no way in hell II

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"MOM!! DAD!!"

Hope raced down the stairs with all of her energy toward her parents. She was in tears, scared that what she had read was reality.

"MOM, DAD!" She came closer to her parents' bedroom. Once she entered, her parents sat up and rushed to the edge of the bed, alarmed by her screams and tears.

"Mija! What's wrong?," Both Veronica And Jughead said in sync. Jughead had gotten in the habit of calling his daughter, Hope, by Mija.

"The story! I-it can't be-" Hope stuttered over her own words, tears refusing to stop falling.

"WHO DIED?!" Veronica smiles at her handsome husband who just returned it.

"Mija, please, calm down-"

"WHO WAS IT, MOM!" Veronica gestured for her beautiful green eyed, 13 year-old, brunette daughter to sit by her on the bed.

"The story, mija, it's fake." Hope stared blankly at her parents. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?"

"Hey! Watch your mouth young lady!," Veronica warned. "Well, she takes after her mother," Jughead shrugged, Veronica gave him a quick deadly glare.

"The story is fake? But how? And why... why did you write this, mom? Dad? WHY DID YOU DO THIS?" Hope was frantic and confused.

"We wrote it because we wanted to show people out there that not everyone's lives are perfect," Jughead stared, wiping the tears from his daughters cheeks.

"No one is perfect, even though they may seem." Veronica looked to her husband and they almost mentally joined together at the thought of Betty Cooper.

"But this is so realistically written. It's just... how could you two write something like that without actually feeling how you felt?"

"It's called being an author, mija," Veronica assures the exasperated girl.

"So who died? Please tell me!" Veronica laughed and looked to her little girl, playing with the tips of her long brown hair a bit.

Veronica grew a wide smile. "And it said- I woke up. what does that mean?!"

"What do you think?" Hope swallowed a moment.

"Well, first of all, I find it very weird you used your own names." Jughead laughed.

"It helped us develop better emotions in the book. We expressed ourselves in a more elevated way," Jughead said, raising his hands to his daughters head to lift the familiar beanie off of her head.

"I think the fact that you made grandpa a villain was funny," Hope smiled. Veronica and Jughead shot each other a quick glare.

"Well, I know you never knew your grandpa, honey, but honestly, he was just like how he was in the book. The character was not a mere character, it was the exact reflection of your grandfather." Hopes smile faded.

"Really?" Veronica and Jughead gave faint smiles.

"But he's found peace," Veronica smiled. Hope looked at her beanie in her lap.

"In hell," Jughead quickly whispered to his wife while their daughter was distracted. Veronica released a low laugh. Hope looked back up.

"Can you please just tell me who died? And if it was actually... a dream?"

"We already did this, Hope. Who do you think died?" Hope huffed and puffed a bit.

"Aunt Betty?" Veronica laughed. "If you want her to die then sure."

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