not just yet

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Jughead P.O.V

Since I assume my dad didn't call the serpents after what just went down, I took it upon myself to call the most responsible serpent.


"Jughead, where are you? You're on speaker."

"What? I'm on my way, I'll be here in a minute or two, why?"

"Your dad called me. We escorted the other serpents out. It's just us now. What's going on? Why are you out of the hospital?"

"I'll explain everything, but first, we have to save her."

"What? Jughead, save who?"

"Veronica. You in?"

There was a short silence from the other end.

"Hell yeah."

I quickly hung up the phone after her reply. I was too puzzled to continue the conversation. Why would my dad call them after the argument we just had? But now that I think about it, he didn't dinghy back, send himself, or insult me at all. Which is very unusual. But I don't have time to question my oblivious father right now, I have a girl to save.


When I finally arrived there, I rushed in and Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs turned to me with a questioning face.

"Jughead, please explain what's going on," Fangs eagerly said. He recently recovered from his bullet wound, and has been waiting impatiently for some action- aka serpent business.

"My guess is Hiram Lodge is holding his daughter hostage in the basement." The three friends looked at each other and back to me.

"What?" They all spoke at the same time, and as much as I wanted to chuckle, I couldn't. I was worried sick.

"She was discharged from the hospital today by someone of the initials, HL." I shook my head and then looked around and realized I haven't heard any annoying or unhelpful remarks yet.

"Where's Cheryl?," I asked furrowing my eyebrows at them.

"Well, when she heard Veronica was the one we would be saving, she... went to get something," sweet pea answered. He didn't even seem to know where she went or why.

"What did she get?," I asked slightly frustrated.

"I don't know!," sweet pea yelled back. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Well she better hurry cause we have no time to l-"

"Calm your tits hobo. I heard we were saving my girl, and I just had to get backup. I have arrived." I looked up from behind the bar to her, now holding her weapon. She laid one hand on her hip and with the other, she loaded her red bow and arrow.

"Now we can kick some arrogant ass."


We made sure we had our knifes on us, and Cheryl kept her bow and arrow in her... bow and arrow holder thing on her back. I honestly have no idea what that things called.

I lead them down to where I had tortured veronica before. I hope they don't know just how much I tortured her.

As I was walking them down to the basement, I couldn't help but think about why the hell sweet pea was helping. He fake dated Veronica, and almost did something that would've scarred her for life if I didn't stop him. Why the hell does he care about her? Or why is he acting like he does?

I held my finger to my lips as we came upon the door to living hell. They all nodded, agreeing with the silence code. I laid my back up softly against the door before taking a deep yet silent breath. Then, I turned and kicked the door with all my might, sending it flying open.

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