mind the entire episode was getting played in slow-motion. Talks like these were so much fun, he still couldn't comprehend, how he became so lucky....he just smiled widely and looked at Forth lovingly.

At Jamornkul Office

Forth was just looking at the details about the forecasts sent for the future sales, they need to improve their production plan and to give their best to keep up to the expectations from new consortium partners. Pete is waiting at the main entrance to welcome Achara and her team who will be parking themselves in this main office, he made all necessary arrangements to make sure she is comfortable. She just hugged Pete with a wide smile and introduced everyone, she asked about Forth and at that moment he just entered to greet her. She just noticed something immediately and gave that mischievous look to Pete to which he smiles sheepishly. They took her to the office and they just took her around, Achara felt so comfortable and her team was also happy to see the new setup, everyone got comfortable at their workstations. Meanwhile, in her assigned office, they showed her desk and made her familiar with all the arrangements. As always Forth took their leave to attend some meeting.

She just jumped on this opportunity to talk with Pete, she was seriously inquisitive the moment she noticed that hickey.

"Don't tell me you are those possessive types.... it doesn't suit you."

Pete just rolled his eyes and said "I am not the possessive types, I just wanted to try something new."

"Well don't you think, wasn't it too late to try something new. You have been married for so long, and you want to try something new.... seriously!!"

Pete just nodded his head to tell that he is curious type of person.

Achara just keep on giggling, she just loved the way Pete is, she finds him super cute.

"Pete, after meeting you two...I am a bit curious to know your and Forth part of the story."

"As in....I didn't get you. There is no our part of the story. But there is nothing to hide, our life is like an open book. Everyone knows everything about us. How we happened is the talk of the town." Pete said this teasingly.

Achare made 'I am not amused face to Pete' to which he laughed out to his heart's content.... with that he agreed to tell her every bit of the detail.

They discussed how will they work in and around, most of the time Forth will be busy working on other assignments and he will keep meeting them at evening.

They both were giving their best to get the best outcome, during lunch time Forth still busy with meeting....he forgot to have his lunch as he does it evertime.

Achara saw the worried face of Pete, "What's the matter, why are you looking so worried dear..!!! I hope everything is ok."

"I just keep worrying about Forth health, he is suppose to look after himself in my absence. The main reason to join him here was to take care of him and to help out. It's not that he is not capable of handling this business empire, but its more with to be beside him as his biggest support. Now he just gave me that freedom to take care of this assignment." She just nods in agreement.

They both talked about how they should take things forward and how the progress will be looked into. They just spent most of the time discussing, Pete just keeps switching from one office to another to make it work smoothly.

They didn't realize that it was already evening time, since it was her first time Beam was going to meet her at the new office, he just drove to the mentioned address not realizing that he might come across that one particular person.


I just reached to the mentioned place, went to ask at the reception desk regarding Achara. They politely asked me to wait at the waiting area, I was checking the waiting area, there I could read the history of the family and business details. This office seemed to be run by thorough professionals, I started to look around the pictures and there I caught sight of one particular familiar face...and beside him was the person I hated the most. Then I started to move closer to the framed photograph. I couldn't get the clear details, it just that, it made me more curious. Meanwhile, someone entered the office followed by few people behind him, giving some briefs about some report. I just absent mindedly followed where he was heading.

I just stood at a distance, noticed that everyone just settled back to their respective desk. I just started to move in the direction of his office, all the resolved and determination couldn't help me to suppress my urge to go and see him. I kept moving and reached for the door and slowly opened it...not getting bothered by the names being called out loud by others.

I saw him being focused on reading something, sitting at the edge of the table and reading something seriously....I so badly wanted to hug him, but first thing first....I gathered all my courage and then I said

"FORTH..." with that he just lifted his head....!!

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