musical massacre

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It was the day of the musical and everyone was hyped. Kevin was the director of the new hit of Riverdale High- Carrie: the musical. Veronica was playing Chris, the bad girl. Betty was playing Sue, the good girl. And Archie was playing Tommy, the good guy. When Veronica found out Betty and Archie were going to be playing boyfriend and girlfriend, she wasn't thrilled. Although she later realized that it was ok. She knew Betty wouldn't do that to her, or to jughead. And Archie would in no way do that either..... right??

veronicas P.O.V
I couldn't stop smiling all day. I awaited the performance practicing my routine over and over in my head. then the time came. The audience rolled into the auditorium and took their seats. After about 10 minutes, Jughead was going around doing final interviews. (he was the camera man). He went to interview Betty first, since they're dating, and found her and Archie talking. They were mid-deep in conversation when he and I- both eavesdropping- heard a sentence that confused the hell out of both of us. "It's kinda weird that we're playing boyfriend and girlfriend," Archie started, "but kinda cool." Archie gave Betty a big dorky smile and Betty smiled back tilting her chin. I narrowed my eyes at both of them and walked back behind the curtain. Me and Betty weren't in a good place right now. she harassed me about my father once again. I'm done with her. And I hope Archie is too. I'll talk to him after the musical.

I ran back behind stage thinking about what I just heard. I wonder what jughead thought. I know he heard them. I reapplied my makeup and changed out of my robe to my costume. I walked out of the room to see Kevin rushing through the halls. I tried to ask what's going on, but he said nothing. He looked terrified. I didn't know what to expect. Kevin was extremely dramatic, but this time it looked sincere. He zoomed past me and I kept walking ignoring the fact that Kevin was hyperventilating. I saw jughead turning the corner and he opened up a room. I heard two voices. One sounded like fangs who I know because of Cheryl and Toni, and the other sounded... familiar. I couldn't place it but it seemed like there was something going on between them. They shooed jughead out and when he left giving a fake apology, he looked shocked and in awe. He walked right past me without even giving me a glance. I continued and ran into Cheryl.

"Hey Cher! what's up-", I had started, but an intercom interrupted me.

"FIVE MINUTES TILL SHOW TIME. I REPEAT FIVE MINUTES TILL SHOW TIME. EVERYONE GET IN THEIR POSITIONS." It was Kevin. I don't know if anyone else noticed but there was a hint of fear in his voice.

"Hi veronica" Cheryl said as we both giggled.

"I would love to continue chatting, but I have to find Toni. Toodles bestie!" Cheryl said. and with that, she was gone.

I turned around and saw everyone getting in their positions. I got in mine as the curtain raised.

We were halfway through the performance when Alice, Betty's mom, was singing angelically. I watched with a smile on my face. I had done pretty good. Now it was the fun part. I got to see everyone's face as they were up there singing with a little terror and enjoyment. I laughed silently to myself and smiled. I was on the sidelines, when I turned around to see Betty. She was walking next to Archie laughing and talking about god knows what. When she saw me, her smile dropped and her expression hardened. Her innocent praise turned to a death stare as I rolled my eyes and turned back around. I could tell immediately after I turned, Betty and Archie went back to their conversation. I heard the familiar voice once again. I couldn't make out what it was saying, but I turned to see no one. I ignored it and continued watching Alice sing more. It was almost over when the curtain behind her rolled up. Alice was the last to notice, but when she heard the gasps and turned around to see the lifeless body of a now former river vixen: Midge Klump. Now I know who I heard! Why did I hear Midge's voice only a few minutes ago and now see her plastered on the wall with knives holding her hands on? Blood was dripping from the corners of her mouth and there was a note on the board she was on. It was written in her blood. I was so shocked I mixed up the words and got dizzy. The only thing I payed attention to was the fact that it was signed from the BLACK HOOD. Betty and Archie were there when he died. how could... I was so confused, but my thoughts were interrupted by Alice's scream. Everyone started running out. I heard yelling and bickering. I run back stage and hear the cast of the musical freaking out. I saw Betty in a panic. I assumed she was looking for jughead. I was about to run the her and tell her I saw him leave through the back with his camera, when I saw Betty turn around and her worried face turned to relived. I hear someone yell, "Betty!" My mouth dropped when I saw who. Archie took Betty's hand when she smiled and he pulled her towards the back exit. "We gotta go. I want you to be safe, cmon betts, there's a killer on the loose!" He said as he looked back at her to see if she was ok. When he looked back though, he saw me instead. He saw my eyes get watery and me gulp hard. A tear streamed down my cheek and I ran as fast as I could out of there. I wasn't wearing the most comfortable shoes, but I didn't care. I heard my name called out once from behind me. "Ronnie!" Archie yelled, probably still holding Betty's hand. I continued running and running. I passed so many people, it was like I was in a marathon. The cool air zoomed past me, drying my tears. I went down streets I didn't even know, I turned left and right not knowing where I was going, just to throw Archie off track in case he was following me. I stopped to catch my breath and turned around. What is wrong with you Ronnie? he's not even running after you. I said to myself. there was no way he was running after me. No matter how fast I sprinted, there was no way archie wouldn't have beat me. He could've came after me if he wanted to, but he didn't. I thought about how he chose saving Betty over me, not even thinking of my well being. I continued crying. all I could picture was them laughing together and.... kissing. I had never seen them kiss but Archie told me they did. I forgave him because he told me the truth. I appreciated his honesty. but Archie's... swell. he might not have said that out of sincere love, but maybe guilt. I continued thinking about them. Together. and when I think of one bad thing, it spreads in my brain like an infection. I started thinking about everything else that's messed up in my life, my parents, how I basically have zero friends, how everyone in this town hates me, and now my own boyfriend didn't care about whether or not I was ok. my hot tears started coming and I started to run. Again. But this time even faster. I tried to run my tears off. I tried to run till my blood stopped boiling. Anything to get the pain to stop. My calves were burning now, but I didn't care. I was still in my outfit, running in crappy shoes, my hair curled, and my hot tears didn't dry this time. They kept coming. my mind just shot to the worst thought possible. Is Archie cheating on me? My running stopped when I bumped shoulders with someone. "Veroni-" I cut whoever it was off by me knocking them down. Me myself fell forward. I hit the cement with my knee. I put all my weight on it and fell forward after my knee impact. My face hit the ground and I got dizzy. I slowly opened my eyes to see someone else laying on the ground opening their eyes. Whoever it was shot up and tried to shake me. I used everything I had in me to get up, but I couldn't. The world started spinning and my eyes slowly closed shut.

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