12.Meeting old Friends....

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Hi everyone, long time I didn't published new chapter....i hope you all are doing good.

I hope you all like this chapter.....thanks for reading.


After the incidence with Forth, Pete became more cautious. He decided to accompany Forth most of the places for a meeting. This incidence has made him more protective towards his husband, as if Forth really needed it. Though next day the bandages were evident, everyone in the office was aware, of what happened, it spreader like a wild fire. This also kept everyone on high alert making sure that Beam is kept away from Forth and Pete, it was the love they had towards these two humble people.

Achara apologized on behalf of Beam, she felt bad as she could feel Pete was really sad, but there was no change in behavior from both of them. She was happy to know such sweet people, she decided to keep an eye on Beam. She wanted to know the truth behind this incidence and what made them to go separate ways, Pete is the right person to give answers to all her questions. She has planned to know the real story and how things were, when they were in a relationship, knowing Forth side of the story was important and how Pete came in his life....all about university days.

Beam was annoyed to the core, the moment he came to know that Pete is major part of Forth life, he just so badly wanted Forth back. So what is the best way to get back what he owns, simple get all your Friends on your side. He re-dialed Kit and kept on sending him texts, saying he was sorry for his behaviors and harsh words at that time. Somehow beam succeeded in getting him on board for the reunion. So now all he has to do is to make sure he reconnects with every one of them so that they all are together like old days.... close knitted.... crazy doctor gang.

Kit was sure there were hidden intention in reconnecting with the gang, but Beam forgot one thing....he underestimated the close bond kit shares with Forth and Pete...this incidence has bought all of them much more closer. So Kit just talked with Phana, Lam and Max....he briefed them the conversation and Beams attempts to reconnect. So they just planned to drop by at their residence to meet Forth and Pete. They all were always welcomed at any time of the day by Forth's parents it is said that, 'A true Friend is someone who is there for you when he would rather be anywhere else' they all are truly close friends.

Pete and Forth were happy to see them all, Kit, who become more close with Pete noticed that something was wrong....he asked and they all talked about it. After knowing what happen, Kit and Phana got annoyed....Lam and Max just asked them to think rationally so that they can be more careful about Beams intentions. Now that they know the real intent they planned to play along.

Kit planned for the reunion, it has been years together they really want to see the real beam, deep down each one of them has their grudges, they decided to confront when the time is right....but not now. They just want to know what will happen when they ask Forth and Pete to join along.

At the Restaurant

Kit, Ming, Phana along with wayo were the first one to arrive at the decided venue. They wanted to make sure thing go the way they planned...they just want Beam to feel that he has missed a lot over the years...and he was welcomed as well. Wayo was the same old cute looking and Ming was all set to join Forth as their Family has planned to expand business. Ming was more responsible and was happy taking good care of his P'Kit.

Beam and Achara just arrived at the said location. They both were greeted at the welcome desk they were guided towards their table. They entered holding hands....Beam introduced everyone to her. They all liked her the moment the talked with her....her smile was so genuine that there were nothing to hide. Beam just looked around noticed the excess chair but didn't say anything. They all talked with each other...just to keep the spirits high, they all decided not to talk about what happen in the past, but rather they will talk about their time about childhood.

Suddenly two noisy people entered, it was no one but Lam and Ken followed by Max and Tul....they were bickering about something. Suddenly they notice everyone was looking at them. Suddenly Ken just tugged on lams shirt, pointing at only female present in the entire group.

"She is so cute looking, no wonder Beam left Forth for her." Ken said...her beauty amazed him....but he didn't realise what mistake he has done.

Lam just smacked Ken, making other to yelp due to that sudden attack...he said "If you decided to go and get a girl just like her, be my guest. I am sure what your dad said was so true, you will leave me someday the same way Beam left Forth." with that Lam was about to leave...though they were talking in low tone, they could see everyone notice the sudden change in mood.

Max and Tul just smacked Ken, hinting he just made Lam upset, if Forth comes to know about it, he will be dead.... since Lam was his Childhood Friend he was equally important part of his family....just like a brother. Ken just made puppy eyes towards Lam and literally begged for his forgiveness...he just took Lam out for a few min and talked few sweet words so that he and Forth would not punish him.

They all made a re-entry with smiley faces so the Engineering gang was equally important part of the Doctor gang. Beam introduced them to Achara, she found them more crazy...in a way she didn't feel odd in this entire group.

They all were talking about university days, the evening was getting more interesting suddenly Wayo said "P'Pha we didn't call Pete and Earn", the moment Pete name was mention Beam just got bit tensed....but he was not sure about Earn...who were they talking about. Phana just smiled and told that they were out of town....still confused with the entire discussion about them....he tried to ask Kit about it...but suddenly everyone notice the arrival of the most sweetest couple.

Beam just looked in that direction, suddenly Achara smiled, looking at Pete and Forth. The sudden change in mood was evident, it was so lively just more like the old days, when Pete used to come in Engineering Food court to have lunch..... how they use to be during lunch time....for a moment Beam felt as if everything is in slow motion..

He could see everyone want Pete to sit beside them ...they were pulled him in every direction as if he was some kind of celebrity.....just like the old days were everyone use to idolize Forth and Beam, in that moment Beam felt what he did was so not right....he suddenly saw himself in Pete's place where he could see him and Forth as a happily married couple but..... The reality was Pete replaced him in Forth life.

Beam just tried to ease his aching heart, he just wanted to apologize to Forth for his sudden outburst....he gathered his courage and said one thing in front of everyone..."I am sorry Forth.....Please forgive me for my odd behavior"

Everyone was shocked...to see Beam saying sorry for the first time.....they knew deep-down this evening is going to be interesting.

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