19. Missing him

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Hi everyone, I hope everyone is doing well... I sincerely apologize for not updating this fanfiction for a long time. I was taking care of certain personal issues, so that's why couldn't focus on writing. I will keep on updating as in when I am able to update it. I hope you have not discarded or put this fanfic in the trash bin. Thanks for reading this chapter.....HAPPY HOLI to all. 


Pete POV

It's not even a full week I already miss Forth, I am more worried about his health and the stress that is due to the sudden presence of Beam....this is so stormy situation. Oh lord, Beam is seriously pissed to see me as a major part in Forth's life, this is adding too much of the stress. Ahh, but what should I say, it is not that bad, this is letting me express more and able to show my wild side or rather the way he used to be possessive. Just by thinking about it, I had that sudden need to call my husband with tinted cheeks, I pick my phone, as I was about to dial his number, there was this sudden '♥Hubby ♥' calling blinking on my phone. I answered it right away; I was so restless to hear his voice after stressful and long days without him.

The first thing that he said was "I miss you" and after that, he was sneezing badly, suddenly I got worried.

"Are you ok baby, why are you sneezing" I know I was sounding stupid with my questions, but he is so far away from me, in such situations I want to be near him cuddling him, sharing each other's warmth. He is a careless person when it comes to his health....again at the other end, I could hear him sneezing continuously this reminds me of how we both have one thing in common, we both have cute sneezing noise. After another sneezing sound, I said: "Forth are you listening to me, baby you are scaring me..!!" I heard his hoarse voice as he replied, "I am ok, and just some cold and body pain doesn't worry naa."

"How can I not worry, you are out there alone and no one to take care of you. I will call your hotel to get some doctor."

"No, dear, will call the front desk for some Aspirin and sleep." Forth said that to ease the panic-stricken me.

The moment he said Aspirin I got worried, though he is off antidepressants for almost a year now he cannot take his health so lightly. The only thing that I could think of was I have to be with him, no matter what so the only logical thing that I could think of was taking matters in my own hands. So best is, calling the hotel and asking for some doctor though I know Forth will not do that right away.

"Forth please take a bath in warm water and have some soup. I will be there in a few hours; I don't want you to be reckless with your health."

"You seriously so worried about me, I don't mind you coming here. It has been a while, but I will be returning in two days baby is it worth the hassle." Giving no ear to what he said in the last part I just continued organizing my stuff and said,

"I am leaving, I told mom, dad, they are ok, and I can't stand the thought of you being alone, will call you once I land... muahahaha... see you soon baby."

I quickly packed a few essentials for the remaining days and went out of our room. Mom and Dad were waiting for me and were surprised by my sudden decision to see Forth, I assured them that everything was fine with him. They dropped me at the Airport and told them that I will call them back. As I was waiting to board my flight, all the memories came rushing back, everyone wants to know how I came into this entire combination. I am grateful that in my life I was able to be part of such a wonderful person, but it hurts me more when I look back we both have gone through difficult times and we overcame them together.


I don't remember why I was bullied, not any specific reason or I must say many reasons. I have always been bullied for being this fragile or weak looking kid, or for being with a single parent or maybe for coming in a chauffeur driven car. As I said no, specific reason, so my mom decided to switch to school. She just knows though I never told her, somehow mom knows everything, the remaining part of my school days were good as I happen to make a few good friends. When it comes to university life, I preferred to be in the best university I always wanted to do Business Management so that I can help my mom. I love her so much, but she is not aware of one secret, I am proud of who I am and my preferences. So here I am in this situation, hmmm I really can't tell my mom she will for sure.... freak out. It's just that these particular sets of students are harassing me with a clear motive, they are looting me and they want all my pocket money and stuff whenever they find something new. I was an obvious target and it was getting more chaotic, it went beyond fixing as it started getting physical.

But mom somehow came to know about my situation as she noticed those marks on my wrist, she just made me do all the talking. So I was left with no other choice to come out to her. I still really remember every word of it. I was living with all that burden deep in my heart, I really didn't want to lose the love that I get from her, I was scared that she would hate me for who I have become. I know my mom never pin down her expectations on me but somewhere I felt that I failed her. I was surely surprised the way she reacted, she accepted with no second thoughts. I love my mom for being so open-hearted and so accepting with no double standard, though I know she is surrounded by that kind of people.

She said she will take these matters in her own hand and here I was getting worried with all the stupid things. This gave me some kind of relief and strength to face the situation I was in, but I can't really get rid of these bullies who decided to take it to the next level. I need some kind of support, someone who can help me for real. But my mom had different plans, she took me to meet her friend on Saturday morning, she said she wants me to meet her. I was a bit surprised as what that had to do with me going with my mom to meet her best friend. With no further complaints, we were waiting for my mom's best friend in this amazing restaurant. The ambiance was awesome it has been ages that I went to such a good place, I am sure the food will be good as lately, I was not able to eat properly apart from my dinners. Then I saw this amazing lady entering the restaurant with this amazing smile, that heartwarming smile can make your day. The moment she saw my mom the smile reached her eyes, it was like a reunion of long lost friends, it was such a warm moment. I admired this scene in front of me; I have never seen my mom so happy, at least not in front of others. I am happy to see them smiling and hugging as you see people meet their long lost friends.

Then suddenly I was the one to be talked about, she just hugged me and assured me everything will be fine, to which I nodded. Then she just called some to come and join someone, I just notice a young, handsome man entering with the same smile as that of my mom's friends.

It was like at that moment I knew, 'I was going to fall in love with him the moment I saw him' then my mom introduced me to him and yes he was no one other than 'Forth Jamornkul'

End of Flashback...

I look at the ring and I still can't believe that I am married to him; it was love at first sight for me. At that meeting I didn't even know what he did, he was just my mom's best friend's son who happened to join us for lunch. I just looked at my phone wallpaper; it's the photograph of us when we actually accepted each other. And love him so much, even though I know deep down what is Beam's real intention, but I will do whatever Forth want for me he is the most important person in my life and no one can change that. I was happy that in a few minutes I would be in those strong arms and making new memories. 

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