screw it

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Jugheads P.O.V

I was in a lot of pain, but as usual, I wasn't going to let anyone know. Toni had recently calmed down and her crying came to a small whimper.

Sweet pea was asleep, can't say I'm surprised. fangs still had Toni laying in his lap while he was softly stroking her hair.

I felt myself internally bleeding, but all I could think about was Veronica. I know it's cheesy, but hear me out.

I mainly just want to tell her how sorry I am. I want to apologize and explain to her about this disorder I just found out I have. I wanted to tell her, I needed to tell her. I need to tell her everything I should've in the hospital. And I can't do that if either of us are dead.

But I couldn't walk, none the less could I run to her aid and fight back Hiram and his men. I could barely stand. But all this weight on my back wasn't helping me along, so I had to tell somebody before I mentally collapsed.

"Guys." Toni didn't pick up her head, and Fangs was just staring at the brick wall.

And sweet pea continued to snore.

"Guys," I said a bit louder. Fangs kept his head against the wall and just gave me a quick glare before staring back at the pavement. The others didn't even flinch. Okay then... screw it.

"Im bipolar." Oh boy did that get their attention.

Toni shot up and flashed her freshly teary eyes at me as well as her stained tears of mascara.

Fangs jerked his head to me, not just his eyes, and they both exclaimed, "what?", at the same time.

Due to their loud yells, sweet pea awoke from his slumber. I was honestly surprised and a little startled by the sudden movement and curiosity they all had toward my "disorder."

"What the hell did you just say?" Toni was firm and her natural and demanding voice returned.

"What happened," sweet pea stretched his words with a sleep and exhausted tone of annoyance. he was obviously not happy we woke him up.

"Jughead just blurted out that he was bipolar," fangs said almost as if I had said something wrong.

"What? Isn't that when your afraid of polar bears? Or... bisexuals?" Once again, sweet pea has not failed to amaze me at his stupidity.

Toni and fangs turned to him with a shocked expression because if my previous news, and an unbelieving emotion at sweet peas intelligence.

"What? No, sweet pea, I don't fear polar bears nor... bisexuals." I was hesitant with the last part considering Toni was right there.

"Well you should be scared. They are a very dangerous species that can get to be up to more than 7 and a half feet tall. Standing on their hind legs of course."

What? I—

Sweet Pea knows that, but he doesn't know what bipolar depression is?

Now that I think about it, I just pray he's talking about polar bears.

"Oh god I can't even look at you right now," I sis looking away from sweet pea. He just shrugged and turned to fangs and toni.

"Then what is bipolar?" Toni sighed and looked at me while she answered his question.

"If you are bipolar, you have intense mood changes, ranging from dramatic lows, to maniac highs." Sweet Pea shot his head to jughead.

"Are you serious, bro?" I rolled my eyes and laid my head up against the wall again.

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