true to my word

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Veronicas P.O.V
I woke up the next morning and put on a similar badass outfit that I had on the day before. Tight white crop top and black ripped jeans. Booty heels, and another ponytail. I wore the same smokey eye make up and purple lipstick. The day went by fine with weird smiles form Sweet Pea and even weirder from Betty.

At lunch, this was the time. I sat by Sweet Pea again and he put his arm around me.

I saw Betty who thought it was a little strange. Then I whispered into Sweet Pea's ear and we stood up. We went to the middle of the cafeteria. "Listen up everyone! I want to make an announcement!" I yelled loud enough so everyone could hear. Betty looked confused. "I wanted everyone to know that I'm making it official! Me and Sweet Pea are dating!" Betty frowned at me. Maybe she thought it was because I didn't want to come out.. or something, but then I pulled Sweet Pea in and he kissed me. There were several cheers from random people in the cafeteria. When I pulled away I cheered and saw Betty with tears in her eyes. Archie looked heartbroken too. I then saw jughead looking confused as he walked over to our table. Well, the serpent table. Me and Sweet Pea sat back down. I leaned on him and put my head on his shoulder. We kept kissing throughout the whole lunch. Jughead looked annoyed. I don't know why, but he did.
"What're you looking at?" I asked him. "Nothing," He said eating his burger. "Really? Cause if you got a problem, I can give you a problem," I said leaning on Sweet Pea more. "Nothing," was all he said as he threw his burger down and left.

After school I got invited by Sweet Pea to pops. I honestly didn't want to go, but he seems to like me. As much as I've changed, I don't like using people like this. Whatever. They did this to me. Everyone made me the person I am today.

I went to pops  and greeted a smiling Sweet Pea. He ordered us a couple of milkshakes, and he kept playing footsie with me under the table. It felt good to have someone like me this much. He... he did like me.. right?

When we finished, he invited me over to watch a movie. It's Friday, so why not?

We went to his trailer and he put on a movie. I saw it was on Netflix, and I started to realize what he wanted to do. I do not want to Netflix and chill with him. He covered us with a blanket and put on a movie. He started kissing my neck in the middle of the movie. I tried to focus on the tv, but he wouldn't stop. I turned toward him and gave him a peck on the lips. It held him off for a couple of minutes, then he started again. He started to move his hands down my back and then grabbed my ass. I jumped at that and turned to him. "Oh sorry," he said smiling. I gave a fake smile back and laid my head in his lap. He moved me up straight, and then kissed me again. This time I kissed back. He took the popcorn off my lap and took his jacket off. He unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his abs. He placed my hand on them to feel. He put me on his lap, and kissed me down my back. He tried to take my shirt off but I refused so he got confused. He unbuttoned his and my jeans and slid them down. I ran my fingers through his hair, and realized this wasn't what I wanted. I couldn't lead him on if I'm just.... using him.
He took my pants off then stroked my underwear, but I pushed him off of me. "I'm sorry, I can't" I said as I put my jeans back on. "What the hell?" He yelled at me. I fixed my shirt and my jeans. "I'm sorry I... I have to go," I said grabbing my purse. He snatched my purse out of my hands. "Hey!" I said turning around. He threw my purse on the ground and pushed me on his couch. I got up but he pushed me back down. "Let me go!" I yelled. He wouldn't, he tried to unbutton my jeans again, but I slapped him. He held his cheek, so I took advantage of the situation, grabbed my purse, and left. I ran out trying not to cry. Thank god the old Veronica wasn't in that situation. She would've been....  yeah... but there was no way in hell I was going to lose my virginity to him or Betty.

I got to pops and went to sleep. I turned 'friends' on again and tried not to think about what just happened. I went to bed thinking about it. Despite everything that happened, I stayed true to my word and didn't shed a tear.

dear readers,
             Thank you guys so much for all the Kiev and support! It makes me so happy to see the comments you guys post! Btw, keep in mind Veronica is a virgin. Thanks again sooo much for all the love!
        -jeronicaslove 💜

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